How to fix Adrenal Fatigue?

How to fix Adrenal Fatigue? The adrenal glands sitting on top of your kidneys are vanguards of metabolism. They regulate the various biochemical processes in your body known as metabolism that sustain your life. The glands secrete a variety of hormones some of which are absolutely essential for life while some like adrenaline are not so essential. Along with regulating the various metabolic reactions in the body, the glands also help the body cope with stress, stabilize blood pressure etc. If the adrenal glands start malfunctioning it can have disastrous effect on your heath. The adrenal glands can indeed malfunction, or at least perform below par if they are fatigued. Adrenal fatigue can set in if you are under continuous stress, physical or mental. The stress regulating hormone secreted by the adrenal glands can relent and lead to adrenal fatigue. Many people in United States are feeling the symptoms of Adrenal fatigue, but many are not aware of the true reason for it. If you too are experiencing symptoms like chronic tiredness, trouble in thinking clearly etc then you should check up with a physician. How to fix adrenal fatigue To overcome the problem you need to support the adrenal glands. The main reason behind fatigue is that the glands are not able to cope up with the demands of the body. To overcome the problem you need to supply the glands with nutrients that they thrive on. Vitamin for adrenal support Various types of vitamins play a vital role in supporting the adrenal glands and keeping them in good shape. You need Vitamin B5, B3, C and E to keep nourishing the adrenal glands. However, only supplying of nutrition will not help. You need proper sleep and rest, try to keep stress at bay and avoid junk food.

Transcript of How to fix Adrenal Fatigue?

Page 1: How to fix Adrenal Fatigue?

How to fix Adrenal Fatigue?

The adrenal glands sitting on top of your kidneys are vanguards of

metabolism. They regulate the various biochemical processes in your

body known as metabolism that sustain your life. The glands secrete a

variety of hormones some of which are absolutely essential for life

while some like adrenaline are not so essential. Along with regulating

the various metabolic reactions in the body, the glands also help the body cope with stress,

stabilize blood pressure etc. If the adrenal glands start malfunctioning it can have disastrous

effect on your heath. The adrenal glands can indeed malfunction, or at least perform below par

if they are fatigued.

Adrenal fatigue can set in if you are under continuous stress, physical or mental. The stress

regulating hormone secreted by the adrenal glands can relent and lead to adrenal fatigue.

Many people in United States are feeling the symptoms of Adrenal fatigue, but many are not

aware of the true reason for it. If you too are experiencing symptoms like chronic tiredness,

trouble in thinking clearly etc then you should check up with a physician.

How to fix adrenal fatigue

To overcome the problem you need to support the adrenal glands. The main reason behind

fatigue is that the glands are not able to cope up with the demands of the body. To overcome

the problem you need to supply the glands with nutrients that they thrive on.

Vitamin for adrenal support

Various types of vitamins play a vital role in supporting the adrenal glands and keeping them in

good shape. You need Vitamin B5, B3, C and E to keep nourishing the adrenal glands. However,

only supplying of nutrition will not help. You need proper sleep and rest, try to keep stress at

bay and avoid junk food.

Page 2: How to fix Adrenal Fatigue?

Vitamin B5

Vitamin B5 is one of the most vital Vitamin for Adrenal Support. You need to

supply enough of these to the glands so that the glands can continue to work

at optimum level. The adrenal glands heavily depend on Vitamin B5 for

synthesis of stress combating hormones like Cortisole and feel good

hormones like adrenaline.

Vitamin C

You also need vitamin C in ample quantity. The adrenal glands contain higher

amounts of vitamin C than any other organs in your body. This is required

because it secretes vitamin C into the blood stream at times of excess

stress. You need to have foods containing vitamin C such as green

vegetables, citrus fruits etc.

Vitamin E

Synthesis of hormones in the adrenal glands results in generation of free

radicals as byproduct. These free radicals need to be destroyed in order to

avoid any harm to the body. The mechanism that helps the glands in

destroying these free radicals is heavily dependent on the supply of vitamin

E. Vitamin E activates enzymes that fight the free radicals and destroy them.

You can get this vitamin in egg, sunflower seeds, olive oil, spinach etc.

Vitamin B3

Your body also needs vitamin B3 along with B5 to synthesize various stress

and sex hormones. You can get this particular vitamin in beets, salmon,

peanuts etc. However, you should not splurge on Vitamin B3 since it

can cause various side effects.

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