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    How to Start the Day with Maximum Focus

    How do you feel when you wake up every morning?

    Are you tired, longing for another hour of sleep, or are you energized and excited for the new days


    The attitude you possess when you start the day affects you much more than any cup of coffee ever will.

    Take a moment to think back to when you were a little kid. You werent excited to get up and go to schoolMonday morning, so it was hard to get out of bed regardless of how much sleep you got the night before.

    But on Christmas morning, it didnt matter if you got eight hours of sleep (which is never the case) or one

    hour of sleepyou were up and ready to go with a huge smile on your face. You had a single, exciting

    thought planted in your brainOpen as many presents as I can get my hands on.

    Somewhere along the way, though, we seem to lose that child-like Christmas morning enthusiasm that kept us

    up late and woke us up early. Wouldnt you like to have it back, and not just on Christmas morning? What if

    that energy and enthusiasm could translate to an average day in your life?

    to Start the Day with Maximum Focus

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    It can.

    The first hour of the morning is the rudder of the day. Henry Ward Beecher

    By starting the each morning focused, the overarching vision you have for your life will become much

    clearer, real, and achievable. Here are four things you can do every morning to get your day started off on the

    right foot.

    1. Start with Gratitude

    No day is guaranteed. Every new day you are given the opportunity to start is a gift. When you view it that

    way, more chances, opportunities, and unexpected privileges present themselves.

    When you start your day with gratitude, you arm yourself against whatever negativity the next 24 hours

    might have in store for you. Problems will seem smaller, challenges will seem less difficult, and the good

    things will shine even brighter.

    How do you go about creating this sense of gratitude?

    Begin operating under the very real concept that this day could be your last. You will develop an intensesense of urgency and gratitude from your first waking moment.

    Live this day as if it were your last may be the oldest clich in existence, but theres a reason whyif you

    can make it part of your everyday mindset, your days will absolutely not be the same again.

    Thats where most people get it wrong. They hear live this day as if it were your last and immediately begin

    making a mental list of all the actions they would begin taking. But its not about action. Its not about going

    skydiving or blowing off your day job. Its about mind-set. It is a way of thinking that keeps you focused on

    the things that truly matter in life and nothing else.

    And it will keep your thoughts in a place of gratitude like nothing else can.

    2. Act the way you would like to feel.

    If you dont feel happy or energetic, start by simply acting like you do. William James, the father of modern

    psychology, has a quote I love: We do not sing because we are happy; we are happy because we sing.

    Emotion follows action. Its not the other way around.

    Keep that quote in mind any time you wake up feeling grumpy, tired, or any other type of negative emotion.

    Jump up and down. Turn on music that you know puts you in a good mood. Smile. Laugh. They may feel

    forced at first, but the genuine ones are sure to follow.

    3. Meditate on the things you know need to happen today.

    Use these two questions to prioritize every task on your to-do list:

    Whats important now?

    Whats next?

    These two questions will wake you up early, keep you up late, and allow you to stay focused on your top

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    priorities and nothing else. Forget all the elaborate to-do list systems that are out there. These two little

    questions are all you need.

    You will no longer waste time by sitting around wondering where you should start. Look at your list of tasks,

    address each item with these two questions, and then move forward on each one with massive action.

    4. Go to bed in the mood in which you would like to wake up.

    The reality is that no one actually wakes up on the wrong side of the bedwe actually go to sleep on the

    wrong side of the bed. Your subconscious mind plays an enormous role in determining how you feel in the


    If you go to bed full of anger and negativity, you are probably not going to wake up in anything resembling a

    good mood. How do you combat this? By not only doing every previous item on this list when you wake up,

    but also right before bed.

    Think about all you have to be grateful for, put yourself in a positive mental state, and start preparing a

    mental plan for the next day. Read or watch something positive and inspiring. The morning may be the rudder

    of the day, but night is the rudder of the morning.

    Never go to bed angry may sound like something your mom or a marriage counselor would say, but there is

    tremendous truth behind that piece of advice.

    When you start each day with focus, life and purpose become clearer. Precious time is no longer squandered

    on avoidable drag-you-down activities or tasks. Focus allows you to understand the value offered with each

    and every passing minute. Apply these four actions, or add them to your current routine, and you will be

    amazed by the results.

    What are your tips on how to start the day? Please share in the comments.

    About the author:Robert D. Smith is the author of20,000 Days and Counting, a crash course in living each day with

    maximum intensity and purpose. He blogs about personal growth, entrepreneurship, and more at

    Image: African Pygmy Hedgehog

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    to Start the Day with Maximum Focus

    2 11/02/2013

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    { 21 comments read them below or add one }

    1Vishnu January 21, 2013 at 10:49 pm

    Hi Robert thanks for sharing this article on having maximum focus for the day. Many of these

    practices I incorporate when waking up. In addition to meditation on the priorities, importance for they

    day, meditation by itself also adds to daily focus and clarity.

    I could/should be working on a gratitude practice more. As you point out, its a tool against negativity

    throughout the day. A gratitude practice has allowed me to change perspective about anything going on

    in my life but Im not very consistent with it. Probably no better time to practice gratitude than first

    thing in the morning.


