How to Streamline Probate, Protect Assets, and Reduce

How to Streamline Probate, Protect Assets, and Reduce When you die, one of the first things that is called into question is your will and estate. Probate is a necessary legal process that every estate goes through before any assets from the estate are disbursed according to the will. Probate gives any debtors a chance to present any claim they many have against the estate. Probate is often a lengthy process. It can last several weeks or several months. Meanwhile, your assets are tied up in the legal system. Your intended beneficiaries will not have access to them until probate is completed. This might present a problem if one or more of your intended heirs needs access to funds quickly. Worse yet, the probate process can eat up much of the value of your assets in legal and other fees the longer the process takes and the more contested the will and estate are. The lengthier the probate process and the more contested your will, the more stressful the situation for your heirs. That’s not to mention the financial hit your assets will take the longer they are tied up in the legal system. It doesn’t have to be this way, though. There are ways to reduce stress, protect your assets, and prime your estate documents to streamline the probate process right away. To do this, though, you’ll want to avoid planning your will and estate alone. Instead, opt for an expert who specializes in Florida elder law. Laws vary from one state to the next. So, what might be true in one state might not be true in Florida. So, it’s best to choose a probate lawyer who already knows the ins and outs of Florida elder law and probate. An expert reviews


The benefits of working with a probate attorney include protecting more of your assets from the probate process, including excessive taxes and potential debtors.

Transcript of How to Streamline Probate, Protect Assets, and Reduce

Page 1: How to Streamline Probate, Protect Assets, and Reduce

How to Streamline Probate, Protect Assets, and Reduce

When you die, one of the first things that is called into question is your will and estate. Probate is a necessary legal process that every estate goes through before any assets from the estate are disbursed according to the will. Probate gives any debtors a chance to present any claim they many have against the estate. Probate is often a lengthy process. It can last several weeks or several months. Meanwhile, your assets are tied up in the legal system. Your intended beneficiaries will not have access to them until probate is completed. This might present a problem if one or more of your intended heirs needs access to funds quickly. Worse yet, the probate process can eat up much of the value of your assets in legal and other fees the longer the process takes and the more contested the will and estate are. The lengthier the probate process and the more contested your will, the more stressful the situation for your heirs.

That’s not to mention the financial hit your assets will take the longer they are tied up in the legal system. It doesn’t have to be this way, though. There are ways to reduce stress, protect your assets, and prime your estate documents to streamline the probate process right away. To do this, though, you’ll want to avoid planning your will and estate alone. Instead, opt for an expert who specializes in Florida elder law. Laws vary from one state to the next. So, what might be true in one state might not be true in Florida. So, it’s best to choose a probate lawyer who already knows the ins and outs of Florida elder law and probate. An expert reviews your estate and customizes a plan that’s right for you. The benefits of working with a probate attorney include protecting more of your assets from the probate process, including excessive taxes and potential debtors. It also ensures all necessary documents are filed in advance, which then may help streamline probate and result in faster distribution to your heirs. To get started or learn more, call for a free consultation today.