'How To Survive In Brazil' - Manual

S urvival K it

Transcript of 'How To Survive In Brazil' - Manual

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And welcome to our 'How To Survive In Brazil' Manual!

We know there is nothing better than arriving in a new country knowing a little bit about its culture, the people, about places and music. Am I right?

Therefore we made this small “travel kit” so you guys can learn a little bit more about Brazil’s culture and of course, some great places that you can go.

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Ways to Piss Off a


Facts About Brazil and


Social Customs

Brazilian Currency

Laws & Legal Issues

Health Issues



Brazilian Food & Drinks


Now, these are important topics of the things you should know about Brazil and brazilian people just to make sure you’ll survive here.

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Ask him what the

rainforest is like when

a Brazilian tells you

he's from Sao Paulo or


Say, "I hear Buenos Aires is really nice. That's your capital, right?”.

Criticize Brazil or Brazilians by making any

remotely negative comment about either subject.

Make sexual innuendo and imply she is a slut when you find out a woman is Brazilian.

Speak Spanish

with him, since that

is what language

you assume he


Ways to Piss off a Brazilian

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There are a lot misconceptions about Brazil, so here's a few thing you should know.

- Brazil is NOT one big rainforest! Most of the major cities are in fact quite far from the rainforest. Even though we have lots of forests, we do not live in the middle of the jungle..

- We don't have a big carnival all the time. Carnival actually happens for a week each year in February or March, though you can see some samba school rehearsals during other parts of the year.

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- Prostitution is a problem here, partially due to its legality, partially due to the demand. HOWEVER, Brazilian women are not sluts, despite the fact that people here are much more comfortable making out with strangers than gringos (foreigners) may be. Don't go to Brazil expecting to get laid, because you may be in for an unpleasant surprise.

- We DO NOT speak Spanish! Because there are some similarities between Spanish and Portuguese and because both languages originated on the Iberian peninsula and are both Romance languages, many erroneously believe that Portuguese is merely a dialect of Spanish. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Brazilians speak Portuguese and Portuguese is not a dialect of Spanish or any other language, but rather a separate and individual language all its own.

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Facts about Brazil and Brazilian

- To Brazilians, any foreigner in Brazil is a gringo (females are gringas). It doesn't matter where you hail from or your ability (or inability) to speak Portuguese. To Brazilians, if you are a foreigner in Brazil, you are a gringo. Period. Don't take it personally because it's not considered derogatory in Brazil as it often is elsewhere.

- Yes, we do have some problems with violence and crimes in big cities like São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro. But the probability of something happen to you is the same as in any big city in North America. Therefore, as long as you don’t walk around exhibiting cash in your hands, we are sure you’ll be ok.

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- Brazilians are known the world over as some of the kindest, sweetest, most gentle people on the face of the planet.

- In spite of what you may envision if you've never traveled to Brazil, Brazilians are very clean people and most practice a very high level of personal hygiene—often taking numerous showers throughout the day, especially when it's hot.

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- Brazilians are fanatical about futebol (called soccer in the US and football elsewhere). It approaches the status of a national "religion." For example, imagine taking all the fans in the United States who avidly follow (American) football, baseball, basketball, soccer and ice hockey and combining their passions into a single sport. Only then can you begin to understand what futebol really is in Brazil. That's not to say that Brazilians don't follow other sports. They do, but nothing even comes close to futebol.

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- Much of the life of any Brazilian revolves around family—both immediate and extended. Brazilians like parties and will use almost excuse (or invent one) to have one.

Most love music and dancing. Brazilian men (and many women) are beer drinkers and love nothing better than a cold chopp (draft beer) or bottle of beer well chilled. Brazil has numerous brands of beer including Bohemia, Antártica, Skol,Brahma, Itaipava, Bavaria, Xingu, Kaiser and more.

Try them yourself so you can tell Brazilians your favorite. You should also try a caipirinha while you're in Brazil.

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Social Customs

Generally, because Brazilian culture is European based, most common European social customs are observed in Brazil. In both business and social situations, shaking hands upon meeting or taking leave is customary. But Brazilians are also very warm and caring people. Brazilian women may kiss one (or both) cheeks of other women upon meeting them and, often, kiss men in a similar manner. In some social situations, a

man or woman may shake hands upon meeting a Brazilian woman and receive a kiss from them on one (or both) cheeks when taking leave. But don't presuppose anything. Let your Brazilian hostess lead they way. Men will often both shake hands and pat the shoulder of another man upon meeting or taking leave. This is just a simple indication of caring. Again, let your Brazilian host lead the way.

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Like most places elsewhere in the world, smoking has become increasingly restricted in Brazil.

Government health agencies throughout Brazil have totally banned smoking in all public places including airports, post offices, government offices, rest rooms, banks, hospitals, supermarkets and other food stores, shoppings (shopping centers/malls) as well as restaurants and bars.

In essence, all public places.

Social Customs

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Brazilian Currency

Brazil's currency unit is the real (plural = reais) and is made up of 100 centavos. Prices are written in reais using the symbol R$.

