How to install java in windows

How to Install Java in Windows By admin on Friday, May 10, 2013 This tutorial provides step by step explanation of how to install Java in Windows. Step 1: Download JDK 1. Download JDK or JRE from ndex.html 2. Select the version .exe format for Windows. As per your system requirement (Windows x86 for 32-bit windows or Windows x64 for 64-bit windows). Step 2: Installation 1. Double click the downloaded JDK exe file.

Transcript of How to install java in windows

Page 1: How to install java in windows

How to Install Java in WindowsBy admin on Friday, May 10, 2013


This tutorial provides step by step explanation of how to install Java in Windows.


Step 1: Download JDK

1. Download JDK or JRE from

2. Select the version .exe format for Windows. As per your system requirement (Windows x86 for 32-bit windows or Windows x64 for 64-bit windows).



Step 2: Installation

1. Double click the downloaded JDK exe file.


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2. Click on "Next" button to start Setup


3. The "Custom Setup" window allows you to choose the optional features of the JDK, such as Development tool, Source Code etc. And also you can change the installation directory.


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@NOTE: if you want to use default location for JDK and JRE installation skip point 4th and 7th


4. Click on "Change…" button, to change your installation directory.

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5. Installing window will take few minutes to install the JDK.


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6. During JDK installation, you will get new window for JRE installation. Here you can choose optional features and also can change installation path for JRE.

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7. Click on "Change…" button, to change JRE installation directory

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8. Click on "OK", then Click on "Next" button

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9. Finally you will get "Complete" screen, click on the "Finish" button. Now you have done your JDK and JRE installation.


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10. After JDK installation is done, need to configure the environment variable. Let's come into next.


Step 3: JDK Configuration

JDK installation is OK, but need to configure the windows environment to compile and running the java application from any location. If you have not configured windows environment then your java program can be compile and run from <java-home>/bin dir. To configure the installed JDK into windows, need to set environment variable JAVA_HOME to "D:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_21".


1. Click on Start -> Right Click on Computer -> Select Properties.

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2. Click on Advance system settings


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3. Go to Advanced tab.

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4. Click on Environment Variables button


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5. Under User Variables section, click on New button6. Put Variable name JAVA_HOME and Variable value D:\Program Files\Java\



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7. Press OK button to exist.8. Now set PATH environment variable same as above. Put Variable name PATH

and Variable value D:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_21\bin

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9. Now you have done your JDK configuration


Step 4: Testing Java Installation –

Before start development, need to check the installation and configuration are properly or not.


1. Open Command prompt and type "javac", if installation is properly then it must be show as below.

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