How to have an abundance of ideas by Michael Allen of TalkFreely

HOW TO HAVE AN ABUNDANCE OF IDEAS Michael Allen Ready my blog @Brillianttideas Learn more about idea management software Copyright Michael Allen, 2014

Transcript of How to have an abundance of ideas by Michael Allen of TalkFreely

1. HOW TO HAVE AN ABUNDANCE OF IDEAS Michael Allen Ready my blog @Brillianttideas Learn more about idea management software Copyright Michael Allen, 2014 2. About me.. - Innovator - Speak, blog about and help organisations innovate - Partner in a idea management software business called TalkFreely - I walk the talk and share all my ideas online Copyright Michael Allen, 2014 3. Copyright Michael Allen, 2014 IDEAS STICK 4. Ideation tools How to make ideas stick Getting beyond just the idea Copyright Michael Allen, 2014 5. My view of Intrapreneurship Another way for organisations to innovate Disrupts and is less disruptive than the dominant approach Can address the culture problem by focussing on the already engaged Develops the most talented employees 6. Why I share my ideas Copyright Michael Allen, 2014 - Because all things are difficult before they are easy - While you can invent on your own, you cant innovate on your own - The idea is the first and easiest step - The more ideas you have, the more ideas you have 7. Copyright Michael Allen, 2014 First, the basics 8. Copyright Michael Allen, 2014 What are ideas? 9. Copyright Michael Allen, 2014 10. Copyright Michael Allen, 2014 11. Copyright Michael Allen, 2014 Its as simple as that 12. Copyright Michael Allen, 2014 MORE CONNECTIONS = MORE IDEAS 13. Go where smart people go Copyright Michael Allen, 2014 14. Be inquisitive Copyright Michael Allen, 2014 15. Go where ideas thrive Copyright Michael Allen, 2014 16. Allow yourself to be inspired 17. Figure out how things wor Copyright Michael Allen, 2014 Figure out how things work 18. Be a free thinker Copyright Michael Allen, 2014 19. Allow an idea to keep you awake at night Copyright Michael Allen, 2014 20. Exercise your idea muscles Copyright Michael Allen, 2014 21. #IdeaHacksTake something and hack it by changing or re-organising some of the components to create new value #12bricks Thinking with your hands, 12 Lego bricks, millions of ideas #Differentiation Stimulate ideas by broadcasting challenges to discreet communities of users #Challenges #Reverse InnovationRather than ask for ideas, ask the opposite then reverse them Copyright Michael Allen, 2014 22. #12bricksJust 12 LEGO bricks, millions of ideas - Its the simplest metaphor for innovation - Its thinking with your hands - I need four volunteers please! Copyright Michael Allen, 2014 23. Take just 12 bricks Copyright Michael Allen, 2014 24. Children Just play, they start putting bricks on bricks and see what they can create Copyright Michael Allen, 2014 25. Adults Try to visualise, to think of something to create first Copyright Michael Allen, 2014 If we can break that instinct, and get them to experiment to think with their hands, eventually the ideas flow 26. But when we set a Challenge make something useful for your work desk, we generally follow a process; ideate, prototype, test, improve, build Copyright Michael Allen, 2014 27. What did the volunteers make? Copyright Michael Allen, 2014 #2, make an animal I think he said it was a swan #3, make a small box, for instance, to take a pill to work This was great, exactly as I specified. The door even has a handle! #4, make something for your desk #1, make anything you want, the first thing that comes to mind I think this was a robot toy for the makers Son 28. Use it - With people that arent used to structured ideation or workshop activities - As a way to warm-up the idea muscles - To describe what (and actually do some) innovation - It demonstrates that anyone can do this - To illustrate the paradox that creativity can be enhanced by setting restrictions - How did our volunteers get on @just12bricks 29. #Idea HackingTake something and hack it by changing; - or re-organising some of the components - the utility (what its for and does) - the value proposition (what it offers people) - the configuration (the way it is sold or offered) - the Customer experience (how people use and interact with it) Copyright Michael Allen, 2014 30. Lets hack the Mars-bar 1. Its nougat, topped with caramel, and wrapped in chocolate. Hack the order 2. Hack the components and substitute the caramel with something else 3. Its a high-calorie snack. Hack the utility, what else could it be? 4. Its a low-cost snack. Lets hack the pricing model and sell it for 10x the price. Describe it 5. Its sold through retailers. Lets hack the business model. What would it need to be to be sold on subscription and delivered to someones door weekly? 