How to Get the Maximum Out of Your Employees

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  • 7/29/2019 How to Get the Maximum Out of Your Employees


    How to Get the Maximum out of Your Employees

    A conducive work environment is one in which all the varied employees work in

    unison, to achieve the common goal of overall success. Wed 22 Aug, 2012 4:05 PM IST


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    As an employer, you need to learn some tricks in order to generate the maximum output out of your


    1. Each Employee is Different

    Although it is extremely common to view the employees as a collective workforce, paying attention to

    their individuality will help boost output in the long run. As an employer, you should celebrate their

    uniqueness and develop a transparent communication system addressing their needs, expectations

    and requirements. Although it is your duty to treat every employee equally, take care not to treatthem partially. This will only spite discord among them.

    2. Manage Expectations

    If you desire to attainmaximum benefitsout of your hardworking employees, then you should be

    vigilant enough to lay out your expectations at the very start of the project. Maintaining such

    transparency with your team will bring everyone up to speed with the current design of things. This

    will remove chances of miscommunication among employees, in terms of assigned expectations.

    3. Provide Challenging Environment

    A dynamic work environment is highly conducive to fostering the maximum output of your

    employees. Creating a strict work environment will only let the monotony sink in. A peppy yet

    professional workplace is the best way to harness creative inputs and put them to fruitful use.

    4. Provide Incentives
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    Every employee likes some form of appreciation from the management. While monetary incentives

    are a great way to motivate the team to work harder, it cannot always be the most feasible choice for

    organizations. Apart from monetary appreciation, you could provide verbal encouragement and offer

    perks like conveyance reimbursements and gourmet lunches. An incentive-laden environmentis good

    for inducing some healthy competition and getting the creative juices flowing.

    5. Foster Strength and Manage Weaknesses

    As their professional superior, it is your responsibility to push the employees to do better. This

    means evaluating everyones strengths and weaknesses and aiding them accordingly. Leverage the

    strengths of your employees to productive use and improve upon their weaknesses to accelerate the

    output and interpersonal relationships as well.

    6. Dont be Afraid to Fire Employees

    As an employer, it is your sole duty to preserve the productive nature of your work environment. This

    means that you have every right to remove any incompatible element, if need be. Dont be afraid to

    let go of your unproductive staff. When workplace harmony is the prime objective, there is nothing

    wrong infiring employeesin order to preserve it. You never know, they might be grateful to you, for

    ushering them into a better direction in their respective careers.

    Being an employer, you wield immense responsibilities in aiding the workforce to do better and by

    following the suggested tips, you shall be able to enjoy the maximum returns.
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    The Best Ways to Torpedo Your Career

    By Chrissy Scivicque | U.S.News & World Report LP Thu 16 Aug, 2012 7:13 PM IST

    You probably didn't set out to turn your promising career into atrain wreckof Real Housewivesproportions. But if you're not careful, this could be where you're headed.

    While flipping tables may be an obvious sign that you've taken a wrong turn, unintentional--even

    innocent--mistakes can dim a bright career future. Here are a few of the most common career gaffes

    and some tips on how to avoid them:

    1. Make emotional, rash decisions. Go on, act on that impulse to quit without notice. It'll feel so

    good ... for about five minutes. Then you'll realize your reference is shot, you've burned the bridges

    you spent years building, and no one learned their lesson the way you imagined.

    Emotions are a natural part of being human, butacting on emotions isn't a requirement. The

    decisions people most often regret are those that are made in haste when emotions are running high.

    Slow down, take a deep breath, and think it through. You can end up living with the consequences of

    a bad career decision for life.

    2. Be reactive. Here's an idea: Why not just wait and let life have its way with you? That's what

    being reactive is all about. Maybe the writing on the wall says layoffs are coming. But you just hang

    out, hold tight, and wait for the ship to sink. Then, months later when you're "suddenly"unemployed,

    you can't help but feel like a victim of this horrible economy.

