How To Get Your Ex Back.pdf


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Transcript of How To Get Your Ex Back.pdf

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    STEP-BY-STEP GUIDEHey, its Mike Fiore

    And really briefly, I want to walk you through the steps of the Relationship Roadmap or Process Map.

    This map really lays out exactly how the Text Your EX Back system works (and why it works so well) in handy, dandy graphical form.

    You can find the map itself further down the document. This summary will briefly explain each piece of the Text Your Ex Back system.

    Theres also an in-depth video walkthrough available, where I go into even more detail about how and why this system works. You can watch that video any time by clicking this link to visit the page: How To Get Your Ex Back

    The graphic is meant to be easy to read on its own (just follow the arrows and read the cool pictures) but let me just lay it out for you.

    1. You break up (youve already done this part.)

    2. You go CRAZY with emotions like regret, anger, sadness, shame. You probably become something of a Text Terrorist during this phase and even may have sent some of the toxic texts I talk about in your included 3 Toxic Texts You Should Never Send Your Ex report.

    3. An indeterminate amount of time passes. Things dont get better. You keep missing that one man or woman.

    4. You begin the Text Your Ex Back program and start the 30-Day No-Contact Rule.

    This part sucks for a lot of people, but its 100% necessary for you to get clear of the neediness, anger and other toxic emotions that are keeping you from your ex.

    The thirty days of no contact starts now, from the moment you start Text Your Ex Back, not from when you last saw your Ex. You need that thirty days to work the exercises in the program if you want to have any chance at all of getting him back.

    And no contact means no contact.

    If you have to talk to your ex (for business or family reasons only, absolutely not for emotional reasons) keep it short, simple and unemotional. Itll drive him nuts.

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    5. During your thirty days of no contact you use Text Your Ex Back to

    A. Figure out the real reason you broke up (its probably not why you think.)

    B. Figure out your Big Goal and what you really want with your ex: Life-long love? A one-night shag? To be friends? Its up to you.

    C. You prep your Text Judo methods so youre ready when the time comes.

    6. The 30 days are over! WHEW!

    7. Once your thirty days are up, you start using the homework you did during your downtime to start texting your ex.

    A. You start with Across the Bow texts, which are designed to get his attention without being needy or emotionally loaded.

    B. You move on to Best of the Relationship Texts that transport your ex back to the good times.

    C. You then use the Emotional Honesty and Intimacy Booster texting formula to bring you closer together than ever before.

    D. Next come the Green-Eyed Monster texts that drive your ex crazy with positive jealousy

    E. And Seduction texts that tug on your exs lizard brain.

    All to get your ex to be the one to ask you out again on your terms so you can create a new relationship better than the one you had before.

    In my e-mail newsletter, well talk a little more about how to plan out your comeback. Well touch on my Across The Bow, Green Eyed Monster and Seduction texting techniques a bit later.

    But if you want the real skinny on these techniques (and want to actually start the process that will have that man crawling back into your arms and begging you never to let him go again) you should really invest in the Text Your Ex Back system while its still available at the discount rate.

    If you havent watched my in-depth video explaining how Text Your Ex Back can help you, click the link below. If youve watched the video, click the link to place your order now.

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    THE TEXT YOUR EX BACK GUARANTEEWill I guarantee that youll get your ex back using the system?


    Text Your Ex Back works really well, but breakups are complicated.

    Depending on why you broke up, what kind of relationship you had, and a thousand other factors unique to your situation, I cant control whether youll live happily ever after or not.

    You might end up like Fiona, who sent me this note after she used the program:

    Mike, THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! It was SO hard to do the 30 days no

    contact, but I did it. He tried to get in touch with me a few times but I

    ignored him like you said and did the program. Then when I started

    texting him I was in control. After my fifth text (the green eyed monster!)

    he practically begged me to get coffee! Weve been on two dates now

    and it feels amazing. So much better than before. Thank you!

    Or you might end up like Yung:

    Mike, I dont know if Im a success story or not. I did what you said

    and during our time away from each other I met a new man. Im doing

    what you said in your program and hes absolutely enchanted with me.

    Thank you!

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    Or maybe youll end up like Kelly:

    Mike, you helped me let go of a relationship that I now realize I didnt

    really want. Thank you so much.

    So what is the Text Your Ex Back guarantee? What can I promise you?

    The only thing I can guarantee is that if you grab the program and USE IT, the pain will stop.

    Its the most effective program of its kind, and even if you dont get him back, youll get you back. Youll get your confidence, your swagger, and your happiness back.

    Work the steps, watch the videos, fill out the worksheets, listen to the interviews. If youre not completely satisfied, then I dont want your money. Just send us an e-mail and well give you a full refund no questions asked.

    As Ive said, there are no magic words or instant fixes. But with the right plan and a little time, you can get out from under this bitter cloud of pain and desperation.

    You can be happy again. You deserve to be happy again.

    By reading this report, youve already started down the right path. The next step is to click the link below and get more support from myself and the Text Your Ex Back community.

    I look forward to seeing you in the members area.

    Michael Fiore

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    2012 by Michael Fiore and Digital Romance, Inc. All rights reserved.

    This document may be printed for the personal use of the original downloader. Reproduction and distribution in any other way, shape, or form is forbidden.

    No part of this manual may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by electronic or other means without prior written permission from the author.

    This publication is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information with regard to the subject matter covered. It is sold with the understanding that the author is not engaged in rendering legal, accounting or other professional advice. If legal advice or other professional assistance is required, the services of a competent professional should be sought. Michael Fiore and Digital Romance, Inc. individually or corporately, do not accept any responsibility for any liabilities resulting for the actions of any parties involved.