6. Lets hack the customer experience. Take its association with sport and re-think the fact that we eat it, what else could it be that allows us to disrupt the customer experience all together 31. #ChallengesStimulate Ideas by crafting specific challenges to discreet communities of people; - Normally a provocation in the form of a question - Often requires a dialogue rather than just simply ideas - May need facilitation or examples to start the creative process - Diversity is key, but the more diverse, prepare to offer a reward - The more creative the challenge, generally, the more creative the ideas Copyright Michael Allen, 2014 32. Provocations can jolt us into an emotional state 33. Or inspire us Copyright Michael Allen, 2014 34. How can we secure time for Innovation? Or asks a question 35. What in this photograph of a colleagues desk will change in the next 5 years? Or ask us to think of the future Copyright Michael Allen, 2014 36. What would it take to get people talking about us at a dinner party? 37. What processes or process steps do you take that waste time or add no value? 38. What could you and your team do that would push you out of your comfort zone? 39. What attitudes or pre-conceptions are holding us back? 40. If we could create a new variation of our product that the super-rich would want to buy, what would it look like? If we could create a new variation of our product that the super-rich would want to buy, what would it look like? 41. If we could create a new variation of our product that the super-rich would want to buy, what would it look like? If we developed a Service offering, what would it look like? 42. If we could create a new variation of our product that the super-rich would want to buy, what would it look like? What could we do to make our customers more successful? 43. If we could create a new variation of our product that the super-rich would want to buy, what would it look like? Whats causing our customers pain that we can solve? 44. Think of a company you love and are loyal to and then write 5 things they do that we could adopt Think of a company you love and are loyal to and then write 5 things they do that we could adopt 45. #DifferentiationTake existing products and make it different by changing the; - value proposition (what it offers people) - the utility (how it works / what it does) - the configuration (the way it is sold or offered) - Customer experience (how people use and interact with it) Copyright Michael Allen, 2014 46. Lets take the humble bin-liner, how can we add value through differentiation 1. Can we change the customer experience by addressing some of the known problems? 2. How can we change the utility? Apart from the kitchen, where else do we need rubbish bags? 90% of the bags we sell are black. Can we change the value proposition by simply choosing different colours other than black and green? 3. Can we change our business model or disrupt our supply-chain? 4. What other properties do our bags have that are useful 5. If we could create a bin liner for x10 the price, what would it look like and do? 6. We know plastic bags are bad for the environment. Can we re-think the way we use them that will reduce this impact? 47. Note on running ideation workshops Lets NOT brain-storm some ideas. Brainstorming can suffer from; Social loafing Production blocking Evaluation apprehension Brainstorming works well if the aim is to get a consensus from a group, ideation can requires the opposite (divergence) For that reason, I never force people into working in a group. Many of us ideate better solo (and work poorly in a group) We need to get the best from the introverts (that cant do group-think) as well as the extroverts 48. Copyright Michael Allen, 2014 49. Making ideas stick Copyright Michael Allen, 2014 50. Great ideas dont have to be new ideas Copyright Michael Allen, 2014 51. Copyright Michael Allen, 2014 52. Copyright Michael Allen, 2014 53. Copyright Michael Allen, 2014 54. How do some ideas stick (and others dont)? Copyright Michael Allen, 2014 55. Copyright Michael Allen, 2014 56. Copyright Michael Allen, 2014 57. Copyright Michael Allen, 2014 58. Copyright Michael Allen, 2014 59. An idea for everyone is an idea for no one Copyright Michael Allen, 2014 60. Who are your early adopters? Copyright Michael Allen, 2014 61. Does your idea align to your Sponsors; - Strategy - Commercial model - Capabilities & Culture - Customers (and if not are they prepared to disrupt themselves) Copyright Michael Allen, 2014 62. Or if it is the end-User, does your idea; - Solve a problem recognised by a discreet group? - Do they care enough about that problem to adopt or invest in your idea? Copyright Michael Allen, 2014 63. Solve a problem people care about 64. I can save you money on your energy bills Copyright Michael Allen, 2014 65. Copyright Michael Allen, 2014 really innovative ideas are roughly indistinguishable from really dumb ideas Jocelyn Goldfein 66. #IdeaCanvas A 6 step model to describe any idea Copyright Michael Allen, 2014 67. As you can see, the Idea Canvas is a small box which opens out into a cross shape and contains a pad of post-it notes 68. #1. My idea is ..a product that ..a solution to ..a service for Brilliant Idea #298 is an app called Trading Places. Think of an ebay auction, in real-time, but for a seat on a train or a place in a queue Copyright Michael Allen, 2014 69. #2. My idea solves the problem that Brilliant Idea #298 is an app called Trading Places. It allows people to trade, for example their seat on a train or place in a queue with someone