    Maybe if you took action early on, you could have avoided the pain of unemployment. If you planned

    ahead and took control of the situation, rather than letting the situation control you, maybe you'd be

    in a position of power rather than victimhood. Instead of scrambling to keep up, aim to stay two

    steps ahead.

    3. Avoid self-reflection. Conflict with co-workers? They must be jealous. Butting heads with your

    boss? He's probably a jerk. Whatever is going on that's holding you back in your career, it's not your

    fault. If you believe that, I know of a reality show you'll love.

    No one likes to admit they're less than perfect, but guess what? You are.We all make mistakes. We

    all have room for growth. If you're unwilling to really see yourself (warts and all), take responsibility

    for your shortcomings, and commit to improving them, your career is on a fast track to nowhere.
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    4. Wing it.Who needs a plan? Head out in the vague direction of "success," and you'll get there

    eventually, right?

    The GPS makers of the world are laughing hysterically right now. They know that if you don't know

    where you're going and you don't have a map to get there, chances are good that you'll end up in a

    bad part of town. The same is truefor your career. Just ask the aspiring writer behind the shoe

    counter at the bowling ally.

    5. Get comfortable. Sit back, relax, and put your career on cruise control. Don't worry about

    learning new skills or pushing yourself to new levels. Grab a mint julep and find some shade.

    And while you're doing that, the competition will be quietly, steadily outpacing you. The rest of the

    world isn't worried about being comfortable; they're worried about being successful. They know that

    there are no easy paths to greatness. They're constantly growing and learning and seekingdiscomfort--because that's where the good stuff happens.

    Chrissy Scivicque, the founder, believes work can be a nourishing life

    experience. As a career coach, corporate trainer and public speaker, she helps professionals of all

    levels unlock their true potential and discover long-lasting career fulfillment.
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    How to Overcome ShynessSANDEEP SHARMA



    Shyness is a very common trait,

    and only varies in degree from one individual to another.

    However even the most pathological forms of shyness can be overcome with persistent

    efforts. Shyness roots from a very basic emotion, that is, fear, and everyone has their

    own fears and self-doubts. To overcome shyness you dont need to alter your overall

    personality, but bring yourself to systematically eliminate those doubts and fears. Read

    on to know how.

    1. Introspection

    One could be shy for numerous reasons, namely weak self image, insecurity, excessive

    self-consciousness etc. Firstly, you need to accept the fact that no earthly creature is

    perfect. Your shyness can simply be a matter of habit or rooted in some bad experiences

    of the past. Identify the cause and try to bring about a change, moving towards a

    renewed self.

    2. Work on Your Self-Worth

    We all have our own abilities and weaknesses and in no way whatsoever should your

    weaknesses affect your self-worth. Learn to value yourself by identifying each of your

    strengths, no matter how trivial they seem to be. Treat yourself as a unique individual,

    because guess what, you are unique!!
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    3. Get Rid of the Label

    You need to get rid of the label of shy that you have imposed upon yourself. By

    accepting that you are shy, you are bound to live up to that trait for the rest of your life.

    Entertain the possibility that you can be as outgoing and confident as anybody.

    4. Experiment

    You can only come out of your shell when you will try to break out of it. Challenging

    yourself to engage in different social situations and getting out of your comfort zone

    more often will help you subdue your inhibitions. It may seem emotionally

    uncomfortable at first, but with time and repetition, you would see your social barrier

    melt away.

    5. Get Out

    You need to get out of yourself. Try to think less about yourself and what other people

    might be thinking about you. Instead, try to direct your stream of thought upon the

    people around you and their conversation. Instigate your natural curiosity to learn more

    and be more outgoing.

    6. Adopt a System

    Setting simple short-term goals will help you to be the person you aspire to be. You dont

    need to be an obsessive perfectionist, but rather identify yourself and set goals


    Shyness can hold you back in all walks of life. By being shy, you may even miss out on

    some of the greatest experiences in life. Use this idea to motivate yourselfto get out into

    the world, which presents a million gleaming possibilities. You only get to live once and

    it is certainly not a bad idea to make the most of it.
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    Trust Yourself, You Are Special!SANDEEP SHARMA



    Man is the most superior of all

    beings, and is made so for a reason.

