How to Read How to Read Literature Like a Professor by Thomas C. Foster A Lively and Entertaining...

How to Read How to Read Literature Like a Professor by Thomas C. Foster A Lively and Entertaining Guide to Reading Between the Lines Review Chapters 15-20

Transcript of How to Read How to Read Literature Like a Professor by Thomas C. Foster A Lively and Entertaining...

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Slide 2 How to Read How to Read Literature Like a Professor by Thomas C. Foster A Lively and Entertaining Guide to Reading Between the Lines Review Chapters 15-20 Slide 3 Flights of Fancy Chapter 15 I took just enough Physics in school to master one significant fact: human being cant fly (125). [] soar into interpretation and speculation (134) Slide 4 Flights of Fancy Chapter 15 when we see a person suspended in the air, even briefly, he is one or more of the following: 1) a superhero 2) a ski jumper 3) crazy (redundant if also number 2) 4) fictional 5) a circus act, departing a cannon 6) suspended on wires 7) an angel 8) heavily symbolic (126). Slide 5 Flights of Fancy Chapter 15 So what does it all mean when literary characters fly? (127). Freedom from something Return to somewhere Spiritual flight LOVE Wonder / Magic Its really pretty straightforward: flight is freedom (128). Slide 6 Flights of Fancy Chapter 15 But dont forget irony trumps everything. (129) Slide 7 Its All About Sex Chapter 16 Blame it on Freud (135). Slide 8 Its All About Sex Chapter 16 Suddenly we discover that sex doesnt have to look like sex: other objects and activities can stand in (136). Slide 9 Its All About Sex Chapter 16 Oh yes, Freud taught us well. And some of those he taught are writers. Suddenly, as the twentieth century gets rolling, two things are happening. Critics and readers are learning that sexuality may be encoded in their reading, while writers are learning that they can encode sexuality into their writing (136). Slide 10 Except Sex Chapter 17 When theyre writing about other things, they really mean sex, and when they write about sex, they really mean something else. If they write about sex and mean strictly sex, we have a word for that. Pornography (144). You just know that these scenes mean something more than whats going on in them (150). Slide 11 If She Comes Up, Its Baptism Chapter 18 Have you even noticed how much literary characters get wet? Some drown, some merely get drenched, and some bob to the surface. What difference does it make? (152). Consider, just for a moment, that a disconcertingly large number of writers met their ends in water (153). Slide 12 If She Comes Up, Its Baptism Chapter 18 Rescued? Rise and walk away Grab on to something Passivity Good fortune Indebtedness The Soggy Character Slide 13 If She Comes Up, Its Baptism Chapter 18 Baptism=Death, rebirth, new identity Literally Spiritually Drowning=death Character revelation Develop theme Plot structure Slide 14 Geography Matters Chapter 19 Geography is hills, mountains, lakes, etc. Geography in literature is more than PLACE It includes economics, politics, history Literary geography is typically about humans inhabiting spaces, and at the same time the spaces that inhabit humans (166). Slide 15 Geography Matters Chapter 19 when writers send characters south, its so they can run amok (171). Slide 16 Geography Matters Chapter 19 So, high or low, near or far, north or south, east or west, the places of poems and fiction really matter. It isnt just setting, that hoary old English class topic. Its place and space and shape that bring us to ideas and psychology and history and dynamism. Its enough to make you read a map (174). Slide 17 So Does Season Chapter 20 For about as long as anyones been writing anything, the seasons have stood for the same set of meanings. Maybe its hardwired into us that spring has to do with childhood and youth, summer with adulthood and romance and fulfillment and passion, autumn with decline and middle ages and tiredness but also harvest, winter with old age, resentment and death (178). Slide 18 So Does Season Chapter 20 This pattern is so deeply ingrained in our cultural experience that we dont even have to stop and think about it. Think about it we should, though, since once we know the pattern is in play, we can start looking at variance and nuance (178). Slide 19 Literary Geography and Seasons Assignment Make a list of ten ways that the literary geography and/or the seasons impact a major character in your summer reading choice novel. Include specific page numbers for each item on your list. Write each in a full, complete sentence that EXPLAIN S the way in which the geography / season impacts.