How to Present (and Sell) Creative Work | Seattle Interactive 2017

Live or Die. Five tips to help your ideas make it.

Transcript of How to Present (and Sell) Creative Work | Seattle Interactive 2017

  1. 1. Live or Die. Five tips to help your ideas make it.
  2. 2. Hello, Im Rahmin. I do what you do (maybe a bit more analog). I love helping good ideas get into the world.
  3. 3. Sorry Guy. Sorry Seth. I like chubby, banal typography set in lists.
  4. 4. Today comes with some assumptions Image credit: The internet. Unknown.
  5. 5. Why presentations matter.
  6. 6. Access to talented and creative people is to modern business what access to coal and iron ore was to steel-making. Richard Florida
  7. 7. Linear work Image credit: Steelcase
  8. 8. Image credit: Steelcase Creative work
  9. 9. How modern business still behaves and equates value Despite ideas being the currency of the new economy Image credit: Steelcase
  10. 10. A good presentation gives great ideas the little nudge they need: 01. Builds shared belief and understanding. 02. Builds shared responsibility to keeping it alive. 03. Creates a bridge for what can be.
  11. 11. Image credit: PBS
  12. 12. Tip 01 Become a risk whisperer.
  13. 13. Commerce Companies, co-ops, corporations and the like are incentivised to create as much success as possible with taking on as little risk as possible.
  14. 14. The least risk possible means being the most comfortable with the known quantity.
  15. 15. Image credit: Liberty Mutual Insurance
  16. 16. The creative process is about finding the unknown quantity and in this case, use it to make commerce more successful.
  17. 17. Image credit: Forsman & Bodenfors
  18. 18. This is crazy. They are never going to go for this. But they wanted a _______.
  19. 19. Unknown Known
  20. 20. You have a seat at the table. They value you, but, that doesnt mean they can see things in the unknown the way you can. Its scary to cross the line but its your job.
  21. 21. Image credit: REI Co-op
  22. 22. Image credit: Forsman & Bodenfors
  23. 23. Image credit: Ogilvy
  24. 24. Think about these from their perspective for a moment. So youre telling me...?
  25. 25. Transcend risk or the known quantity takes control Its not just clients who manage risk. Remember why youre here.
  26. 26. Tip 02 Show your softer side.
  27. 27. Youre not President Obama, and thats okay.
  28. 28. No one knows the work better than you... so youre perfect for the job.
  29. 29. We make decisions on how we feel. A presentation is a critical place where we need to influence a decision. So lead with story. Are you good at what you do?
  30. 30. We make decisions on how we feel. A presentation is a critical place where we need to influence a decision. So lead with story. Are you good at what you do? Thats confidence. Keep that to yourself.
  31. 31. We make decisions on how we feel. A presentation is a critical place where we need to influence a decision. So lead with story. What do you love/like about what you do?
  32. 32. We make decisions on how we feel. A presentation is a critical place where we need to influence a decision. So lead with story. What do you love/like about what you do? Thats enthusiasm. Lead with that.
  33. 33. Wrong enthusiasm. Image credit: The internet. Unknown.
  34. 34. Right enthusiasm. Image credit: Apple.
  35. 35. Image credit: Modern Farmer.
  36. 36. Show you care and they will too. Always leave your audience better than when you found them. Make them think, laugh, feel and believe.
  37. 37. Tip 03 Build a campfire.
  38. 38. We believe our brains like data, hierarchies, process, terms and pure rational thinking. Image credit: cecetDESMA9
  39. 39. Lisa Cron
  40. 40. Report Topical Data Information Fact Exhaustive Reference: Duarte. Image credit: Mckinsey
  41. 41. Story Narrative Meaning Story Metaphor Dramatic Reference: Duarte. Image credit: Disney.
  42. 42. Report Topical Data Information Fact Exhaustive Story Narrative Meaning Story Metaphor Dramatic *A good presentation is a happy blend of both Explanatory
  43. 43. Reference: Virtual Fireplace
  44. 44. People accept ideas more readily when their minds are in story mode as opposed to an analytical mind-set. - Dr. Melanie C. Greene Reference: Virtual Fireplace
  45. 45. Image credit: Disney Your work is the protagonist in this story.
  46. 46. For story to succeed 01. It must be a true/authentic story. 02. It must be positive in tone. 03. It must be told in a minimalist fashion. 04. It must contrast the before state and the after. What has happened because of you / your work? Resolve with your work.
  47. 47. Image credit:
  48. 48. Your work is the protagonist in this story.
  49. 49. Inspire them to dream and to have courage: What if... We can be... Just think... Imagine...
  50. 50. Try different approaches as storytelling takes practice. Transport them from the conference room where rational thinking is prioritized. Enough facts. Create balance.
  51. 51. Tip 04 Sharpen your point.
  52. 52. Meet as a team: Who are we presenting to? What do we want to achieve? What are our support RTBs? What is our look, tone, feel? What should the client do?
  53. 53. What is our look, tone, feel? Team: The best presenters present. Zero builds (01). Presentation: Storyboard it. Edit. Distill. Edit. Distill.
  54. 54. * Beginning. Middle. End.
  55. 55. Create certainty by distilling all the data down into a sharp point. Its the brief. Its the brand. Its the research.
  56. 56. Eureka. Its the idea. Its the twist. Its the turn.
  57. 57. Celebrate the opportunities within the creative work. Its the solutions. Its the tactics. Its the what ifs.
  58. 58. * Certainty. Twist. Opportunity.
  59. 59. * But this is how it should feel. Build. Crescendo. Wow! Ahh.
  60. 60. Its show time. Great ideas and hard work are at stake. Dont build a report. Make something sharp.
  61. 61. Tip 05 Finished presenting. Now, keep presenting.
  62. 62. Image credit: GE. BBDO.
  63. 63. Youve done all you can to do to put your ideas best foot forward. Keep it positive and in perspective. Believe. Believe. Believe.
  64. 64. Five tips to help your ideas make it. 01. Become a risk whisperer. 02. Show your softer side. 03. Build a campfire. 04. Sharpen your point. 05. Finished presenting. Now, keep presenting.
  65. 65. Thank you. Go make something rad and then go present it. r_eslami@