How to Make One of the Largest Social Media Networks Work ......tion on LinkedIn, Social Media, and...

How to Make One of the Largest Social Media Networks Work for You! You undoubtedly have received invitaons from business partners and associ- ates to connect on LinkedIn. And you took a couple hours out of your busy life and created a profile. Perhaps you even sent out some invitaons to connect to people in your business network. And now you are asking yourself, “Is that all there is?” Donna Serdula is here to tell you that there is so much more and this presenta- on will take you though the 5 steps to maximize your presence on LinkedIn so you can find opportunity! How to Stand out AND Control Your Online Image Learn the benefits of having a strong online presence and how to effecvely ulize the Web and social media to enhance your business or career in this ex- cing workshop. Whatever your online purpose may be, 15-year Sales and Markeng veteran, Donna Serdula, will provide you with the “know how” to navigate your way through the social media storm to find the opmal sites and online connecons to suit your online purpose. Social Selling and LinkedIn Finding a Job in this Brave New Social World Social Media Equee: Pearls and URLS Donna Serdula is an engaging speaker, strategist, author and founder of Vision Board Media, an execuve branding company. Since 2009, Donna has worked with companies and individuals from all over the world. Donna’s mission is to help profes- sionals take control of their Inter- net presence and truly present themselves in a way that inspires, impresses, and builds confidence in their abilies, products, and ser- vices. Donna’s presentaons and work- shops are great for conferences, corporate educaon, and meengs that want to complement their programs and services with educa- on on LinkedIn, Social Media, and online personal branding. Donna’s Credenals Include: Author of LinkedIn Profile Opmiza- on For Dummies Founder of and Vision Board Media Profiled on Time’s Money Secon, Wall Street Journal’s MarketWatch, NBC news, and many other news outlets

Transcript of How to Make One of the Largest Social Media Networks Work ......tion on LinkedIn, Social Media, and...

Page 1: How to Make One of the Largest Social Media Networks Work ......tion on LinkedIn, Social Media, and online personal branding. Donna’s Credentials Include: Author of LinkedIn Profile

How to Make One of the Largest Social Media Networks Work for You!

You undoubtedly have received invitations from business partners and associ-ates to connect on LinkedIn. And you took a couple hours out of your busy life and created a profile. Perhaps you even sent out some invitations to connect to people in your business network. And now you are asking yourself, “Is that all there is?” Donna Serdula is here to tell you that there is so much more and this presenta-tion will take you though the 5 steps to maximize your presence on LinkedIn so you can find opportunity!

How to Stand out AND Control Your Online Image

Learn the benefits of having a strong online presence and how to effectively utilize the Web and social media to enhance your business or career in this ex-citing workshop. Whatever your online purpose may be, 15-year Sales and Marketing veteran, Donna Serdula, will provide you with the “know how” to navigate your way through the social media storm to find the optimal sites and online connections to suit your online purpose.

Social Selling and LinkedIn

Finding a Job in this Brave New Social World

Social Media Etiquette: Pearls and URLS

Donna Serdula is an engaging speaker, strategist, author and founder of Vision Board Media, an executive branding company. Since 2009, Donna has worked with companies and individuals from all over the world. Donna’s mission is to help profes-sionals take control of their Inter-net presence and truly present themselves in a way that inspires, impresses, and builds confidence in their abilities, products, and ser-vices. Donna’s presentations and work-shops are great for conferences, corporate education, and meetings that want to complement their programs and services with educa-tion on LinkedIn, Social Media, and online personal branding. Donna’s Credentials Include: Author of LinkedIn Profile Optimiza-

tion For Dummies

Founder of and Vision Board Media

Profiled on Time’s Money Section,

Wall Street Journal’s MarketWatch, NBC news, and many other news outlets

Page 2: How to Make One of the Largest Social Media Networks Work ......tion on LinkedIn, Social Media, and online personal branding. Donna’s Credentials Include: Author of LinkedIn Profile

Donna...delivered a lively, captivating, informative, and highly interactive social media presentation… [she] commanded the room from the very beginning. I highly recommend Donna to any company or professional association desiring to learn about the power of social networking.”

Steve Lawrey, President Construction Specifications Institute

Donna has the ability to let you discover and learn what you do not know and make you feel good about it at the same time. She has an enthusiastic style that leaves you wanting more.

Michael DeCamillis, Technology Committee Chairperson Mercer Chamber of Commerce

I have spent the past two months listening to many Webinars, attending networking events, and reading books on job searching techniques. One of the best sources of information is Donna Serdula. She is a great communicator who presents herself well and keeps things positive during her presentation. She would be at the top of any list of helpful people.

Thomas Ernst General Manager and Senior Trader Duferco Steel, Inc

Columbia University

PICPA's Annual Women's Conference


12th Annual Freelance Conference of the American Medical Writers As-sociation

ISM: Institute for Supply Manage-ment

Institute of Management Accountants

DELVACCA: The Association of Cor-porate Counsel (ACC)

Annual Meeting of Women Business Leader’s in Healthcare

PCUA Social Centric Conference

Network of Women in Computer Technology’s Annual Conference

Lehigh University

View Complete list: