How to Fix the Simple Mistakes You Are Making in Your Sales Funnel


Transcript of How to Fix the Simple Mistakes You Are Making in Your Sales Funnel

Your Sales Funnel is what makes your business thrive. 

However, you could be making several small mistakes that are causing you to miss out on major revenue. 

Customers want more value out of the information you have to offer.

This is a great opportunity to bring in newer techniques to draw that customer in and push them to buy your product.

As a marketer and a thought leader for your client(s), you are also responsible for their results.

If you make a promise you have to deliver by matching the promise -or exceeding the original promise- you made to them.

These are just a few things to focus on when implementing a sales funnel for your business.

If you are doing something new and meeting the promises you make, then you will bring in more revenue and build awesome customer relationships along the way.

Often times your up-sell page can be a great way to raise revenue for your company.

With that being said, you have to make sure you are using your up-sell page to make the promise you originally offered faster and easier.

Make sure to follow through with the product you have and you will have a great chance of succeeding.

If the offer on your up-sell page is incomplete, you will most likely fail, so make it fast and easy.  

DO NOT nickel and dime your customer after the initial purchase.

If you try to take every penny your customer has to offer, you will push them away from making future purchases from you.

Be responsible and make your first impression with the buyer an awesome one so you can create further opportunities with them.

Your order form is PRIME real estate for your company so take advantage of it.

One way to do this is by adding a complimentary bump offer to the offer you are making in the order form.

This is a fast way to up the value of a new customer you have.

My suggestion is to offer a micro-continuity priced under $10 because most of the time the buyer will add this to their cart at checkout.

Your Thank You Page is another area of focus for you, so optimize the thank you page to be the beginning of the conversion process, not the end.

Offer an invitation for more products and maybe even consulting.

This is a fast way to multiple your current revenue.

Focus on these simple mistakes you may be making in your Sales Funnel and turn them around to improve your revenue significantly in the long run.

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