How to Install Apache Server on Windows _ Ricocheting

3/3/2014 How to install Apache Server on Windows | 1/9 How to install Apache Server on Windows Submitted by ricocheting (/user/1) on January 4, 2011 - 12:38am Note Those of you interested in the Apache 2.0.X tutorial, it has been abandon and I will no longer keep it updated, but it can be found here (/how-to- install-on-windows/apache2.0) . Apache 2.2.X 1. Download & Unpack Go to ( and choose a mirror. You want the latest win32-x86-no_ssl.msi "MSI Installer Package" release. My file was named: httpd-2.2.21-win32-x86-no_ssl.msi NOTE about finding the download links Apache sometimes moves the "quick download" link to the win32 binary. The long way to officially find it is Download ( > Other files > binaries folder (not the "Binary Releases" info link at the top) > win32 folder > then the latest win32-x86-no_ssl.msi release 2. Install

Transcript of How to Install Apache Server on Windows _ Ricocheting

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How to install Apache Server onWindowsSubmitted by ricocheting (/user/1) on January 4, 2011 - 12:38am


Those of you interested in the Apache 2.0.X tutorial, it has been abandon

and I will no longer keep it updated, but it can be found here (/how-to-


Apache 2.2.X

1. Download & Unpack

Go to

( and choose a mirror. You

want the latest win32-x86-no_ssl.msi "MSI Installer Package" release.

My file was named: httpd-2.2.21-win32-x86-no_ssl.msi

NOTE about finding the download links

Apache sometimes moves the "quick download" link to the win32

binary. The long way to officially find it is Download

( > Other files > binaries

folder (not the "Binary Releases" info link at the top) > win32 folder

> then the latest win32-x86-no_ssl.msi release

2. Install

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When you install Apache, you'll get a prompt for "Server Information." Here is

the settings I used:

Network Domain: localhost

Server Name: localhost

Admin Email: (any email. real or fake)

[checked]: for All Users, on Port 80, as a Service

3. Starting/Stopping Apache

After installation Apache2 will automatically start. The icon in the System

Tray means it started. The icon means the "Monitor Apache Servers" is

running, but Apache2 isn't started.

You can easily start/stop/restart Apache and Apache2 via that icon in your

System Tray. If you get "The requested operation has failed!" error while

starting apache use the "Test Configuration" shortcut in the Start Menu to find

the error (if the text window pops up then closes before you can read it, your

config file is fine).

4. Testing

Now the ultimate test. To see if it's serving. Open your browser and head to: ( or http://localhost/ (http://localhost/)

If it shows the It works! you have your server software installed and running.

5. Making Apache point to your files

Using Notepad open C:/Program Files/Apache Software

Foundation/Apache2.2/conf/httpd.conf (file:///C:/Program Files/Apache

Software Foundation/Apache2.2/conf/httpd.conf) (in the start-menu there

should also be a "Apache HTTP Server 2.2 > Configure Apache Server > Edit

the Apache httpd.conf Configuration File" shortcut) and search for

DocumentRoot. Change it from something like DocumentRoot "C:/Program

Files/Apache Software Foundation/Apache2.2/htdocs" to the location

where your HTML files and site are located. In my case: DocumentRoot

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June 22, 2010 - 6:43pm — Anonymous



The first time i installed Apache2, i accidentally changed ServerRoot.

Make sure you change the correct line which is DocumentRoot and

which is down about line 175.

Then scroll down about one page and change: <Directory "C:/Program

Files/Apache Software Foundation/Apache2.2/htdocs"> to point to the

same location you set DocumentRoot to in the last step.