    Man is an inherently special species. This truth is, however, long-forgotten by some

    people. This article shall act as a guide to self-reliance, and teach them to appreciate


    Parable for Self-Reliance

    In the remote village in the Hubei province in China, an aging master once called upon

    his self-loathing disciple, to teach him the value of self-love. The disciple felt that he was

    under-wrought to take on the responsibilities of life. The master held up a gold coin and

    asked him if he wanted it. Watching his disciple nod his head fervently, he dropped the

    coin into a pile of dirt and asked him again. The disciple still nodded in affirmation.

    Instead of giving him the coin, the master dropped it in a pile of goat-faeces and asked

    him again. The disciple still replied in affirmation. The benign master smiled and gave

    him the coin, while softly commending his disciples desire to want the gold coin even

    after the ordeal that he put it through. The master then equated humanity to the gold

    coin and told his eager disciple that no matter how much circumstances bog one down,

    one never loses their inherent value.
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    Believe in Yourself

    Mankind has come a long way from its ancient Neanderthal origins to the modern

    bionic self. This has all been possible due to its indomitable spirit. Even through the

    direst circumstances, he has been able to find a way to exemplify himself. It is only by

    means of sheer will that ordinary people have risen above their troubles to achieve

    extraordinary feats. With such an impressive legacy, it is impossible to feel anything but

    confidence. A small fragment of sheer belief can move mountains. So if you

    trulybelievein yourself, you can accomplish just about anything under the sun. Be

    yourself and vest your energies in your skill and you will be able to turn yourdreamsto


    How does it help?
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    Life can be a gruelling journey made less-taxing, if one can believe in himself. Self-

    reliance has been the best tool for success and happiness. If you only look deep within,

    you will be able to find all the answers you need, to tide over the problems in life. Life is

    a battlefield, and the greatest weapon you can wield is self-belief. Not only does it

    strengthens you as person, but also makes you able enough to take on any problems in


    Being special does not imply having qualities which others dont have; it implies making

    use of them to change the world. All one needs is a little faith in himself, to make things


    Discover the Leader in YouJOSHUA



    Learning to be aleader is a

    skill, just like learning to ride a bicycle.

    You start off with training wheels, you wobble, you fall, you get hurt, you get up until

    you can ride confidently. Leadership comes with practise. Here are a few tips that can

    help you discover the leader in you:

    Put your hand up

    Put your hand up in your school, college, community or workplace whenever there is an

    event / function to be put up or organized. Anything that requires you to put a team,
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    delegate, supervise and bring in results, like even a fund-raising drive. The more you put

    yourself out there, the more initiativeyou show, the more you multi-task, the closer you

    come to being a leader.

    Lead from every front

    Lead from every front, including your life, career, etc. Dont ever be passive. Keep

    finding ways to improve things in your life. Be ready to take action. Never compromise.

    Do everything in your power to get what you want.

    Understand your strong points

    Understand what your strengths are and become the best in that field. If communication

    is your strongest point, become the best orator ever. Use your strength to youradvantage. Become so good that people come to you for anything related to

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    Be an A to Z man

    If you take something up, make sure you finish the job. If theres a customer complaint,

    ensure you finish the cycle, be it over the phone or through e-mails and stick with it until

    you resolve the issue.

    Become a risk-taker

    Being a leader isnt easy. Leaders are those who take the bullet aimed at their men on a

    battlefield. Leaders take risks. They are the ones who put their necks on the line and

    take the blame if things dont work out. Leaders arent afraid of setbacks. They

    understand that they can only attain success by being fearless. He never gives up.

    Develop your PR skills
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    A good leader has excellent PR skills. He knows everyone, or knows people who do. He

    has a go-to man for everything. He has excellent social skills. People are drawn towards

    him because he is likeable, genuinely interested in them, and is an extremely nice

    person. Learn to deal with different people because, in the end, leading comes down to

    managing your people well.

    Build credibility

    One of the important traits for a leader is his credibility. Credibility is something that is

    like a fixed deposit. It is a long-term fund. Be someone who does what he says. Be

    someone who is trustworthy, believable. Develop a reputation for being honest and

    unbiased. Slowly, these traits will become a part of you, and when the moment comes

    for you to lead, you will become a great leader.

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    Leadership Lessons from Bill GatesPULKIT ARORA



    WhileSteve Jobsis mostly credited with bringing computing to our living rooms,

    tremendous efforts of Bill Gates should not be ignored.

    The co-founder of Microsoft has been consistently ranked as one of the richest men in

    the world. Gates, on the other hand, has never succumbed to the temptations of his

    wealth and has pledged to part with massive amounts of it for charitable causes.

    Bill Gates, the creator Windows, the most popular operating system in the world, is

    known for being the entrepreneur who revolutionized the computing industry. A college

    drop-out, he started Microsoft out of his garage and work hard to build it. The company

    is now amongst the biggest corporations on the world.Gates has always maintained that

    nothing can replace hard work. People try for shortcuts but all they taste is temporary

    success which soon fades out. His leadership mantras are always overwhelming and

    managers across the world yearn to learn and get inspired from him.
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    We bring you some of his most insightful leadership mantras:

    On Hard Work

    People used to wonder that how a college dropout who started the company from a

    garage could make it this big. Some used to say that Gates was plain lucky. Little did

    they realise that he had substantial experience in programming and had done years and

    years of hard work before kicking it off. It was this experience which helped him build

    the first software by Microsoft: MS DOS. Gates does not believe in theconcept of

    overnight success. Hard work is what truly counts in the long the run.

    On Following your Passion

    Making millions through programming was not his priority; Gates was just following his

    heart, his passion. Programming was his obsession and it gave him happiness. He has

    always maintained that good entrepreneurs follow their passionrather than

    experimenting unnecessarily. That way they only end up losing focus. Rather than just

    chasing the rupee sign, managers and entrepreneurs should work hard to chase their

    passion. Money will come chasing on its own!
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    Gates with his wife Melinda

    On Giving Back

    Gates says, If you want to become a leader that people admire and respect, you must

    become a person of significance. People don't follow you because you take from them;

    they follow you because you give to them. Apart from being the tech-czar he is, Gates is

    also known all over the world for all the philanthropy he does via his Bill & Melinda

    Gates Foundation. He believes that giving back to the society is as important as taking

    from it. This is what sets a leader apart from others.

    Strive to live out a life that makes a difference in this world; give back more than what

    you've taken from society. Your life then will be a true success, remarks Gates.

    On Vision

    A leader should have the vision and that too an impeccable one. He should be able to seewhat might lie ahead in times to come. Bill Gates could see that the future of

    computers was in the software, not in the hardware. This made things easy for him as he

    now had well-defined targets to chase. According to Gates,most successful peoplehave

    had a vision which has enabled them to make it out big in the world. A leader sans vision

    soon loses team and goes out of the race.
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    On Failures

    Gates has always viewed failures as valuable learning lessons.As Windows was gaining

    popularity, a good number of people were reporting problems in it every day and a lot of

    criticism used to pour in on a routine basis. Bill Gates took all this in a positive way.

    These were valuable lessons for him which made him more determined to improve

    Windows. Your most unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning, says Bill


    Some of His Best Quotes

    1. As we look ahead into the next century, leaders will be those who empower others.

    2. I really had a lot of dreams when I was a kid, and I think a great deal of that grew out

    of the fact that I had a chance to read a lot.
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    3. If I had some set ideaof a finish line, don't you think I would have crossed it years


    4. It's fine to celebrate success but it is more important to heed the lessons of failure.

    5. To create a new standard, it takes something that's not just a little bit different; it

    takes something that's really new and really captures people's imagination -- and the

    Macintosh, of all the machines I've ever seen, is the only one that meets that standard.
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    Leadership Lessons from Steve JobsPULKIT ARORA



    Last week the world lost a great visionarywith the demise of master innovator and a

    tech wizard par excellence, Steve Jobs.

