How to Promote your Work on Pinterest


Transcript of How to Promote your Work on Pinterest

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Presented By: Md.Anwar ALI

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INTRODUCTION Pinterest is a web and mobile application company , which

operates an eponymous photo sharing website.

Registration is require for use.

The site was founded by Ben Silbermann, Paul Sciarra and Eran


It is catalog of ideas, rather than as a social network, that users to

go out and do that things.

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USEPinterest is a free website that requires registration to use.

Users can upload, save, sort, and manage image known as

pins and other media content (e.g., videos and images) through

collections known as pinboards.

Users can then save individual pins to one of their own

boards using the "Pin It" button, with Pinboards typically

organized by a central topic or theme.

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Pinterest also allows businesses to create pages aimed at promoting their companies online.  Such pages can serve as a "virtual storefront".

In one case study of a fashion website, users visiting from Pinterest spent $180 compared to $85 spent from users coming from facebook.

Further brand studies have continued to show Pinterest is more effective at driving sales than other forms of social media.


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Like Facebook and Twitter, Pinterest now lets marketers access the data collected on its users.

 By granting access to users data, Pinterest lets marketers investigate how people respond to products. If a product has a high number of repins, this generally tells the producer of the product that it is well liked by many members of the Pinterest community.

 Now that Pinterest lets marketers access the data, companies can view user comments on the product to learn how people like or dislike it. A 2013 study on Pinterest practices found that "repinning" was the most popular action by users, followed by likes, and lastly, commenting. According to, Pinterest has become a key part of corporate digital marketing strategies. 


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Globally, the site is most popular with women.  In 2012, a report found that 83% of the global users were

women.  Britain, however, is an exception. As of March 2012, 56% of

the users were male and their age profile was different too, being about 10 years younger than in the U.S., where the predominant age range was typically 35-44.

 In terms of age distribution, the Pinterest demographic

closely resembles the U.S. Internet population.


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For January 2012, comscore reported the site had 11.7 million unique U.S. visitors, making it the fastest site ever to break through the 10 million unique visitor mark.

 A unique users moving average growth of 85% from mid-January to mid-February and a 17% growth from mid-February to mid-March was seen.

 In August 2012, Pinterest overtook competing micro-blogging site Tumblr for the first time in terms of unique monthly visitors, clocking in at just under 25 million.


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Pinterest won the Best New Startup of 2011 at the TechCrunch Crunchies Awards.

 At the 2012 Webby Awards, Pinterest won best social media app and people's voice award for best functioning visual design.


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