How to upload a video on you tube

How to upload a video on

Transcript of How to upload a video on you tube

Page 1: How to upload a video on you tube

How to upload a video on

Page 2: How to upload a video on you tube

On your YouTube homepage in the top right hand corner will show the

upload button. Click on this to start the process.

Page 3: How to upload a video on you tube

Before selecting your file to upload, choose if you want your video to be public for the world to see,

unlisted so only those with the URL can see the video, or private so only you can view the video.

After Deciding click on the select files button.

Page 4: How to upload a video on you tube

Find the folder with the video you want to upload

and select the file then press the open button

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After choosing the video to upload, you will be brought to this section where you can edit your video description, add a title, tags and share the video on google+ or twitter. When you are finished with this all, press publish for your video to go live.

Video Description - Talk about what's happening your video, leave links to your twitter, Facebook, linked in or blog if you


Video Title - The name of your video.


Advanced Settings

Add Keywords which if people should

search for, then your video will appear in the search results.