How to Lower Blood Pressure Quickly

How to Lower Blood Pressure Quickly Lowering Blood Pressure with Diet Living a Low Blood Pressure Lifestyle Lowering Blood Pressure with Medication Edited by Maluniu, Dgeler, Gloster flyer, WikiHow Edición If your blood pressure is abnormally high, you will need to lower it as quickly as possible. There are ways to do this using nothing but diet and lifestyle, but if you are already facing hypertension, your best bet might be to get your doctor to prescribe a medication. Here's what you need to know about the options available to you. Part 1 of 3: Lowering Blood Pressure with Diet 1.


Lower Your PB Quickly

Transcript of How to Lower Blood Pressure Quickly

How to Lower Blood Pressure QuicklyLowering Blood Pressure with DietLiving a Low Blood Pressure LifestyleLowering Blood Pressure with MedicationEdited byMaluniu, Dgeler, Gloster flyer, WikiHow EdicinIf your blood pressure is abnormally high, you will need to lower it as quickly as possible. There are ways to do this using nothing but diet and lifestyle, but if you are already facing hypertension, your best bet might be to get your doctor to prescribe a medication. Here's what you need to know about the options available to you.Part 1 of 3: Lowering Blood Pressure with Diet1. 1Maintain a balanced diet.A diet composed of whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and low-fat dairy can lower your blood pressure by as much as 14 mm Hg, especially when that diet also contains minimal amounts of saturated fats and cholesterol.[1]. Dietary changes are usually the first step in dropping your blood pressure. The effects may be gradual if you do nothing more than balance your diet, but if you focus on consuming foods known to drop blood pressure and accompany your diet changes with activity and lifestyle changes, your blood pressure will drop much faster.. After you drop your blood pressure to the level it needs to be at, you can indulge in the occasional candy bar or cookie, but you should also strive to follow a diet like this most of the time to prevent your blood pressure from spiking up again.Ad 2Skip the salt.Sodium is the natural foe of high blood pressure. A small drop in your sodium intake can often lower your blood pressure by 2 to 8 mm Hg.. Limit your sodium intake to 2300 mg a day or less. If you are older than 51 years of age or if you have underlying conditions causing an increased blood pressure, stick to 1500 mg of sodium a day at maximum.. If you need to add flavor to your food, you can do so safely with many herbs and spices. Some herbs and spices, in particular, can actually help you decrease your blood pressure.. Cayenne pepper expands blood vessels and improves blood flow.. Turmeric decreases inflammation in the body overall, thereby improving cardiovascular function and causing a drop in blood pressure.. Garlic lowers both cholesterol and blood pressure. 3Limit your intake of alcohol.In small amount, alcohol can actually cause your blood pressure to drop. In higher amounts, though, it can cause your blood pressure to increase. For men and women over the age of 65, drink one glass of wine or a beverage with a similar alcoholic content per day. For adults under the age of 65, you might be able to drink up to two glasses a day. For tracking purposes, one drink or glass equals 12 oz (355 ml) of beer, 5 oz (148 ml) of wine, or 1.5 oz (45 ml) of 80-proof liquor. In moderate amounts, wine and other alcohol can lower your blood pressure by 2 to 4 mm Hg. Note that this is only helpful if you already drink alcohol, however. The results are less pronounced and riskier if you do not drink regularly. Large volumes of alcohol can decrease the effectiveness of blood pressure medication. 4Drink low-fat or nonfat milk.Milk is packed with potassium and calcium, and both nutrients have been linked to low blood pressure. Dairy also contains vitamin D, which may also help. Low-fat and nonfat milk is preferable to whole milk. Whole milk contains Palmitic acid, which, according to some studies, can block internal signals responsible for relaxing blood vessels. As a result, your blood vessels stay constricted and your blood pressure remains high.[2] 5Drink hibiscus tea.Herbal teas containing hibiscus can lower blood pressure quickly and dramatically if you drink three cups on a daily basis. Steep the tea for six minutes before enjoying it cold or hot. If you take no other measures other than drinking hibiscus tea three times a day, you can lower your systolic blood pressure by seven points within six weeks. Hibiscus tea contains anthocyanins and other antioxidants that strengthen your blood vessels, preventing them from narrowing and causing your blood pressure to spike. 6Pour a glass of cranberry juice.A glass of cranberry juice can lower blood pressure as effectively as a glass of red wine. Cranberry juice contains antioxidants known as Proanthocyanidins. These nutrients restrict the body's production of ET-1, a compound known to constrict blood vessels and elevate blood pressure. 7Eat fruits and vegetables that lower blood pressure.While fruits and vegetables are an important part of a balanced diet in general, some have a notably beneficial effect on lowering blood pressure. Eat kiwis. In a study done by the American Heart Association, scientists discovered that eating three kiwis a day for up to eight weeks could dramatically lower systolic blood pressure. Kiwis are rich in an antioxidant known as lutein.[3] Enjoy a slice of watermelon. Watermelon contains fiber, Lycopenes, vitamin A, and potassium, all of which have been linked to low blood pressure. It also contains an amino acid called L-Citrulline/L-arginine, which early studies indicate may help lower blood pressure, as well. Include a wide variety of potassium-rich fruits and vegetables in your diet. Scientists generally agree that potassium is a vital addition to any diet designed to lower blood pressure. Good sources of potassium include peas, bananas, potatoes, tomatoes, orange juice, kidney beans, cantaloupe, honeydew melons, and raisins. 8Consider drinking coconut water.Coconut water is high in potassium, electrolytes, and other nutrients linked to lower blood pressure. A study published in theWest Indian Medical Journalindicated that coconut water dropped systolic pressure in 71 percent of participants and dropped diastolic pressure 29 percent of participants.[4] 9Consume more tofu and soy products.Soy products contain isoflavones, nutrients that may have a direct link to lower blood pressure. In a 2012 study, researchers discovered that diets rich in isoflavones were likely to result in blood pressure that was 5.5 points lower than blood pressure linked to low levels of isoflavones.[5] Green tea and peanuts also contain a healthy amount of isoflavones. 10Indulge in a bit of dark chocolate.Chocolate in general is rich in flavanols. These nutrients encourage the blood vessels to dilate wider, thereby lowering blood pressure. While chocolate may help in all forms, dark chocolate and pure cacao contain higher concentrations than milk chocolate and may be the best choices. Studies suggest that consuming chocolate can reduce blood pressure in individuals with high blood pressure, but the results are less pronounced in individuals with normal or near normal blood pressure. 11Spice things up with chili peppers.Capsaicin, a spicy component of chili peppers, might encourage a drop in blood pressure when consumed. This was determined by a 2010 study, in which rats with hypertension experienced a drop in blood pressure after consuming capsaicin. Note, however, that it is still unclear whether or not the same results apply to humans.Part 2 of 3: Living a Low Blood Pressure Lifestyle1. 1Set aside 30 minutes for moderate-level exercise.Exercising for at least 30 minutes on most days of the week can quickly and substantially drop your blood pressure. You can get exercise through both athletic activities and common chores.[6]. Before increasing the amount of exercise you do in a day, you should ask your doctor for guidance. Increasing your physical activity too dramatically can actually put you at greater risk of heart attack or stroke.. Power walking is one of the simplest exercises you can add to your routine. Walking at a brisk pace for 30 minutes can lower your blood pressure by nearly 8 mmHg.. Other athletic activities you can try include volleyball, touch football, shooting baskets, bicycling, dancing, water aerobics, swimming, and jumping rope.. Helpful chores include washing the car, washing windows and floors, gardening, raking leaves, shoveling snow, and walking up and down stairs. 2Take a deep breath.Slow, meditative breathing relaxes the body, causing it to produce more nitric oxide and fewer stress hormones.[7]. Nitric oxide opens up the blood vessels, thereby reducing your blood pressure.. Stress hormones elevate renin, a kidney enzyme linked to high blood pressure.. Take at least five minutes in the morning and five minutes to focus on inhaling deeply, taking deep "belly breaths" each time.. For an even more pronounced effect on blood pressure, consider learning formal meditation, doing yoga, or trying Qigong or tai chi. 3Reduce the number of hours you spend working.Studies suggest that working more than 41 hours per week increases your risk of developing high blood pressure by 15 percent. As such, if you need to quickly lower your blood pressure, you should try shaving off a little time from your work schedule when possible.. This is especially significant if your job is notably hectic or stressful. Stress hormones cause your blood vessels to constrict, which only makes it harder for your heart to pump blood through them. As a result, your blood pressure rises. 4Listen to music.Listening to soothing music for 30 minutes daily can help drop blood pressure, especially if done in conjunction with deep breathing techniques and hypertension medication.. Choose soothing music, like classical, Celtic, or Indian music.. Studies show that after one week, your systolic reading can drop 3.2 points. 5Quit smoking.Nicotine is one culprit behind high blood pressure. If you smoke or are around people who smoke, cutting this from your life is one way to quickly drop your blood pressure.. Smoking increases your blood pressure by 10 mm Hg up to an hour after you smoke. If you smoke continually, your blood pressure will be continually elevated. The same effect applies to people who are continually around smokers.Part 3 of 3: Lowering Blood Pressure with Medication1. 1Take CoQ10 supplements.Coenzyme Q10 is a natural supplement and antioxidant that has the ability to reduce blood pressure by 17 mmHg over 10 mmHg when taken regularly. The supplement dilates your blood vessels, making it easier for the heart to pump blood through them.. Ask your doctor about the supplement. He or she make recommend that you take a 60 to 100 mg CoQ10 supplement up to three times daily. 2Ask about diuretics.Diuretics flush excess sodium and water out of the body.[8]. Since sodium is a known culprit of high blood pressure, the removal of excess sodium can cause a significant drop in blood pressure. 3Consider beta-blockers.Beta-blockers cause the heart rate to drop.. As a result, the heart pumps out less blood, thereby lowering your blood pressure. 4Try ACE inhibitors.ACE stands for "Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme." This enzyme causes your body to produce angiotensin, a chemical responsible for constricting the arteries throughout the body.. An ACE inhibitor causes your blood vessels to open, making it easier for blood to flow through them and causing your blood pressure to drop. 5Learn about angiotensin II receptor blockers.This medication directly blocks the effect of angiotensin, which is responsible for causing the arteries to constrict.. Angiotensin needs to join with a receptor in order to affect the blood vessel. These medications block the receptors, thereby preventing the chemical from having an impact. 6Inquire about calcium channel blockers.Calcium channel blockers work by blocking calcium from entering the heart and arteries.. Calcium causes smooth muscle cells in these areas to become hard, which means that the heart must use more force to pump blood through the arteries.. This medication relaxes narrow blood vessels, thereby lowering blood pressure. 7Find out about alpha blockers.Alpha blockers reduce resistance in the arteries.. As a result, vascular muscles relax, making it easier for blood to flow through. 8Ask about alpha-2 receptor agonists.This medication reduces the function of the sympathetic part of the involuntary nervous system.. This means that less adrenaline is produced. Adrenaline, along with other stress hormones, can cause blood vessels to constrict. 9Take a combined alpha-beta-blocker.These are a first-line of defense for patients facing crucially high blood pressure and drop blood pressure quicker than most other medications.. This medication reduces the resistance put up by your arteries and cause your heart rate to drop. 10Learn about central agonists.These medications prevent your blood vessels from contracting quite as easily, thereby making it easier for your blood to flow through them.. Note that the effect is similar to that accomplished by alpha-beta-blockers. 11Find out about peripheral adrenergic inhibitors.The brain is the primary target of this group of medications.. Neurotransmitters responsible for telling the smooth muscles of your heart and blood vessels are blocked when taking these medications, so the message telling those blood vessels to constrict never reaches its destination. 12Take a blood vessel dilator or vasodilator.These medications only cause the blood vessel muscles to relax.. As a result, they dilate, allowing blood to flow through with less pressure.Ad

Tips One of the best ways to lower blood pressure over an extended period of time is to lose weight. Blood pressure usually increases as weight increases, and losing as few as 10 lbs (4.5 kg) can reduce your blood pressure significantly. Healthy weight loss should be accomplished by a healthy diet and increased levels of exercise

My blood pressure was 260/240. Pretty scary. The medicine I was taking did not do any good at all.I came across something naturally that stabilized my blood pressure within two weeks, and it has remained at 120/70 for months now.

I went back to my Dr. and he was totally shocked, and ask what I was doing without taking any medicine at all, as he was also having problems with High Blood Pressure.

I told him my secret and he tried it, and had the same results. He couldn't thank me enough.The secret is:

2 Tablespoons of Apple Cider Vinegar1 Tablespoon of raw honeyPut in a cup of cold water, stir and drink.I drink this three to four times a day.It also tastes good and is very good for the body.

Within two weeks, it also brought my Cholesterol down to 162, from 398. This was a Major change, also within that two week period, I lost 18 pounds. My LDL (bad Cholesterol) was over 200. It dropped to 92 and the HDL (Good Cholesterol) went from 7 to 49.

Mix apple cider vinegar (half to 1 tablespoon) and raw honey (half to 1 tablespoon). (Note: Apple cider vinegar is actually made from fresh, organic, crushed apples that are allowed to mature naturally in wooden barrels, but you can get it easily from the grocery shops or supermarkets.)* Dissolve in a glass of water (10-20oz).* Take it one or twice daily.

I owe the drastic change to the Apple Cider Vinegar.All I can tell you is, "IT WORKS".Everyone in my office had high blood pressure, and everyone of them is doing what I do.One woman said after the first day of drinking it, Her blood pressure was normal the next morning for the first time in months.

When you have time, Type in on your browser, Apple Cider Vinegar Cures.You are going to be amazed as too what you are going to find.

The Many Health Benefits you can get fromApple Cider Vinegar. It may taste horrible but the benefits definately outway the bad taste!!Ok - this may seem very gross but if you have a tablespoon of Apple Cider Vinegar a day you will be doing your body so much good! It is so disctusting but I add some grape juice to it and drink it through a straw so it's not that bad.

Here are some reasons and benefits of having Apple Cider Vinegar:

Helps ease the itch and rid chiggersHelps with hot flashes in menopausal womenHelps treat insect bites and skin allergiesHelps relieve and heal poison ivyHelps preventheart diseaseand strokeHelps soothe and heal a sunburnHelps rid head liceGreat for your jointsGreat for arthritisGets rid of bad breathGreat anti viral and anti bacterial agentsUse a cup in as a hair rinse - makes your hair shinyGives you relief of pollen, food and pet allergies (I need that)Treats your sinus infectionsHelps reduce the risk or tumorsHelp rid wartsReduces total body stresses and tensionHelps treat hemorrhoids and varicose veinsGreat for acne, and skin problemsHelps lower your high cholesterolHelps heals your wounds and skin abrasionsHelps retain your youthCan act as an appetite suppressant and aid in weight lossHelps prevent osteoporosisHelps rid the common coldBoosts your energy level and your immune systemExcellent for acid reflux and sore throatsIt helps breaks down fatty deposits so is great for loosing weightKeeps high blood pressure down by preventing your blood from getting too thickHelps treat insomniaHelps digestionHelp common ailments such as hair loss and dandruffEven helps rid your hiccupsHelps treat and get rid of cold soresGreat for your kidneys and your bladderCures fungal infections - Athlete's feet and Nail Fungus AilmentsActs as a clenser and detoxifier for various organs basically purifying your body and its organs (kidneys, liver, heart...)Reduces risk of colon cancerTopical relief for shinglesHelps relieve diarrhea

tribes Health & Wellness Joys of Juicing topics "An Apple A Day..." - Cider Vinegar Health Benefitstopic posted Fri, October 13, 2006 - 12:18 PM by Craig

Many people are now convincedApple Cider Vinegar (ACV), that wonderful old-timers home remedy, cures more ailments than any other folk remedy and has been highly regarded throughout history. In 400 B.C. the great Hippocrates, Father of Medicine, used it for its amazing health qualities.

The reported cures from drinking Apple Cider Vinegar are numerous and include: allergies (including pet, food and environmental), sinus infections, acne, high cholesterol, flu, chronic fatigue, Candida, acid reflux, sore throats, contact dermatitis, arthritis, gout, and even heart pain. Apple Cider Vinegar breaks down fat and is widely used to lose weight. It has also been reported that a daily dose of apple cider vinegar in water has soaring blood pressure under control in two weeks!

For centuries, the benefits from cider vinegar to fight infection, promote digestion, fighting osteoporosis, have been well known. One of the first goals on the way to great health is to restore the body's pH to the alkaline range. As nearly all chronic illnesses take place in a body that has become acidic due to the gradual depletion of its mineral reserves, it is logical to check on the body's acid/alkaline balance and to work towards maintaining it in the alkaline range. The state of the body's acid/alkaline balance can be easily measured by testing the urine using pH strips.

INTERNAL BENEFITS:. Rich in enzymes & potassium. Naturally supports a healthy immune system. Helps control weight. Helps soothe dry throat. Promotes healthy digestion & pH balance. Helps remove body sludge & toxins

ACV is also a natural antibiotic germ fighter, fights E. coli and other bacteria. It is an excellent remedy for food poisoning and helpful in digestive upsets. ACV helps control and normalize weight and improve digestion. ACV helps relieve arthritis stiffness and rheumatism.

Use two teaspoons (2 t.) in a pint of water daily for yourselfor one teaspoon in the dog or cats drinking wateras a healthy tonic. Drink a daily tonic of apple cider vinegar to help you keep the right pH balance in the urinary tract, since the proper acidity creates an inhospitable environment for bacteria and yeasts that cause these infections.

EXTERNAL BENEFITS:. Helps maintain healthy skin. Helps promote a youthful, healthy body. Soothes irritated skin. Relieves muscle pain from exercise

ACV helps to maintain healthy skin, promote youthful, healthy bodies. Soothes pain of sunburn, the itch from bug bites, and the sting from plants. ACV helps prevent dandruff, itching scalp, baldness, and dry skin. ACV soothes tight aching joints, sore muscles. Apple cider vinegar also removes sebum and environmental and product buildup on the hair shaft.

COMBINE WITH NATURAL BEE HONEY TO:. Relax the nervous system. Promote deep sleep. Relieve rheumatism. Relieve arthritis. Relieve bone and muscle pain and soreness. Relieve heart ailments. Relieve stress. Relieve insomnia

Mix organic apple cider with pure raw honey and drink at night before going to bed. Great for calming nerves, promoting relaxation and relief of bone related ailments. Adjust the amount of vinegar and honey for comfort and taste. See my recommended recipe here:

RECIPE:250 mL (8 oz) Purified Water (warm enough to melt honey)1 to 2 teaspoons Raw Apple Cider Vinegar (Organic recommended)1 to 2 teaspoons Honey (Local, raw, non-GMO recommended)

(Honey comes from flowers and has a very light energy. I recommend honey from flowers that are known to provide support for heart and lungs. Use local honey to help provide relief from allergies and build immunity.)

Apple Cider Vinegar is proving very beneficial to people and animals with arthritis because it breaks down calcium deposits in the joints while re-mineralizing the bones. It has shown to be equally beneficial to dogs with hip dysplasia. ACV is also effective for urinary tract infections, and it lowers high blood pressure. In animals, it is helpful in skin and coat problems and in replacing potassium depletion. (Cranberry juice is also a well-known home remedy for urinary tract infections. It prevents bacteria from attaching to the walls of the urinary tract.)

A new University of California-Davis Medical Center study shows that daily consumption of 12 ounces of apple cider or apple juice can reduce the risk of heart disease. And the benefits dont stop there. A recent Cornell University study found that the antioxidants in apples also inhibit the growth of certain types of cancer cells.

ACV has been found to protect arteries from harmful buildup of plaque. Many heart attacks are caused by high amounts of fats and cholesterol in your blood. The fiber in ACV helps to absorb fats and cholesterol by expelling them from the body as waste materials.

ACV is used to promote the health of veins and capillaries; it is also useful in assisting in the health of the heart. The potassium found in apple cider vinegar is also beneficial to the heart.

The dietary fiber in ACV is beneficial in controlling glucose levels in the blood. Minerals like manganese, calcium, magnesium, silicon and iron develop bone mass and make them stronger. It is also a rich source of amino acids, vitamins and minerals.

ACV boosts the immune system and acts as a natural antiseptic and anti-biotic. Apples contain Vitamin C and flavonoids, which helps with wound healing and in reducing the severity of colds and flu symptoms. Apple cider also has acetic acid, plus ion-futynic lactic and propionic acids. It is the richest source of amino acids known.

Apple cider cannot cure cancer, but it is valuable to have around to help fight free radicals in the body. Beta-carotene, found in apple cider vinegar, is a powerful antioxidant, which helps to neutralize the free radicals formed in the body through oxidation. To prevent these free radicals, and to keep them in check, we need antioxidants to rid our body of these potentially dangerous compounds. Left alone, free radicals have the run of our bodies; they damage cells, which leads to cellular degeneration. The pectin in apple cider vinegar adds fiber to the diet, which helps prevent cancer, especially colon cancer. Fiber binds with certain cancer-causing compounds in the colon, and speeds up their elimination from the system.

VITAMINS IN APPLE CIDER VINEGAR:. Vitamin C. Vitamin E. Vitamin A. Vitamin B1. Vitamin B2. Vitamin B6. Pro-vitamin beta-carotene. Vitamin P

MINERALS & TRACE ELEMENTS IN APPLE CIDER VINEGAR:. Potassium. Calcium. Magnesium. Phosphorous. Chlorine. Sodium. Sulfur (the mineral - not the sulfa, which some people are allergic to). Copper. Iron. Silicon. Fluorine

By the way, my Dr. has all his nurses on it also, and has told them to stop taking the blood pressure medicine.The article will tell you that it stabilizes Blood pressure within two weeks.

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