Restart apache to make the changes take effect

WAMP (/how-to-install-on-windows)

CommentsFixing "cannot edit/create http.conf file" error

(access denied) (/comment/607#comment-607)

Hey there, great tutorial! Everything went smooth as silk except for one little

hiccup, and I'd like to post the solution for anyone else who might have this


After installing Apache successfully, when trying to edit and save the

httpd.conf, an error pops up saying something like:

Cannot create the C:\Program files\apache Software Foundation\apache2.2\conf\httpd.conffileMake sure the path and file name are correct

The reason this happens is because by default users do not have write

permissions for this file. All you have to do is right click on httpd.conf, click

properties, select the security tab, click edit, select users, and then check Full

Control - Allow.

Hope this helps! For reference I'm using Windows Vista (yes, I know I know,

don't get me started...)

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February 14, 2012 - 11:02am — ggharis

July 14, 2010 - 11:58pm — Anonymous

October 13, 2010 - 3:39pm — Anonymous

November 20, 2010 - 7:09pm — Anonymous

Windows 7 (/comment/2989#comment-2989)

In Windows 7, setting permissions and taking ownership of the file did not

let me save it. I had to "run Notepad as administrator' even though I was

logged on as an administrator. Then it worked normally. I really hate Win7.

Fixing Skype to work with Apache


I was getting the pop up window that Apache Server couldn't start; "The

requested operation has failed!" yet the "Test Configuration" text window

popped up quickly and went away with no configuration errors.

After some messing around, and per my exiting Skype, Apache worked! By

default Skype and Apache both want to use Port 80...

You can change Skype to not use port 80 by clicking Tools > Options >

Advanced > Connection. Uncheck "Use port 80 and 443 as alternatives for

incoming connections."

It worked for me! :-)

Fantastic! Thanks


Same issue for me with Skype! Thanks for the tip!! :-)

[admin edit]

To save space, I'm pruning multiple replies thank you replies. Sufficient to

say there have been MANY people who found this info use. Really

appreciate the original poster sharing this info.

DocumentRoot directory not recognized


I can't seem to get the server to recognize changes to the httpd.conf file... I've

changed the value of DocumentRoot as below:

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November 23, 2010 - 1:43pm — ricocheting (/user/1)

December 5, 2010 - 1:06pm — Anonymous

DocumentRoot "D:/webroot"

(And updated the corresponding entry to match.)

However, no matter how many times I've tried this the server still looks for

files in the default location of "C:/Program Files/Apache Software

Foundation/Apache2.2/htdocs". I've tried editing with various different

programs. Have ensured that the server is stopped when I make the changes,

tried with and without a trailing "/", and using a "\" instead of "/". Every so

often when I open the file, it seems to have reverted to the original settings,

but I haven't found a patten to what makes that happen.

Also installed AppacheConf and pointed it at the httpd.conf file... Whenever I

inspect the configuration from there, the settings reflect the default htdocs

location, but when I open the same file using notepad or pspad, I see the

settings I've noted at the top.

Running Windows 7 Home Premium (x64). Appache is version 2.2.

Any suggestions? I'm pulling my hair out! (What's left of it, anyway.)




Are you sure positive you are editing the right file? because there is a

httpd.conf (which Win7 might hide the .conf extension) and there is also

generally a httpd-sample.conf or httpd-default.conf or other very-similarly

named files in the same folder.

did you try opening the config file with the shortcut in the start menu? Also

search all the way through the file and make sure there isn't more than one

occurrence of DocumentRoot (apache will use the last one it finds in a file

while you might be editing the first one).

unhiding of file extension


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December 9, 2010 - 5:27pm — lpstep

January 3, 2011 - 7:43pm — ricocheting (/user/1)

Windows XP, Vista, and Win7:

Navigate to windows control panel, and find an item of "folder options"

or something similar.

Open it, and go to "View", here you must unselect "Hide extensions for

known file types".

It is also worth mentioning that I had to give myself admin rights to

modify file in the folder of the httpd.conf file for me to edit it. ( I have

Win7 pro)

Question: Getting SSI to work


I thank you for the newbie-friendly instructions. The installation went smoothly

and Apache works as expected. However the SSI does not work for my shtml

files. The browser (Firefox) just shows the page code. What do I do to

hhtp.confd to enable SSI?


