How to make power point slides ( business fellows )

To get more tutorials, visit us @ Business Fellows Page 1 In this tutorial we would let you know how to make your Powerpoints Presentations more attractive and what points to be considered in mind before making powerpoint slides.Some people take it as just copy and paste procedure but to present your powerpoint presentations in more easy and attractive manner is more important. So first let discuss what points to be considered while making Slides. Note :- Do not use default white color , using the default white background is hard on the viewer’s eyes. You can easily add a design style or a color to the background. 1 ) Choose the Template first according to your presentation material. Do not use dark background templates as they are hard to view. 2 ) If you choose light background template than you have to use dark text color to make your text more prominent and easy to view. 3 ) Font size must be large enough to be easily read. Size 28 to 34 with a bold font is recommended. 4 ) Select sans-serif fonts such as Arial or Helvetica. Avoid serif fonts such as Times New Roman or Palatino as they are sometimes more difficult to read. 5 ) If you use charts, Charts need to be clearly labeled. You can make more interesting charts by adding elements from the drawing toolbar.


In this tutorial you will learn how to make Powerpoint Slides for your projects and assignments..Follow couple of steps to make power point presentations...

Transcript of How to make power point slides ( business fellows )

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In this tutorial we would let you know how to make your Powerpoints Presentations more attractive and what points to be

considered in mind before making powerpoint slides.Some people take it as just copy and paste procedure but to present

your powerpoint presentations in more easy and attractive manner is more important. So first let discuss what points to be

considered while making Slides.

Note :- Do not use default white color , using the default white background is hard on the viewer’s eyes. You can easily add a design style or a color to the background.

1 ) Choose the Template first according to your presentation material. Do not use dark background templates as they are hard to view.

2 ) If you choose light background template than you have to use dark text color to make your text more prominent and easy to view.

3 ) Font size must be large enough to be easily read. Size 28 to 34 with a bold font is recommended.

4 ) Select sans-serif fonts such as Arial or Helvetica. Avoid serif fonts such as Times New Roman or Palatino as they are sometimes more difficult to read.

5 ) If you use charts, Charts need to be clearly labeled. You can make more interesting charts by adding elements from the drawing toolbar.

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6 ) Do not need to write essay , you have to mention some key points which help the reader which is being presented. 7 ) Change the text into bold or colored it, which you feel important.

8 ) Do not use multiple templates in your Powerpoint Slides.

9 ) Be specific, to the point, your each sentence should make an image in reader mind about relevant topic.

10 ) Do not use too much graphics, however you can use some pictures to make it more easy and understandable.

11 ) Keep follow the rule of 6 * 7 in your slides. 6-7 lines in each slide and 7 words in one line.

Note :- To temporarily clear the screen press W or B during the presentation. Press Enter to resume the presentation.

So I think these points are sufficient to make power point slides now we will implement practically these points in our tutorial with the help of screen shots ..

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Step 1 :- You have to download some powerpoint templates in your PC, you can search them at Google Search Engine, however some of the websites are being shared below .. Download free templates from the links given below :

These websites are just for reference, if you do not like any template from websites given above, It does not hurt to give it a search on Google for more templates

Step 2 :- After downloading, Go to the folder to open templates. Suppose I downloaded a template from Google named as “” RHYTHM “” and it is downloaded at Desktop. I opened the folder and click on

icon ( Please keep in mind that click on same icon as shown ). You will see a new window as showing below

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Step 3 :- Here one thing to be noticed that if you want to move text box up and down, have your cursor at the border line of text box and you will see an image like

this . Keep hold left click button of your mouse and move the text box to the suitable place.

Step 4 :- Now it,s the time to keep in mind all those points which I have discussed earlier. Normally 2-4 slides are present in one file ( In this template 3 slides are being shown at left side). Choose first slide as your front page and mention your Presentation Subject and your Group members, like this picture :

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Step 5:- Use the options from menu bar to adjust your text and make changes according to your taste.

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Step 6 :- As your front page has been made, now click on slide number 2 to continue your work. Write the title at the top of slide and rest of the data would be written under that title. Please keep the relevant heading at the top of each slide so that viewers can understand your topic at anytime while you are presenting .Just like shown in given figure ( Here my heading shows “ Independent Variables “ so viewers can understand that how many variables I have to present ? )

Step 7:- As one slide has been filled and now we have to make new slide to continue our topic, for this purpose Right Click on Slide number 2 and choose “ New Slide ”. You will see a new slide at the left , like in the picture given below you can

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easily see :- Do follow the same procedure as far as how many slides you need for your work. Everytime right click on slide and choose “” New Slide “” to get empty slide and continue your work.

Step 8 :- If one heading has been covered, just mention the next heading on one slide and than continue relevant data at another slide, By this way viewers can understand easily that your 1 or 2 headings have been covered and now you will discuss a new one. For this purpose write your heading in this way :

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In above picture you can see that all slides which are ready showing at left side…. In this slide it shows that I will present Introduction portion now , so my next slide would contains data regarding Introduction .

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Step 9 :- As I discussed earlier that do mention important points in color or make it Bold, so viewers can understand and differentiate them, just like shown in figure below :-

In this slide I have mentioned the important points in orange color, so you may mark them according to your taste .

Step 10 :- You people can better make the powerpoint presenation after considering these steps. These slides are as easy to make if you have 11 points in your mind which I discussed at start

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Conclusion :-

By changing the templates and different ideas in your mind, you can make your powerpoint slides more attractive as much as you can and once again keep in mind that please do not use too much data in slides and write 6-7 lines maximum at one slide.

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