How to Overcome Guilt

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Transcript of How to Overcome Guilt

  • 8/18/2019 How to Overcome Guilt


    Genesis 3:7 — “And the eyes of them both were opened, and they knew that they were naked;

      and they sewed fig leaves together, and made themselves aprons.”


    THE SPIRITUAL EYES of Adam and Eve were opened and they realized that their 

    sin resulted in guilt. For the first time they experiened shame! em"arrassment! disgrae!

    fear of punishment! sorrow! onfusion! and la# of onfidene. $hey had lost the light of 

    God%s purity and innoene! and they were exposed to the &udgment of God.

    $hey tried to avoid this "y sewing fig leaves together and overing themselves. $oday

    we try to over our sin "y getting involved in religious ativities and doing good wor#s.'i#e the (harisee )'u#e *+:,-*/! we thin# that if we do more good things than "ad ones

    we an ma#e up for our sin. And if our sins are not as serious as those of someone else! or 

    fewer in num"er! then God will aept us.

    “And he said, I heard a voice in the garden, and I was afraid, because I was naked;

    and I hid myself” )Gen. 3:*0/.

    Adam and Eve then tried hiding from God. 1e do this "y trying to avoid God! the

    2i"le! and preahing and teahing against sin.


    ur soiety and a large part of the hurh is doing everything it an to get rid of or 

    water down God%s truth so that people are not offended "y! feel omforta"le in! or 

    overloo# their sin.,d.ZWU&psig=AFQjCNHqA0qvvT940Is9LCVsSDJfWQfbZA&ust=1459947043133991

  • 8/18/2019 How to Overcome Guilt


    $here is no telling how many people are using alohol! drugs! mediations! food! and

    religion to esape 4the sorrow of this world5 )66 or. 7:*0/.

    1e try to tell ourselves that we are inherently good instead of a sinner! and all we

    have to do is let the good in us ome out. All we have to do is improve ourselves "y

    trying a little harder! or hanging a few "ad ha"its. 2ut nothing we an do an hange our 

    sin nature and our heart.

    “And the man said, The woman whom you gave to be with me, she gave me of the

    tree, and I did eat. And the ord !od said unto the woman, what is this that you have

    done" And the woman said the serpent beguiled me, and I did eat” #!en. $%&'(&$).

    Finally! Adam and Eve tried to "lame God! the other person! and the 8evil! and we do

    the same thing. 1e attempt to "lame God for ma#ing us the way we are! whih would

    ma#e 9im unfair.


    $hat might arry some weight if we were only responsi"le for the sin of Adam and

    Eve! "ut we are also responsi"le for our own sins that we have freely hosen to ommit.

    1e try to "lame our irumstanes and other people so that it is not our fault.

    1e laim to "e a vitim and therefore not responsi"le. 1e also attempt to redefine our 

    sins as diseases or other things "eyond our ontrol.

    “*nto Adam also and to his wife did the ord !od make coats of skins, and clothed 

    them” #!en. $%'&).


  • 8/18/2019 How to Overcome Guilt


    God has provided a solution for sin and the resulting guilt. 9e #illed an innoent

    animal and made oats of s#ins to lothe them.

    $his is a piture of the eternal life God has given us through the death of esus hrist

    on the ross );om.