How to Prevent Carbon Monoxide Poisoning in the Workplace

CARBON MONOXIDE The leaders in visual safety. POISONING How To Prevent In The Workplace


Deaths due to carbon monoxide have caused many families to begin installing detectors in their homes in recent years. The reality, however, is that carbon monoxide poisoning on the job is even more of a threat to safety for many workers than poisoning at home. Worker Safety and compliance with OSHA and other regulatory safety entities is absolutely critical in keeping people safe from the harmful affects of this lethal, yet hard to identify, smell or sense by-product of our modern day manufacturing world. Read this for a quick yet solid overview of how you can keep your workers safe(er) from carbon monoxide. If you would like to learn more, or learn how you can create a compliant safety labeling program in your facility, just contact us at [email protected] or call us at 1-866-777-1360. Creative Safety Supply is the leader in visual safety.

Transcript of How to Prevent Carbon Monoxide Poisoning in the Workplace

Page 1: How to Prevent Carbon Monoxide Poisoning in the Workplace


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How To Prevent

In The Workplace

Page 2: How to Prevent Carbon Monoxide Poisoning in the Workplace

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Preventing Carbon Monoxide Poisoning In The Workplace


Deaths due to carbon monoxide have caused many families to begin installing detectors in their homes in recent decades.

The reality, however, is that carbon monoxide on the job is even more of a threat to safety for many workers than poisoning at home.

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Preventing Carbon Monoxide Poisoning In The Workplace


Let’s review carbon monoxide exposure in the workplace in its entirety, including what exactly carbon monoxide is, why it’s dangerous, and how to prevent work exposure and poisoning on job sites.

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Preventing Carbon Monoxide Poisoning In The Workplace


It is a byproduct of combustion reactions, or the burning of certain fuels.

CO can be emitted from gasoline powered engines, natural gas heating systems, oil, coal, propane, wood and other materials which may also release carbon monoxide when burned.

What IS Carbon Monoxide?

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Preventing Carbon Monoxide Poisoning In The Workplace


Carbon monoxide cannot be seen, tasted, or even smelled by human beings.

Workers don’t even know they’re exposed to CO until they begin to experience symptoms, by which point it may already be too late.

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Preventing Carbon Monoxide Poisoning In The Workplace


Carbon monoxide impedes the blood’s ability to carry oxygen to body tissues and vital organs.

When oxygen in the bloodstream is diminished, your vital organs will be unable to function properly.

How does Carbon Monoxide kill?

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Preventing Carbon Monoxide Poisoning In The Workplace


First to become affected is the brain, displaying someof the first detectable symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning; headache, dizziness, and drowsiness.

With enough exposure, those affected may alsobegin to breathe more rapidly than normal in anattempt to take in more oxygen, becoming weakas well as easily confused or unable to make decisions.


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Preventing Carbon Monoxide Poisoning In The Workplace


Carbon monoxide risk to employees comes from gas-burning engines in machines.

Some examples that causecarbon monoxide would beportable generators, gas-poweredpower tools and saws, space heaters,and other appliances.

Risk in the Workplace

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Preventing Carbon Monoxide Poisoning In The Workplace


It’s important to ensure that proper ventilation is present in any room or workspace so that any CO in the air can leave freely.

Depending on the specific conditionsof the work environment, passiveventilation (i.e. without fans) mightnot be enough.

How to Reduce the Risk of Carbon Monoxide

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Preventing Carbon Monoxide Poisoning In The Workplace


You may need to employ fans or filtration systems to help cycle air by bringing in fresh air or drawing CO out.

How to Reduce the Risk of Carbon Monoxide


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Preventing Carbon Monoxide Poisoning In The Workplace


Work sites where gas-powered tools and machines are used should not be enclosedspaces, rather they shouldbe well ventilated or open.

How to Reduce the Risk of Carbon Monoxide


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Preventing Carbon Monoxide Poisoning In The Workplace


Alternatives to use include electric or hydraulic saws and hammers, etc.

If a gas generator is necessary to provide power for your other tools and tasks, keep ventilation in mind.

How to Reduce the Risk of Carbon Monoxide

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Preventing Carbon Monoxide Poisoning In The Workplace


Employees need to be provided with breathing systems that can filter out carbon monoxide where exposure is unavoidable.

Face masks need to be fitted with an airtight seal to the face and be capable of filtering air at the molecular level.

How to Reduce the Risk of Carbon Monoxide

Breathing Apparatus

Page 14: How to Prevent Carbon Monoxide Poisoning in the Workplace

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Preventing Carbon Monoxide Poisoning In The Workplace


Safety signs can help warn employees of any hazards that are located within the area.

The utilization of safety signs helps employeesto act accordingly since they are able to understand and acknowledge the potential for health risks. 

How to Reduce the Risk of Carbon Monoxide

Safety Signs

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Preventing Carbon Monoxide Poisoning In The Workplace


Regardless of the preventative measures youuse, you can’t be simply guessing at whetheror not carbon monoxide will be present.

Carbon monoxide monitoring machines need tobe used before workers enter an enclosed work site,and used throughout the day to monitor levels.

How to Reduce the Risk of Carbon MonoxideMonitoring

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Preventing Carbon Monoxide Poisoning In The Workplace


Carbon monoxide alarms, such as those madefor home use, should be installed.

Carbon monoxide alarms help alert employeesand give employees enough warning to remove themselves from a dangerous situation if it arises. 

How to Reduce the Risk of Carbon MonoxideMonitoring

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Preventing Carbon Monoxide Poisoning In The Workplace


Making sure your own employees know thetypes of hazards that can lead to carbon mon-oxide poisoning is a large part of proactive safety.

Training employees can help employees identifyrisks on their own while working on the job site. 

How to Reduce the Risk of Carbon MonoxideTraining

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Preventing Carbon Monoxide Poisoning In The Workplace


The responsibility falls squarelyon your shoulders as a safety manager and/or business owner, and all of your efforts must be carefully planned and thought out.

How to Reduce the Risk of Carbon MonoxideConclusion

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Preventing Carbon Monoxide Poisoning In The Workplace


When administering training, it’s up to you to make sure that training is effective and that workers retain what they are taught.

Simple education provided by sharing a slideshare like this one with your employees could save a life.

How to Reduce the Risk of Carbon MonoxideConclusion

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Preventing Carbon Monoxide Poisoning In The Workplace


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Preventing Carbon Monoxide Poisoning In The Workplace


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Preventing Carbon Monoxide Poisoning In The Workplace


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Preventing Carbon Monoxide Poisoning In The Workplace


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Preventing Carbon Monoxide Poisoning In The Workplace


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