    2Robert D. Smith January 22, 2013 at 1:59 pm

    Thanks, Vishnu! Gratitude is a gamechanger. Im excited to see how it works out for you in your

    daily schedule


    3Kyle January 23, 2013 at 2:50 pm

    So true! Gratitude and attitudean awesome combination when done right.

    I loved the school vs Christmas analogy too. Great post Robert!


    4 Brenda Mailer January 22, 2013 at 10:07 am

    A couple years ago, i noticed how rushed i was in the morning and how at night i had so much going on.

    i was starting to fee like i had no time for me. So one day i decided to make a change and start changing

    my mornings routine. Because my evenings were always to busy decided to start taking the mornings

    for myself. I turned off the tv at night when I got home (as to not have the hours go by and suddenly its

    midnight) and I started going to bed earlier so I COULD get up in the morning. I began my day withmeditation and/or yoga, depending on the day. I make tea and sit and enjoy it while I watch the news or

    check morning emails. I started feeling happier during the day and people around me even began

    noticing. I recommend finding some time to be with your self like this.


    5Robert D. Smith January 22, 2013 at 1:56 pm

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    Awesome, Brenda. I too have discovered that the best time to get the important stuff done is very

    early in the morning. Quiet, peaceful, less distractions. Thanks for reading!


    6 Jenny Nakao Hones January 22, 2013 at 10:47 am

    Hi Robert,

    Wonderful post! Thanks. I always try to be grateful at the end of the day, right before I sleep, but never

    thought to start with gratitude. Great attitude to set the tone for the day!


    7Robert D. Smith January 22, 2013 at 1:52 pm

    Its not a bad idea to start AND end each day with gratitudeyou can never have too much

    Thanks for reading, and for the kind words, Jenny!


    8 Susan January 22, 2013 at 11:15 am

    Dear Robert Thank you for an inspiring post. I also start the day in gratitude for my own health and

    healing, as well as my familys continued good health and safety. I honor each day as a gift and most

    mornings either meditate or do yoga. You are right: It sets a positive tone for the entire day.


    9Robert D. Smith January 22, 2013 at 1:50 pm

    Thank-YOU for reading, Susan! Your morning routine sounds awesome. Its so easy to forget to

    be grateful for good health.


    10Roman SolukJanuary 22, 2013 at 11:39 am

    Meditate on the things you know need to happen today. Sometimes I think too much about the

    things that are going to happen. Ive already noticed that for me its better to do something

    spontaneously without thinking of it for too long.

    Thanks Marry for the interesting post!


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    11Robert D. Smith January 22, 2013 at 2:01 pm

    Ive found that doing everything I can to move immediately on the things that matter as they

    arise has been the best thing for me. Its amazing what we can get done when we dont delay and

    move as quickly as we can! Thanks for reading, Roman!


    12 Mike January 22, 2013 at 11:42 am

    Overall, this is a helpful post. Im learning to be more grateful and appreciative of the relationships and

    opportunities I have in life.

    Id like to respectfully disagree with the third point, however slightly. Setting priorities is thinking, not

    meditation (as I understand it). I do agree we should set them, and can even do it the night before

    which helps with the fourth point. Meditation, though, is emptying the mind freeing it not only of

    priorities but all issues (even gratitude!)

    Thinking is certainly worthwhile, IMHO, and setting priorities is one form of it. (For other aspects, I

    recommend the work of Dr. Edward deBono) I just feel that a distinction ought to be made between

    meditation and thinking.


    13Robert D. Smith January 22, 2013 at 1:57 pm

    You make a great point, Mike. Meditation can mean different things for different people. Iappreciate your perspective! Thanks for reading!


    14Max January 22, 2013 at 11:57 am

    May I complete with a related quote by Dogen :

    Do not follow the ideas of others, but learn to listen to the voice within yourself. Your body and mind

    will become clear and you will realize the unity of all things.


    15Robert D. Smith January 22, 2013 at 1:48 pm

    Loooove that quote, Max. It takes a lot of intentional action to be able to tune everything else out

    and actually hear what that voice is saying.


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    16Laura McHale Holland January 22, 2013 at 1:24 pm

    I like the way this article is written. I appreciate that there are only four steps with succinct insights to

    go with them. Following this advice seems doable. I make to-do lists, and they get so long, they are

    overwhelming. Using the two questions to prioritize will be very helpful. Thanks much to Robert for

    writing the article and to Mary for posting it!


    17Robert D. Smith January 22, 2013 at 1:47 pm

    Laura, thanks so much for the kind words! Those two questions are to-do list killers


    18 Nora January 22, 2013 at 6:34 pm

    I like to think of something funny OR a surprise I plan for someone to start my day. Laughter is always

    good Rx.


    19Ben January 24, 2013 at 1:53 am

    Thankyou for the tips. I could use some improvement starting my day with maximum focus.

    It usually takes me a bit of time to get into the swing of things, but the quicker I can learn to do this the

    better it will be.



    20 Marius January 25, 2013 at 5:54 am

    Well,im thinking about all i have to be grateful for, at night,right when i have to sleep,and in morning imhappy at all! i know that this is the cause for happyness.keep it up Rob.!


    21 Krys February 2, 2013 at 11:55 pm

    I love this! I have changed my morning alarms to include messages of gratitude, as a reminder to let

    that be my guide.

    to Start the Day with Maximum Focus

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