that is happy to pay for their place My idea solves the problem that many of the things we value are over- subscribed and, if we could, wed happily pay more to jump a queue or have a seat Copyright Michael Allen, 2014 70. #3. The Problem affects Who are your early adopters likely to be? Brilliant Idea #298 is an app called Trading Places. It allows people to trade, for example their seat on a train or place in a queue with someone that is happy to pay for their place My idea solves the problem that many of the things we value are over-subscribed and, if we could, wed happily pay more to jump a queue or have a seat The problem affects gen x city dwellers that use public transport and eat out a lot Copyright Michael Allen, 2014 71. #4. They care enough to adopt my idea because (this is the hardest one) Brilliant Idea #298 is an app called Trading Places. It allows people to trade, for example their seat on a train or place in a queue with someone that is happy to pay for their place My idea solves the problem that many of the things we value are over-subscribed and, if we could, wed happily pay more to jump a queue or have a seat My target users care enough about the problem because they value their time more than their money The problem affects regular users of public transport and millennials that eat out regularly Copyright Michael Allen, 2014 72. #5. My idea solves the problem by Brilliant Idea #298 is an app called Trading Places. It allows people to trade, for example their seat on a train or place in a queue with someone that is happy to pay for their place My idea solves the problem that many of the things we value are over-subscribed and, if we could, wed happily pay more to jump a queue or have a seat The problem affects regular users of public transport and millennials that eat out regularly My target users care enough about the problem because they value their time more than their money My idea solves the problem by integrating with other social tools to link people with and people without Copyright Michael Allen, 2014 73. #6. I can test my idea by Brilliant Idea #298 is an app called Trading Places. It allows people to trade, for example their seat on a train or place in a queue with someone that is happy to pay for their place My idea solves the problem that many of the things we value are over-subscribed and, if we could, wed happily pay more to jump a queue or have a seat The problem affects regular users of public transport and millennials that eat out regularly My target users care enough about the problem because they value their time more than their money My idea solves the problem by integrating with other social tools to link people with and people without I can test the app by running social media marketing campaigns to test whether people sign-up Copyright Michael Allen, 2014 74. 5 hacks to test an Idea (to make sure you are building the right it before you build it) Alberto Savoia - Pretotype Copyright Michael Allen, 2014 75. #1. The MVP Build the minimum viable product to test whether people want it 76. #2. The Concierge You test whether people want it before building anything by manually doing it out of sight 77. #3. The mystery button 78. #4 One day only Get out there, create urgency, and see how people respond to it 79. #5. The Pinocchio Create a wooden version and see how people react to it 80. #6. Idea test hacks #1. The MVP Can you create a minimal viable product? Something that does just enough to be viable for our key users? #2. The Concierge Before you build anything, can you create demand for it even if you have to manually create it out of sight? #3. The mystery button Can we describe it in a handful or words, broadcast it to our target users and see if anyone clicks the mystery button? #4. One day only Get out there, create urgency, talk to people, watch how they respond to it. Can we take an order for it? it #5. The Pinocchio test Can you create it as a mock-up and watch how people use it? 81. #1. My idea is Now re-visit step 1 and try to get to the core of the idea. What will make your idea stick? Brilliant Idea #298 is an app called Trading Places. It makes modern life easier by helping people trade, for example their seat on a train or place in a queue with someone that is happy to pay for their place Copyright Michael Allen, 2014 82. 3 Quick plugs before I go 83. Quick plug The Idea Canvases; - Cost pennies, so you can gift it to everyone or everyone that wants to join in and develop their idea - They create a focal point for discussion and development. - Contact me for prices 84. Copyright Michael Allen, 2014 85. REALLY QUICK PLUG Learn more about idea management software We support a number of approaches to innovation - Crowdsourcing ideas from staff, Customers and Partners - Co-creation - Employee Engagement - Idea competitions and tournaments Copyright Michael Allen, 2014 86. Innovation is like traversing a mountain range, theres lots of ups and downs and youll frequently lose sight of the summit! Copyright Michael Allen, 2014 87. THANKYOU Michael Allen Ready my blog @Brillianttideas Learn more about idea management software Copyright Michael Allen, 2014