It's best to carry nothing larger than 10 or 20 reais bank notes. This will make it easier to make small purchases as well as easier for small vendors, stores and restaurants to provide you with change. Also, because the 1 centavo coin is almost never seen these days, many establishments will round off your purchase to the nearest 5 centavos.

Don't consider this a big thing because there is nothing that can be bought for only a few centavos anyway.

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Laws & Legal Issues

It doesn't matter that you may witness others disobeying laws or are cajoled into going along with the crowd; as a foreigner, you should always obey all laws.

A good "rule of thumb" is to remember that if some thing or some action is illegal in either the United States, Canada, the UK or Australia, it's probably more than likely that it's also illegal in Brazil.

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Laws & Legal Issues

Even as a visitor and a citizen of another country, when you are in Brazil you are subject to all Brazilian laws.

During your travels in Brazil, you may encounter Federal Military Police, Federal Highway Police, Customs Agents, Tax Revenue Agents and other law enforcement agents, and in cities, Civil Police and Traffic Police.

Always obey any order any police officer or agent gives you and always show them both courtesy and respect.

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Health Issues

Because Brazil is a tropical country, it's very easy to quickly become dehydrated. Brazilian doctors recommend drinking at least two liters of water per day. You should also consider drinking coconut water which is readily available at many beaches and in cities from street vendors as well as restaurants and lanchonetes (snack bars). Coconut water is a natural isotonic beverage with the same electrolytic level as human blood. It contains no cholesterol, is naturally sterile and is full of natural sugars, salts and vitamins to ward off fatigue. It's nature's own 'sports drink' and far better for you than any commercially produced product.

If your travel plans include time at the beach, limit your exposure to the sun to recommended time limits and use a sun block with a rating of 30 or more. More than a few North American and European tourists have been almost (literally) fried on Brazilian beaches. Numerous brands of sun block are available at most drug stores.

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Weather Remember that Brazil is a tropical country straddling the

Equator but, because of its sheer size, the climate can often vary considerably from north to south even during the same season. Because it lies in the Southern Hemisphere, seasons in Brazil are exactly the opposite of those in North America and Europe:

Usually you can expect temperatures in the mid to high 30s°C (85 to 95+°F). Shorts, light cotton t-shirts and sandals are perfect for almost anywhere in Brazil. You may only need pants and a light jacket or sweatshirt if the air conditioning in some places becomes too intense.

Winter Spring Summer Autuum

06/22 to 09/22 09/22 to 12/21 12/22 to 03/21 03/22 to 06/21

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Here are a few words and expressions you should learn in Portuguese!

Portuguese English

Vocês são demais! You guys are awesome!

Estão Se Divertindo? Are You Guys Having Fun?

Muito obrigado! Thank You So Much!

Nós Voltaremos We Will Be Back

Nós vemos da próxima vez!

See You Next Time!

Vocês São Muito Loucos! Amo isso!

You Guys Are Fucking Crazy! I Love it!

Quem veio festejar? Who Came to Party?

To Use In Concerts

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Portuguese English

Mais alto! Lauder!

Cantem! Sing!

Essa é minha música favorita...

This Is My Favorite Song...

Essa é a última música. This Is The Last Song

Essa é uma música antiga chamada...

This is an older song called…

A próxima música se chama...

The next song is...


Portuguese English

Oi/Olá Hi/Hello

Olá, tudo bem? Hi, How Are You?

Prazer em te conhecer Nice To Meet You

Qual o seu nome? What’s Your Name?

Claro Sure/Bright

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Portuguese English

Obrigado Thank You

De Nada You're Welcome

Bom Dia Good Morning

Boa Tarde Good Afternoon

Boa Noite Good Evening/Good Night

Tchau Bye

Pessoas lindas Good Looking People

Garotas Lindas! Beautiful Girls

Namorado/Namorada Boyfriend/Girlfriend

Dinheiro Money

Menino/Homem Boy/Man

Menina/Mulher Girl/Woman

Foto Picture/Photo

Celular/Telefone Cellphone/Telephone

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Brazilian Food & Drinks

“Farofa” is a delicious accompaniment to many Brazilian dishes, especially the classic black bean stew  “feijoada”; And everything goes well with Brazilian-style rice, which is prepared with tomatoes, onions and garlic.

“Arroz e Feijão” is the most famous and traditional of all Brazilian main courses. “Arroz e Feijão” is made of rice and beans.

“Feijoada” is probably the most famous and traditional of all Brazilian main courses. "Feijoada" is made of black beans. Brazilians eat "feijoada" all year round. Many restaurants have at least a "Feijoada" day" per week.

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Brazilian Food & Drinks

“Bolinho de chuva” is a traditional food in Brazil. It is made with flour and deep fried. You can prepare it either sweet or salty.

“Churrasco” known as Brazilian barbecue, chunks of beef are cooked on a metal skewer over hot coals.

“Pastéis” small pastries that are shaped like squares or half-moons and are filled with many different things..

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Brazilian Food & Drinks

"Brigadeiro" is a typical Brazilian sweet, which is served at every Brazilian birthday party. People love "brigadeiro" and I am sure you will love it too if you haven't tried it yet.

