How to Send the Right Email in 5 Steps

How to Send the Right Email 5 steps Guide

Transcript of How to Send the Right Email in 5 Steps

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How to Send the Right Email5 steps Guide

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Determine your Audience

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1. Understanding your audience is the most important part of email marketing.

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2. First question: Who are you sending your emails to?

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2. Your buyer’s journey: Make a detailed list of your audience buying process.

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3. How they found your website? How did they make a purchase? What did they buy?

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Segment your Contact Database

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1. Develop your buyer personas at their decision stage.

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2. Develop your personas based on their company, industry, department, country, demographics, ect…

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3. Describe each personas decision stage on their buyer’s journey & the events leading to a conversion.

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4. Know the search terms your personas used to get to your website and the pages they visited.

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Send the Right Email at the Right Time

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1. Know the stage you are in: You can’t send the right email if you don’t understand the stage you are in your campaign, marketing plan, etc.. 

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2. Find ways to captivate and engage your contacts at all stages with email marketing.

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3. Examples: During awareness campaigns send out video promotions. To get email sign up do webinars & case study. Give price cut with free trials.

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4. Lead nurturing: Build a relationship with prospects over time.

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Optimize for Mobile

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1. Responsive on all devices

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2. Bigger is better: Make sure your email is readable by just opening it.

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3. Clear and concise message: your contact should know what your email is about only by scanning trough or reading the headline.

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4. Avoid using heavy and unreadable fonts for your emails or your contacts will close it in less than a second.

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Small Guide to Email Marketing

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1. Define a clear goal for your emails.

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2. Make it an email story line: Instead of sending 1 email send 2 to 3 as a story. This works very well for fundraising.

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3. Personalize your emails: The person’s name, your personal name and signature.

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4. Focus on engagement: Focus on conversions from emails, so add links!

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5. Add a call to action

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6. Remember the details.

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7. Test and analyze: Always do an A/B email testing on your templates.

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