How to Know If Your Child Has ADHD


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Transcript of How to Know If Your Child Has ADHD

Page 1: How to Know If Your Child Has ADHD

Using these ADHD symptoms questions about your child can help you identify whether or not he might

have ADHD. If you answer yes to several of these questions and the symptoms have lasted more than 6

mmonths then you need to seek out counsel from a doctor.

Does your child…. Yes No More than 6 months?

Make careless mistakes?

Have trouble paying attention to details?

Trouble staying on task or paying attention during play?

Often seem to be ignoring everything around them?

Trouble focusing on instructions?

Trouble focusing on homework?

Trouble focusing on chores?

Trouble remembering chores or getting sidetracked?

Trouble organizing their homework or daily tasks?

Trouble sustaining focus during activities such as homework?

Often lose items such as toys, sandwiches, etc.?

Forget items needed for school before leaving home?

Become distracted easily?

Begin to fidget, squirm, tap their hand and feet when bored?

Leave their seat often when expected not

Page 2: How to Know If Your Child Has ADHD


Experience excessive talking?

Answer questions before they are finished being asked?

Trouble waiting for their turn?

Run or climb at inappropriate times?

Trouble playing quietly? Act as if they are driven by an internal motor?

Intrude on others?

Prepared by the staff of Johns

Creek ADHD Resources.