How to Self Promote (for women)

How to Self Promote On- and Offline Caroline Cummings @iamcarolina /in/carolinecummings
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Transcript of How to Self Promote (for women)

Page 1: How to Self Promote (for women)

How to Self Promote

On- and Offline

Caroline Cummings@iamcarolina/in/carolinecummings

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What is Self Promotion?• Working hard?• Dedication to your job/clients?• Working long hours?

Ronna Lichtenberg, author of Pitch Like a Girl: How a Woman Can Be Herself and Still Succeed

“Taking the lead to let others know about the good things you have done, can do and are doing.”

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Put Yourself Out There!• “Put” = what you do to self promote• “Yourself” = what parts of yourself do you showcase• “Out there” = who are you trying to attract

Caroline Ceniza-LevineEntrepreneurAuthorComedianPublic Speaker@SixFigureStart

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Self Promotion is Character Building

• Unleashing your inner hero!• Asking for a raise/promotion/job• Stepping up to take the lead• Admitting when you’re wrong• Volunteering in your community• Sharing your successes• Speaking up for yourself

and others• Stepping out of your comfort zone

Image Source:

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Go ahead – venture out onto the skinny branches of life...

It’s where opportunities lie, fun and excitement exists, and where growth happens…

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“We do the exact same job and he

earns $100,000 to

my $80,000…”

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Compared to women under 25 working full-time earned 93.2% of men's salaries.

In 2005, women over 25 years old earned 80% of men's salaries.




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Why we don’t self promote…

• We never learned how to• We don’t think we know how to• For women, it’s not “lady-like”• It’s not my style• Accusations of conceit or arrogance• It’s “shameless”• We’re too embarrassed • It’s too stressful• We’ll sell ourselves short• We’ll oversell ourselves

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Great Example “ASK”

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Perform and “ASK Again!”

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The majority of working wives will out-earn their husbands in the next generation.

In the majority of U.S. metro areas, single women with no children in their 20s out-earned their male peers…

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Fortune 500 Companies with Women CEOs

in 2010…


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Fortune 500 Companies with Women CEOs

in 2012…


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Fortune 500 Companies with Women CEOs

in 2012…

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Meg Whitman

Virginia Rometty

Patricia Woertz

Indra Nooyi

Irene Rosenfeld

Marilyn Hewson

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Ellen Kullman

Phebe Novakovic

Carol Meyrowitz

Urusla Burns

Sheri McCoy

Deanna Mulligan

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Debra Reed

Denise Morrison

Ilene Gordon

Heather Bresch



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Gracia Martore Marrisa Mayer

Beth Mooney

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How to Self..

.. PromoteAuthentically

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• Know what your end goal is first• Make a self promotion plan• What do you want to be known for

and why?• Be a conversation starter• Show interest in others• Give value (sell without selling)• Promote others by using your

talents/expertise• Thoughtful and sensitive in deliveryBreathe! Pause! Smile! Eye Contact!

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Examples of…

Self Promotion

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Craft Your Bio Accordingly

My bio #2

My bio #1

My bio #3

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The Art of Self Introductions…

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The Life of the Party!


PR expert

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Creative Writer

The Observer

UO Graduate

Job Seeker

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Join Groups – Start Groups

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Get a “Promo Buddy”

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Deliver presentations• Topic of Passion• Use Images• Tailor It• Prospect It• Engage Audience• Empower Audience• Tell Stories• Your Ask?

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Submit Media Releases

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What’s News? Who Cares?

• Significant client/hire• Client’s successes• New location• Events• Awards• Honorable mention • New products• New partner• …………..

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Examples of On-Line

Self Promotion…

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Solicit Recommendations…

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Tweet Your Events, News & Successes…

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Leverage your successes to promote something interesting or important to you…

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Post Your Events, News & Successes…

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Create a “Top 10” List• Most popular…• Fastest growing…• Didn’t know…• Interesting…• Why to…• Why not to…• Places to visit…• ……………

Image Credit:

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Blogging = Self Promotion

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Self Promotion is Also Giving Others Tools To share the good things you have done, can do and

are doing…

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“Enchantment transforms situations

and relationships. It converts hostility

into civility. It reshapes civility

into affinity. It changes skeptics

and cynics into believers.”

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“If you can’t say it to yourself when you’re alone, you’re not going to be able to say it in front of another person.”

-Whitney Snell

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Believe You

Have Somethin

g to


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Mentoring is Magic!Mentor AND Be Mentored…

Whitney Brittany


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Now go promote yourself!

Caroline Cummings@iamcarolina/in/carolinecummings