Len Stephan

Answer: Enabling SSI


you need to do two things to enable SSI

1) The first step, you need to add Includes to the end of your main Options

line. In httpd.conf look inside the <Directory "C:/public_html"> folder settings,

there should be a line like Options Indexes FollowSymLinks (about line 219) and

you want to add Includes to the end so it looks similar to Options Indexes

FollowSymLinks Includes

2) The second step is to uncomment two lines under the mime_module

section. So:#AddType text/html .shtml#AddOutputFilter INCLUDES .shtml

becomesAddType text/html .shtml

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January 6, 2011 - 12:30pm — Anonymous

January 6, 2011 - 12:52pm — ricocheting (/user/1)

March 10, 2011 - 12:09pm — Anonymous

March 11, 2011 - 5:31pm — ricocheting (/user/1)

AddOutputFilter INCLUDES .shtml

Restart Apache and SSI should be enabled for .shtml files.

No "It Works" message displayed!!!


hey, I have performed all the steps for the installation but I seem to be having

problems while trying to get the it works message to display, when I type in

http://localhost/ (http://localhost/) in the address bar it says it could not find

the address. But when I try pinging it from the command prompt it works fine.

I have tried everything, I even tried clearing the browser cache. Any

suggestions with regard to this problem are welcome...

Answer: localhost not working on

Win7 (/comment/1449#comment-1449)

Just curious, are you on Windows 7? and does it work if you use (

If you have Windows 7 and using (

works, but you want to use http://localhost/ (http://localhost/) instead (or

in addition to) then you need to edit the file:C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts

and change the line:# localhost

to: localhost

You don't have permission to access / on this

server. (/comment/1678#comment-1678)

Hi after configuring when i run http://localhost (http://localhost) i get the

below error .. pls advise

You don't have permission to access / on this server.


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April 10, 2011 - 7:40pm — DemonDriverDan

April 14, 2011 - 1:33pm — ricocheting (/user/1)

April 30, 2011 - 3:22am — Anonymous

May 1, 2011 - 7:01pm — ricocheting (/user/1)


I would guess you don't have an index file in your DocumentRoot directory

and that Apache is not set to list the files available by default.

Access Denied error in browser


As soon as I move the DocumentRoot from the htdocs location, I get a 403

Access Denied error. I'm running Apache on Windows Server 2008, and it was

working before I tried to sort out password protection using .htaccess etc. I

uninstalled Apache, and deleted all related files I could find but it keeps

coming back with the same error!

Any ideas?



what happens if you try to directly access a file? eg;

http://localhost/index.html - does that also give a 403? if directly

accessing a file works, then the problem is related to DirectoryIndex not

having the correct "default" files after it that you want apache to look for

when you access a directory (eg; DirectoryIndex index.php index.html) or Options

needs +Indexes added to it if you want apache to list the files if a

DirectoryIndex file isn't found (by default I think it will 403 now instead of

listing the files)

how to run a jsp program???


Thanks for your valuable tips. now will you please tell me the procedure to run

a jsp program on this web server?

Answer (/comment/1871#comment-


You can install Tomcat for Apache (

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December 27, 2011 - 6:27pm — Anonymous

December 28, 2011 - 7:02pm — ricocheting (/user/1)

December 31, 2011 - 2:00pm — Anonymous

doc/setup.html#Windows). That should allow you to use JSP files although

I personally have never done it.

Do I have to remove IIS?


http://localhost/ (http://localhost/) -> it works ( -> IIS page

Is this a conflict or is it normal?




No, that is not normal and I'm not sure it's even possible (without multiple

IPs mapped). Both apache and IIS run on port 80 by default and whichever

one starts first should "lock" the port 80 and prevent the other program

from serving on it. Are you sure is displaying an IIS message and

not some browser created message? (they do look alike in Internet


Just stop IIS before installation


Stop IIS before installation and everything will work fine..