How to use a sales funnel in your MLM business


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How to use a Sales Funnel to help your Network Marketing Business

By: Adam Boyd

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What is a Sales Funnel?

•A sales funnel, or marketing funnel, is basically a sales process or systematic approach for selling a product or service.

•Most network marketers are familiar with the process of taking your leads through a series of steps up until closing them into your business.

•Unfortunately, 97% of network marketers fail because they don’t know how to properly approach this process.

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Push or Pull?

•Many MLMers are told to push their product to their warm market and once that diminishes, to buy some cold leads.

•I prefer attraction marketing. Becoming a leader in the market by leading with value instead of pushing. People join people they know, like, and trust.

•Myth: People will join you because you have a good product, company history, or nice compensation plan.

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Multiple Forms of Income

•A sales funnel also includes the idea of having multiple streams of income.

•Most successful home business owners and entrepreneurs have more than one way to make money.

•That way, If something goes wrong with one, they won’t go broke.

•Don’t leave money on the table!

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This is a numbers game, right?• You hear so much that network marketing is a

numbers game. A certain percentage will join, you just have to get the word out there and expose them.

• Obviously, If you can get your opportunity in front of more people then you will have more success.

• I recommend leveraging the internet. Become a leader and put yourself out there for people to find, instead of chasing down all your friends and family.

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How can the internet help me generate leads?•There are billions of people on the

internet. •Blogging, article marketing, social

networking….if utilized properly, will change your business.

•What if you could make money off the 95% of people who say “no” to your business?

•The Answer: Affiliate Marketing•Make money on the front end so you can

afford to market your network marketing business.

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Using tools to get ranked in the search engines• We all need leads. Most of us don’t have that much

money to just go buy a bunch of leads and outsource it to an expert recruiter.

• There are a number of tools that you can use that will pay you commissions for selling their products.

• These tools make it so you can explode your internet exposure all on you can have that time freedom you were looking for.

• They will also help you get ranked in the search engines for different keywords. Those keywords will bring you traffic.

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Should you be blogging?• There are millions of Google searches per day on all

kinds of keywords. Create some content and back link the hell out of it with your tools.

• Once you rank for those keywords, you will get some of that traffic.

• I use blogging so I have a home that people can come to learn about me and my business.

• It is an easy and cheap way for me to provide value to the market through my posts.

• Become an expert in your niche, do your research. You can’t fake being an expert, you actually have to put the time and work in to be considered a leader or expert.

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How to Capture that Traffic•Next, you are going to want to capture that

traffic with an offer or an opt in box.•Give something of value for their name and

email address. It could be an ebook, a PDF, one of your products, or a webinar, a how to guide, whatever.

• I also like boot camps where you give like a 7 day video training. In those trainings, you show them how to do get traffic, or get ranked, or get subscribers, whatever your expertise is in.

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• It’s not easy to rank for keywords by yourself. You would be spending all damn day trying to do all the things you have to do.

• Many keywords have all kinds of competition. The competition is fierce lately, and you need thousands of quality back links to rank for medium to highly competitive keywords.

• Spinning, article marketing, video marketing…all of that takes a lot of time.

• If you have a tool that submit your spun article to over 1000 websites in one go, it will saves hundreds of hours. That’s just an example, but there are affiliate tools for almost anything you can think of.

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• If you don’t want to set up a blog, you can make a capture page to start building your list.

•Once you have provided value and got your visitors to opt in, you can start to build a relationship with them.

•Using email marketing with a tool like Aweber or GetResponse, you can start to build a relationship with these individuals while providing value and showing your leadership.

•You can also get ahold of them on the phone and find out what it is that they need help with. Then provide a solution.

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People join people, not biz opportunities.• By helping these individuals, you are showing

them your value.• You can send them emails after awhile and ask

them to join your insider team. Most people’s uplines tell them to make a list and bug their warm market.

• You are providing a better way. A way for them to make money so they can afford to market their network marketing business.

• People will chase you instead of the other way around.

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•There you go, that’s how to use a sales funnel for your network marketing business. It is a proven technique that has helped many top industry earners to success.

•If you want more information on how to market yourself online, Make sure to head over to my blog at:
