How To Pitch Corporate Sponsors



Raising money can be the hardest step in launching your project, event or start-up. You can be passionate about your idea and convince a lot of people with your passion, but it takes the right information. Learn how to ask for what you need, and close the deal. Join us in Toronto's finest surroundings for 60 minutes of valuable info, links and the tactics you need to start applying immediately after leaving the workshop. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Presented by Towa Beer, a cause marketing specialist who has been presenting events, causes and great ideas to funders for the past decade. She has personally raised millions for large and small clients. Miss Beer brings all of her fundraising experience, an extensive mentor network, and many free templates to each workshop.

Transcript of How To Pitch Corporate Sponsors

  • 1.
  • 2. Courting Corporate $$s Creative Class 1A
  • 4. Stage of growth Interest rates Amount of risk
  • 5. The stage in the business cycle that you are in, will define the type and source of funding you need
  • 6. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
  • 7. How to approach a potential corporate partner
  • 9. 1. Solve a real problem 2. NO incremental costs 3. thats worry free 4. creates new revenue 5. builds community and consumer trust.
  • 10. Solve a real problem
  • 11. No incremental costs
  • 12. Its important that you show that this is a TURNKEY request, with no additional costs.
  • 13. Worry free
  • 14. Reveal (New) Hidden Revenue
  • 15. Build Consumer Affinity
  • 16. Reinforce Consumer LOVE
  • 17. With all these elements combined, you end up with a partnership that fits everyone
  • 18. What 2-3 brands would be a good fit with your product or event? Who is your perfect match?
  • 20. What is in YOUR pantry? What do you have in abundance? What assets do you have to offer THEM? What is it about your event that inspires the sponsor to participate? Why is this important?
  • 21. The What Brief description of your organization, outline of the event, project, or program for which you are seeking support. The Who - Demographics including number of attendees, age, socioeconomic status - Identify how your proposal matches the target market of the proposed sponsor - How will YOU increase their market share?
  • 22. The When, Why and How Using your Pantry list of benefits, show how your project complements the potential sponsors goals and philosophy. Detail how you plan to market their involvement, where they will be seen, and experienced by the target.
  • 23. Program $ Lift Program Profit Margin % Program Cost Program ROMI Program Cost The simplest formula for calculating marketing ROI is: (Gross Profit Marketing Investment)Marketing Investment
  • 24. So if you assume your business makes a 50% profit margin, and your marketing campaign brings in $50,000 in revenue you only made $25,000. Your ROI is actually 0%: ($25,000 $25,000)$25,000
  • 25. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Cover Page About Us Our Audience/Community The Case for Support Your Marketing/Promotion 6. Features, Benefits & ROMI 7. Your Partnership Offer 80%
  • 26. Customize The Ask 8. Your Unique Sales Offer 9. Promotion & Marketing 10.Reporting the Proof 11.Contact Info 20%
  • 27. What $100,000 actually buys across TV, online video, mobile, direct marketing, and social media.
  • 28. Some Real-World Examples
  • 29. Cover Page 80%
  • 30. Partnership Opportunities Presented to:
  • 31. About Us 80%
  • 32. About CBCF The Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation is Canadas leading breast cancer charity through: funding relevant, impactful and innovative research supporting and advocating for the breast cancer community The Foundation is a trusted leader The Foundation is the countrys leading organization committed to creating a future without breast cancer and since its inception over 25 years ago, has invested over $248 million in the most relevant and innovative research. The Foundation is the largest funder of breast cancer research in Canada. Insight and Perception CBCF ranks in the top 5 national charities measured for support and in the top 3 for brand perception. (Cvolution,TrojanOne) 46
  • 33. Our Audience/Community 80%
  • 34. Activating our community Last year: Yard Sale for the Cures media presence generated almost 400,000 online impressions with consistent RTs from the blogging community 70,000 Ontarians participated in the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation CIBC Run for the Cure CBCF Ontario partnered with over 400 community events Over 20,000 letters were sent to the Ontario Government as part of a campaign to improve quality breast cancer screening in Ontario. Our social media audience increased by 400% during the first two weeks of the campaign CBCF was awarded the most influential non-profit in social media by Hill & Knowlton (Oct 2011) CBCF Facebook Page 48
  • 35. Your Marketing/Promotion 80%
  • 36. Case study: Liberty Village Art Crawl Challenge: customized partnership opportunities in return for cash & prizes from a local restaurant. Win/Win = Promotion & prizing festival + increased traffic & awareness to the business Result: Restaurant sales went up due to increased awareness & support from the target community during campaign. Client secured cash & prizes.
  • 37. Restaurant Partnership Customized promotions: Provide discounted coupons for entre or dessert to participants & artists of LVAC Display posters in venue Host an exhibit with an artist and we will invite the media With any purchase of $50 or more at any artisan booth, enjoy a free entre! Host the media launch, 10am breakfast event Custom beverage Provide grand prize basket for participants
  • 38. Marketing Channels To capitalize on the Foundations large online follower base, Yard Sale for the Cures marketing channels are primarily online, with radio and print media seamlessly integrated into the overall marketing channels. Facebook Page Yard Sale for the Cure Website Yard Sale for the Cure Print/OOH
  • 39. Features, Benefits & ROMI 80%
  • 40. Recognition and and Atlantic sites Logo recognition on the Sponsors and Partners section of the website. Includes link to full page layout and description of partnership, including a link out to your Target Canada website. 8,000 visitors to Yard Sale for the Cure website , March-May 2012 period Host a Featured Auction with your branded car, product, signed item or premium service and be featured online. Yard Sale for the Cure e-communications: Recognition in e-communications slated for distribution during Yard Sale season, March 25th to September 30th 245,000+ subscribers Logo on all t-shirts produced for province of Ontario (760) Online Celebrity Yard Sale Webisodes Opportunity to place product or CEO in an episode of the YSC Micro-Series Brand association with celebrity, YSC and on site activation at local sites
  • 41.