    The co-founder of Apple Inc has left behind a legacy which is undoubtedly unparalleled.

    He was a man who not only saved the drowning Apple but turned it into an iconic tech

    company and carved an exclusive niche for it. With his untimely departure, an era has

    come to an end and it is time for us to reflect upon what we can learn from his

    leadership style.

    Let's see some of his profound leadership mantras:

    On Simplifying Things

    When iPod was being created, Jobs did not want it have any buttons/keys on it,

    including the switch on/switch off button. This gave nightmares to the engineers

    working on the project but Jobs refused to change his mind. The engineers were pushed

    to the limits of innovation and as a result we now have thetouch-based scroll wheel.

    This is what Jobs used to say about keeping things simple: that's been one of my

    mantras -- focus and simplicity. Simple can be harder than complex: You have to work

    hard to get your thinking clean to make it simple. But it's worth it in the end because

    once you get there, you can move mountains.
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    On Anticipating Things

    You can't just ask customers what they want and then try to give that to them. By the

    time you get it built, they'll want something new, Jobs was quoted as saying. He always

    maintained that an innovative marketer should anticipate what his target audience

    would want when the product will be out in the market. It's not about pop culture, and

    it's not about fooling people, and it's not about convincing people that they want

    something they don't. We figure out what we want, he had once said.

    On Vision

    It was Jobs' vision which makes the entire Apple concept so dramatically successful. He

    was able to create a vision for the company, one that each member can relate with and

    work towards. His audacious to start a revolution in the way the average person

    processes information, has now taken the form of a multi-million dollar business from

    a mere idea or wishful thinking. It was his vision which united the teams at Apple to

    build cutting-edge products like iPod, iPhone and iPad, products which have altered the

    very lifestyle and thought process of the consumers.
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    On Innovation

    Jobs had a vision which was innovative by default but he knew that the process of

    innovation must never stop in the face of never-ending competition in the market he

    operated in. He could have easily rested on his laurels and been content with them but

    that would not have been 'Steve Jobs' who always wanted to Stay Hungry, Stay

    Foolish. For him, innovation was something of paramount importance and he placed it

    much before other things. It was through his innovation approach that we have cult

    products like the iPod, iPhone and iPad. At the same time he was all for recognizing

    good ideas propounded by others and then incorporating them intoApple products.
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    On Following the Heart

    Steve was one of those few persons who listened to their heart in the truest sense. Iftoday were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do today? And

    whenever the answer has been No for too many days in a row, I know I need to change

    something. Several of his actions as Apple CEO earned him considerable flak but he

    refused to deter. To do this, Jobs often drew inspiration from death. Remembering that

    you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have

    something to lose. You are already naked. There is no reason not to follow your heart,

    he had told the students of Stanford Universityat the university's 114th commencement

    in June 2005.
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    Leadership Lessons from Dr A.P.J.Abdul Kalam




    Dr APJ Abdul Kalam is the man whose efforts are largely responsible for shaping

    the defence programme of India.

    Fondly called the missile man, Dr Kalam was among India's leading scientists before

    he became the President of India. He worked with Indian Space Research Organisation

    (ISRO) and helped in making India self-sufficient in satellite and space technology.

    Later, Kalam worked for developing sophisticated missiles and other defence technology

    and acquired the status of a national hero for leading India's nuclear weapons test in


    In 2002, he was elected as the President of the country and graced the post until 2007.

    Kalam's leadership style and vision are not just valued in India but the man commands

    respect everywhere he goes. People soon fall for his charismatic way of talking and get

    endeared to him. He is known to givea leadership mantra as a tip-off everywhere he

    goes for a public event.