"Pão de queijo" is typical Brazilian and it's a delicious snack, which can be found at every "lanchonete" in Brazil.

“Quindin” are also delicious little coconut flans that are fairly simple to make.

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Brazilian Food & Drinks

“Guaraná” is a refreshing soft drink made from the caffeine-rich small red fruit of the same name, with a taste similar to cream soda

“Açaí” is very popular in Brazil as a desert, meal or energetic source for athletes.

"Caipirinha" is Brazil's national drink made of cachaca, lime, sugar and ice. If you don’t have cachaca, you can use vodka instead. Nowadays you can find "caipirinha" at many hip bars.

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São Paulo

Sao Paulo is the biggest city in South America and the third one in the world. It is the economic capital of Brazil. Sao Paulo is the economical center of Brazil in the same time is a very important cultural center too, with several museums and touristic attractions.

We think that you will spend your time in São Paulo so... we made a São Paulo guide with places you can visit here.

Food in Sao Paulo is the best in the country and rivals that of any major capital in the world. The pizzas are also extremely tasteful and a must eat. You can find it from a wide range of restaurants from the simplest delivery place to fine expensive ones.

Automotive traffic in São Paulo is complicated, specially in main routes, all along the day during weeks and gets worse at rush hours (from 8 am to 10 am and from 6 pm to 8 pm). In the weekends the traffic is better with some complications in places where there are bars, shopping's or other public attractions.

Time & Code The time in Sao Paulo is GMT - 3 hours and they operate an October to February time shift to make it GMT - 2 hours. The international dialing code for Brazil is 55.

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The Parque do Ibirapuera is São Paulo’s foremost green space. It offers a large Sports Center, a contemporary art museum, a planetarium, bike circuits, walking circuits, and much, much more. Ideal for letting a chilled hour or two turn into a chilled day…

The Mercado Central is a famous place for two reasons; its building and its food. The market is housed in a massive Neo-Gothic hall with impressive stained-glass windows. The food is just as phenomenal – a wide array of fresh produce that can be purchased cheaply and enjoyed on the spot!

Caixa Cultural is located about 10 minutes walk from Museu Padre Anchieta and it’s definitely worth passing by if you're on the way! Caixa Cultural boasts cool art galleries and art works, but the best thing about this place is the regular dance shows and performances such as the amazing underwater performance by SereiaLab.


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São Paulo's nightlife scene is also quite spread out, with little entertainment clusters in neighborhoods all over town. Vila Olímpia is where the 18 to 30 years olds go for nightlife, with a number of large dance clubs located and some of the city's best bars . Vila Madalena is more in vogue with the 25 to 45 years olds who enjoy bars and restaurants more than dance clubs.

Sao Paulo has it all. And, if by chance, you hear someone telling that old fashioned joke about no beaches in this town, you don’t need to worry. All you have to do is go to Santos Beach, at the Atlantic coast, just one hour drive from Sao Paulo. There you find a wonderful white sand beach to spend the weekend, as so many of the Paulistas (who are born in São Paulo) do, and will be able to tell you friends that you had it all on your trip to Sao Paulo. Even a beach!


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It’s partially located on the island of São Vicente which harbors both the city of Santos and the city of São Vicente, and partially on the mainland. It’s the main and largest city in Paulista Coast.

Santos is also joined with Brazil’s first founded town, Sao Vicente. Santos has the biggest seaport in Latin America; is a significant tourist center; has large industrial complexes and shipping centers.

Not only the sea and the climate attracts, but also the beautiful beach park / promenade, which is very pleasant to walk along. Here people exercise cycling, jogging or just sit down and drink some coconut water at one of many beach kiosks.

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Today, Santos is proud of having the largest beach garden in the world: 5.3 km (3.3 mi) along the shore. Here one can relax and enjoy the atmosphere of a seaside city, biking, jogging or just walk along the beautiful beach promenade. With a wider avenue instead of the beach park, with lighter colored sand. Santos is like Rio de Janeiro City.

The port is also used for sailing luxurious cruiser ships that frequent Santos and the Brazilian coast. There are also urban outings, such as museums, historical constructions, churches, and many others; attracting tourists from all over the country and the world.

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Walk on the XV de Novembro Street. Located in the center of Santos, the street used to be where the office s of Coffee Lords were located. The interesting colonial architecture and the many bars and Cafes around make it a pleasant walk in the ending afternoon.

Bicycles are by far the best way to move around the town, but unfortunately there are not many places where you can rent one (but plenty where you can buy). There are some "ciclovias" (bikelanes), specially a well-signed one in front of the beach.

People from Sao Paulo often go to Santos to lie down under the sun and enjoy the beach. Santos beaches are not the most beautiful in the Paulista Coast, but they are still popular and a good place for a walk. Once there, you may try some coconuts (R$ 3.00) or buy handicrafts. If you can't find the vendors, don't worry, they will find you.

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Well... that's all.

We hope you enjoyed this survival kit and enjoy the time you spend here in our country and we hope see you all very soon!


Isabelle, Ellisa & Letícia

If you wish to know more about Brazilian music we recommend:




Sorry for our mistakes in english, cause we're learning yet...