How to search Zoological Record

How to search Zoological Record

Transcript of How to search Zoological Record

How to search Zoological Record

2. Click on “Veterinary databases”

Or“Library in your



Scroll down and click on “Zoological record”

Enter your student/ personnel number( e.g.12345678)

If you have a PIN type it here.

If not click on SUBMIT

Select the database by double-clicking on it.

Searches may be done on Author’s names

A search may be done on a journal title

Enter a keyword or keywords

Enter a search term and click on


Type another keyword …

…and click on “Search”

Results of the previous keyword

Searches may be combined using “and“ or “or”

The number of results

Scroll down to view the results.

Number of results displayed per page can be


Records can be selected for further use

Abstract or Full text (if available) can be viewed by

clicking on the link

Results can be refined by using the left hand


Results may be e-mailed, printed , saved

or Exported

Results can be selected or used as a set