    MensXP brings you his tips on some important focus areas of leadership:
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    On Creativity

    Dr Kalam has always emphasized on the importance of creativity and innovation in

    anything we do. He says that India needs creative leaders rather than managers or

    commanders. If you really want to be a leader, then you have to be a coach rather than

    a commander, or an advisor rather than a manager and a representative of your

    colleagues instead of becoming a director," he once told the students of IIM Indore.
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    On Vision

    According to Dr Kalam, the most important quality a leader must possess is to have a

    vision. A person lacking a vision cannot be leader. Dr Kalam has always been known for

    his impeccable vision which can be seen in his breakthrough work India 2020.In this

    book, he has suggested a visionary action plan to develop India into a superpower and a

    developed nation by 2020. The book has been a bestseller in many parts of the world

    and has been translated into a number of languages.
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    Dr Kalam's Poem on Vision

    I climbed and climbed

    Where is the peak, my Lord?

    I ploughed and ploughed,Where is the knowledge treasure, my Lord?

    I sailed and sailed,

    Where is the island of peace, my Lord?

    Almighty, bless my nation

    With vision and sweat resulting into happiness.

    On Integrity and Transparency

    Everything a leader does should be transparent and high on integrity. There should be adegree of nobility in management. This creates congenial work environmentand

    generates employee loyalty, which in turn leads to higher efficiency and dedication.

    On Exploring New Avenues

    Dr Kalam says that a leader must have the inclination and then the grit to travel on

    unexplored paths. He says that people find it hard to exit their comfort zones and prefer

    travelling on a well-laid out path. But there is no alternative to hard work and success
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    doesn't come this easy. Unless and until, a leader is willing to try out new things and

    take at least some amount of risk, things are likely to remain mundane.

    On Success and Failure

    Dr Kalam has a very idealistic view on success and failure. He says that when failure

    occurs, a leader should humbly own it and acknowledge it.When success comes, the

    leader should again have the humility to give credit to all the people who worked for it.
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    Leadership Lessons from Azim PremjiPULKIT ARORA



    Wipro started off as a small companymanufacturing hydrogenated cooking fats and

    consumer products.

    It is now one of India's top IT companies and a world-class player at the global level.

    There is one man who is almost single-handedly responsible for making this miraculous

    transition from soaps to software happen: Mr Azim Premji.

    If there's one mantra for success given by Mr Premji's, it's: keep striving for excellence.

    And he has been very true to his own belief. A recipient of numerous awards, including

    the covetedPadma Bhushan award, his leadership styleis lauded by entrepreneurs not

    just in India, but across the world.
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    (Image credit:

    MensXP brings you his discerning tips on some core leadership issues faced by


    On Teamwork

    Unless you build a strong network of people with complementary skills, you will berestricted by your own limitations. It's the ability to become an integral part of a cross-

    cultural team which is an important ingredient in the recipe for success. This is because

    we are confronted with harsh challenges in this world and it is very difficult to face them


    On a Social Vision

    For decades we have been waiting for someone who will help us in 'priming the pump' of

    the economy.The government was the logical choice for doing it, but it was strapped forresources. Other countries were willing to give us loans and aids but there was a limit to


    In the millennium of the mind,knowledge-based industries like Information

    Technology are in a unique position to earn wealth from outside. While earning is
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    important, we must have mechanisms by which we use it for the larger good of our

    society. As we climb the ladders of success, we must not forget what owe to the society.

    (Image credit:

    On Perseverance

    No matter what you do in life, you cannot do without having that indomitable grit and

    an ability to withstand hardships. Keep at it andyou will succeed, no matter how

    hopeless it seems at times. You must be true to the values you believe in and stick to

    them in good and bad times. Perseverance can make miracles happen.

    On Dealing with Stress

    The stress that a young person faces today while beginning his or her career is the same

    as the last generation faced at the time of retirement. These are times when our jobs

    have become more complex even thoughsome new technologyis being rolled out almost

    every day. It's only natural to get stressed under such circumstances. You must develop

    your own mechanism for dealing with stress. Some tackle it by going for a daily jog,

    some find relief in listening to good music and so on and so forth. The important thing

    to do is to develop your own stress-busting mechanism. You will need lots of energy to
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    deal with the challenges. Unless you take care of yourself there is no way you can take

    care of others.

    (image credit:

    On Excellence

    There is a tremendous difference betweenbeing good and being excellent in whatever

    you do. In the present-day scenario, going good is not enough. Globalisation has

    ushered in new standards of quality. In fact, excellence is a like a goalpost in motion.

