How To Simplify Your Childcare's Communication!

Why REACH Alert? Better Childcare Communication, Even Bigger Benefits


Click to learn more about how you can simplify and improve your communication strategy. Notify all of your staff, members, families, students, anyone in less than 60 seconds! This powerpoint is tailored to the needs of childcares but please don't be misguided as REACH Alert can be used by any organization - big or small!

Transcript of How To Simplify Your Childcare's Communication!

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Why REACH Alert?

Better Childcare Communication, Even

Bigger Benefits

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Building Relationships• Creates lasting relationships between

families, staff members, and your business.

Developing Trust• Families feel more comfortable disclosing

pertinent information if there is a reliable communication strategy.

Involvement• Parents feel more involved with their

children if updated on their daily activities and progress.

Communication – Why It Matters.

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Who We Are.

REACH Alert provides childcare Notification Services to organizations across the U.S. Our Notification Service gives your childcare the ability to contact all of your parents & staff instantly – from emergencies to fun updates, it’s all covered.

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Benefit #1

Communicate Fast

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With REACH Alert..

From the moment that you login to the moment that you send your alert, have everyone notified within 60 seconds or less.

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Wendy, a childcare administrator, sees that meteorologists call for a severe winter storm to come through by 2 p.m. The childcare doesn’t let out until 5

p.m. Wendy knows that without quick thinking, the roads will gradually become hazardous, putting the

children in danger.

Please, Advise!

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Wendy logs on to her REACH Alert account, selects the group for “Alert”, and types:

“Due to inclement weather, pickup has been moved to noon. Please pick up your child by then. ”

Take action!

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Within seconds, all parents have received the alert and are promptly on the way to pick up the children. No

parents have to drive out in the storm and most importantly, all of the children get home safe.

Saved the day!

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Benefit #2

Message Everyone, Or Just A Few

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You can send an alert to your entire network, a group, or individual users.

With REACH Alert..

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Field Trip!The 3rd grade class is taking a field trip to the zoo tomorrow! Dan, childcare supervisor, needs to alert the 3rd grade parents to pack a bag lunch for their kids. Dan has a busy day ahead of him, and doesn’t have the time to call everyone before the end of the day.

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Dan logs in to his REACH Alert account, selects the group “3rd Grade Parents” and sends out the alert.

“Reminder: Zoo tomorrow! Please pack your child a bag lunch.”

Take Charge!

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All of the 3rd grade parents are notified of the plan before the field trip. Each child brings a lunch and the

field trip is a total success.

You’re The Hero!

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Benefit #3

Reach Users How They Choose

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With REACH Alert..

Text Voicemail Email

Users can select between 3 modes (e.g. text, email, voicemail) when registering or after logging into their account.

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Help The Parents!

Kendra, childcare director, knows that little Leonard’s parents are easiest to reach via text, while Abby’s parents are best to contact through email. Each parent expects the same level of contact.

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Kendra’s childcare is having their open house this weekend and she needs to alert all of her parents.

Kendra logs in to her REACH Alert account, chooses the “Alert” group, and sends her alert.

“Reminder: Open house this Saturday from 9–12!”

Easy as 1,2,3...

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Little Leonard’s parents receive the alert via text while Abby’s parents receive the alert via email. Each parent attends the open house and is excited for the new year!

Everyone’s Happy!

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Let’s Review


Communicate Fast

Message Everyone, Or Just A Few

Reach Users How They Choose

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Want Even More Benefits?

Contact Us Today at (877) 307-9313

or [email protected]!

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