How to make serious money with your articles

How To Make Serious Money With Your Articles In the beginning it was the word. The word was with God. The word was God. Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made.


How to make serious money with your articles

Transcript of How to make serious money with your articles

Page 1: How to make serious money with your articles

How To Make Serious Money With Your Articles

In the beginning it was the word.

The word was with God.

The word was God.

Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made.

Page 2: How to make serious money with your articles

About me

• My name is Pedro. I have been learning how to make money online since 2005 when I first read about Google Adsense in a local newspaper. It was an interesting article the changed my life and my future.

• • That article made me start a never ending quest to learn all

possible ways to make money online.• • It has been 6 years then and I learned a lot. I learned we can

make money building websites, selling hosting, selling banners, and the most potent method of all - publishing articles.

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99% Use A Search Engine• You see, 99% of the people that use the internet will use a search engine to

search for articles. This massive number of people is making billions of searches per month. Google alone handles 88 billion searches per month, Twitter 19 billion, Yahoo 9.4 billion and Bing gets 4.1 billion searches a month.

• • That's a lot of traffic looking for articles and information.• • You can respond to them by publishing those articles and in return you will

get their attention - and their money.• • To make money on the internet you need to understand only one great

principle - and that principle is -> you need to make a sale. Without sales there is no money on the internet. Just like a brick and mortar store, if there are no costumers on the store, there is no money on the cash register.

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• But now lies two great answers you want a reply fast:

• • 1- What to sell?• • 2- How to sell?

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• 1- Searching for products to sell is not easy. Those so called gurus who say you can make money without selling are not telling you the ehole truth. You can make pennies not selling but the true cash is on the sale and the commission. Affiliate networks and advertising networks suppy you with the products and the

• services and your mission then is to supply the advertising network and the affiliate network with the traffic to make the sale. I will explain how to get the best products better and in detail below.

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• 2- To sell you need costumers, lots of costumers. Actually more is never enough and your aim should be to reach as many people as you can, even if that means millions of people. There is no limit to the number of people you should reach, a decent website will handle millions of visitors per month without failing.

• To reach people you need to HAVE ARTICLES! Remember you read that 99% of the internet users, and they are already more than 1.5 Billion, use search engines to search for articles and information? You need to supply them with articles and with products for them to buy.

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• • It is really that simple. Once you have a website with products and you

have a nice supply of traffic and customers, sales will be made automatically!

• • Now the problem number 3 is how to get the maximum number of articles

published and exposed to the maximum number of people to generate the highest number of sales.

• • Solution 1: Write articles yourself. This is the "free" way to make money.

However remember that writing articles take time and if you are a beginner it will not be very effective because you are competing with the whole world.

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• Solution 2: Copy articles and republish them. This is NOT legal and search engines will ban your website for doing it so.

• • Solution 3: Get a professional write like me to

write you as many articles as you want about any topic you want to master and publich these articles in as many sites as you can find.

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• Now we reached the best part of this eBook, how to select the best products to make money, and how to expose them to the highest number possible of costumers.

• • There is no best system, you should pick a system you can work with and

master that system better than anyone else. For example, some people love Google Adsense and Google Adsense already made millionares and you can be the next! Google Adsense gives you ads to sell products and services. You publish these

• ads on a website or blog with articles and information and when someone clicks on the ads, you make some cents or some dollars. If the click generates a sale, the next time you get a click you will get paid more, if the click does not generate a sale, next time the price per click you get will be reduced.

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• • This is called Google Adsense smart pricing. Adsense is the fastest and easiest

way to make money and it fits almost every kind of website so you should give it a try. Google Adsense is best used for general websites such as news, where you do not write about just a specific nich such as Computer keyboards. Google

• Adsense works best when you do not have to manually select the products you sell.

• • Clickbank is the best supply of digital products. Unlike Google Adsense here you

manually pick the products or select the keywords your ads will contain when published on your website. Clickbank is said to make more money with Google Adsense because you get up to 75% of the sale plus a commission every month if you make a sale with a recurring billing product. Clickbank is aimed for more mature webmasters that are already comfortable with making money online.

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• There are dozens of other networks but to make money with them all you need to have TRAFFIC! That's the most important part of online money making systems.

• • Now, to generate traffic you need articles - MILLIONS of

articles. There are 2 Billion new articles indexed by Google everyday. How can you compete writing just one article a day? You can't. This is why you need professional writers to write these article for you and to get them published on websites with costumers to read your article, to click the link and to go to your website where you expose "your merchandize".

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• Getting well written articles and exposing them is 99% of this business! If you fail to make costumers read your articles and make them come to your website you miss ALL the money!

• • Unless you have a website with a lot of traffic, in that

case you just place ads all over the site and wait for people to click and buy, you need to use other websites' traffic to make money, you do that by writing articles for that website and to place one link or more to direct people to where you want them to go.

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• After publishing an article, you need to expose it on social networks and every website with visitors to maxize the number of readers, clickers and BUYERS!

• • The best article directories to write articles to are: Ezine Articles, Go Articles

and Articles Base. You can search for hundreds of other article directories and you can even start your own, but only the most popular ones matter.

• • After publishing these articles you need to place a link to make people go to

your website. This is the most important factor. When you have your own website, you will catch the traffic and you keep it by making them subscribe to email updates, RSS reader and by making them come back to read more in the future. If you deliver them directly to the products you will never see them again, where as with your own blog or website you will see them coming back for more in the future.

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• Now that you published your articles on your website and on the best article directories how do you maximize your exposure? Using social networks and heavy traffic websites. Facebook is by far the best social network with more than 400 million users and 50% of them login every day, meaning you can reach your friends, half of them, every day. They want to read articles and to spend money on products, so why not selling to them? Share your article on Facebook and check your Statcounter account to see how may Facebook visitors you get.

• • You do not need a very complicated website to make money. All you need is a domain,

you can get one for less than 10$ a year, and a simple blog. Blogger is the best service I know and it is so fast. Start a blog, publish as may articles as you can, place Google Adsense ads and Clickbank links and see how much money you can make per month.

• • Remember - the amount of money you can make is limited by the amount of costumers

or visitors your website gets. More visits means ALWAYS more clicks and sales.

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• • The amount of costumers you get will depend MOSTLY on

the amount of QUALITY articles you have published and exposed on social networks. Money is never too much and neither are the amount of articles you own. In this future of digital goods articles are probably the most valuable goods of all, since they will make more money than anything else.

• • And this is it, now all you need is MILLIONS of articles and

money will start to come as soon as you publish them on your blog or article directories.

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• I am available to write articles. I tried hundreds of ways to make money online, I run some websites and blog, but what gives me the most pleasure is article writing. I guess I have an article writing heart vein!

• • If you are interested in getting a fresh daily supply of articles to your

website contact me at: [email protected]• Visit my website for more information:• The price and the amount of articles I write per day will be discussed

as well as the delivery method.• • Remember - publish and get paid!