    One has to raise the bar constantly. So if you reach a milestone, you can't just sit down

    and relax. It's all about continuing to strive for more.
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    3 Ways to Boost Your Work ResilienceBy AMY MARTINEZ

    April 26, 2012RSS FeedPrint

    Amy Martinez

    Everyone has tough timesbut some people seem to handle those times better than others.

    One co-worker might be a ball of anxiety, frustrated at every change. Another seems to

    figure out her next step easily and move on. What makes the difference? Resilience.

    Resilience isn't the absence of stress, bad news, or difficult decisions. It's the ability to find

    new strength and bounce backan essential skill for career success in today's topsy-turvyworld.

    If you aren't resilient, you will struggle in fast-paced, difficult, and ambiguous situations. If

    you're stressed, you won't perform your bestand your health will suffer as well.

    Lacking resiliency also affects the people around you. It will drain the morale, productivity,

    and energy from your team or co-workers. Just being around you will increase other

    people's stress, making them wonder, "Will he be angry, reactive, anxious?" Getting your

    call, text, or email can turn their good day into a whirlwind of action or drama.

    Being healthy, sane, and resilient allows you to bring your best self to the job and be a

    person other people want to work withright now and over the long term.

    Make these three actions a priority to build your resilience:

    1. Take care of yourself. That inner voice that tells you to take better care of yourself is

    right. When you do, you'll find it's easier to cope with stress, difficulties, roadblocks,

    criticism, rejection, or change. Consider five types of health: physical, mental, emotional,

    social, and spiritual.

    What can you do to build physical energy? Get up and move every 90 to 120

    minutes. Suggest a walking meeting with a co-worker. Climb the stairs instead of taking

    the elevator. Each week, do some sort ofphysical activityget your sweat on.

    What can you do to overcome mental fatigue and exhaustion? Take a break from

    the task at hand. Impose a change of scenery with a short mental vacation by

    daydreaming, solving a challenging puzzle, or practicing a simple meditation technique.

    What can you do to become more conscious of your emotional triggers? Figureout who and what pushes your buttons. Slow down so you can manage your reactions

    and choose your response. Try the "third-party observation" technique: objectively see

    the various angles of this situation from different viewpoints, as if you were watching it

    unfold on film. Playing "witness" to your life allows you to regain a sense of perspective.

    What can you do to create more meaningful and productive social relationships?

    Take an energy assessment of your relationships. Choose to spend more time around

    those who feed your growth and impart energy, and less around those who drain you.
  • 7/29/2019 How to Get the Maximum Out of Your Employees


    What can you do to more effectively align your behaviors with your core values

    and purpose? Clarify what you value most, quiet your mind or think about what inspires

    you. Connect to your energy source: a person, an idea, a doctrine, or a concept.

    2. Focus on learning. Another way to deal with stressful, chaotic times is to learn from

    your past wins. Recall a time in your personal or professional life when you were able to

    overcome, prevail, bounce back, or rise above a difficult situation. Then ask yourself:

    What happened?

    What was I thinking and feeling at the time?

    What did I do that helped me get through that situation?

    What was I pleasantly surprised to learn about myself as I worked through the


    Your own experience can deliver great insight into how to manage your current situation.

    Find ways to repeat what workedbut also figure out what you could do differently.

    3. Get real. Understand that any time you encounter a career crisis or significant challenge,

    it's normal to experience a feeling of vulnerability. New jobs, no jobs, and crazy jobs will

    keep you outside of your comfort zonemaybe even for prolonged periods of time. And

    trying to be sane and resilient during these times isn't easy. Do your best and be

    compassionate with yourself and others as you work your way through.

    But remember, every time you find a way to learn from your tough experience, you build

    inner strength. When you look carefully for meaningful lessons, you deepen your resiliency

    reservoir. And with that extra resiliency, you become a more positive and productive person

    and your career will benefit, too.

    Amy Martinezis a senior faculty member with the Center for Creative Leadership, a top-

    ranked, global provider of leadership education.