How to Start Up CCStudio 3 DSP LAB T.A.: 2007.3.7.

How to Start Up CCStudio 3 DSP LAB T.A.: DSP LAB T.A.: 2007.3.7
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Transcript of How to Start Up CCStudio 3 DSP LAB T.A.: 2007.3.7.

How to Start Up CCStudio 3

DSP LAB T.A.:DSP LAB T.A.:2007.3.7


Settings of CCS.

Project Creation.

Compiling and Debugging.

Simple Example.


Settings of CCS.

Project Creation.

Compiling and Debugging.

Simple Example.

Device Setup

Double-click “Setup CCStudio3” on desktop, and you will see the above dialog.

Choose Your Device

If you want to use the simulator, select

C6416 Device Cycle Accurate Simulator, Little Endian

or C6711 Device Cycle Accurate Simulator, Little Endian.

If you want to use the DSK board, select

C6416 V1.1 DSK,

C6711 DSK Port 278 EPP Mode,

or others.

Click “import”

Click “Save and Quit”

Click “Yes”

CCS3 will then be started up.


Settings of CCS.

Project Creation.

Compiling and Debugging.

Simple Example.

New Project

Add files to project

3 files needed to be added

Source file (.c or .asm) ;.cmd ; .lib

Where are them?

Source file : Write your own source code.

Find the cmd file in any appropriate example:


Find the library in the following path:C:\CCStudio\c6000\cgtools\lib\rts6400.lib (6416)

orC:\CCStudio\c6000\cgtools\lib\rts6700.lib (6711)


Settings of CCS.

Project Creation.

Compiling and Debugging.

Simple Example.

Set up the built options

Set up the compiler and linker options

(Ref: Help Contents Code Generation Tool CCS Build Options)

Set up the built options

Set up the compiler options: -g -s -fr

(Ref: Help Contents Code Generation Tool CCS Build Options Compiler Options)

Set up the built options

Set up the linker options: -c -o

(Ref: Help Contents Code Generation Tool CCS Build Options Linker Options)

Rebuild Projects

Compile and link all files

Load Program

Debug / Run (F5)


Environmental Setting.

Project Creation.

Compiling and Debugging.

Simple Example.

Simple example

You can find a simple example by selecting: “CCS Help Tutorial CCStudio IDE Developing a simple program.”


[1] Digital Signal Processing and Applications with the C6713 and C6416 DSK, by Rulph Chassaing, John Wiley & Sons Inc., 2004

[2] Code Composer Studio v3.0 Getting Started Guide (spru509e.pdf)