How to Extract DMT

How to extract DMT (The Easy & low-cost way) DMT 20.M EXTRACTION RECIPE Hey everyone, EDIT: 22/03/11 As we all know Mimosa Hostills (what was used for this original tek has gone and probably will not be making a comeback to the U.K) A new source has quickly emerged called ''Acacia Confusa' which has similar qualitys to Mimosa (SWIM has only just started re-modifying this tek to work with Acacia, SWIM is still in the experiemtning stage and are yet to perfect this technique to get maximum yeild, hopefully over the coming months SWIM will update it with any tips and tricks like SWIM did when this tek was made for mimosa) Anyone outside the U.K who wishes to use this tek for Mimosa Hostills (very good tek when used with Mimosa, swim mangaed to produce almost 0.3g out of 20g when perfecting the technique) it's preety much exactly the same as this tek only it does not involve the ''defat stage'' anyway here is the link to the original tek >>>> This method is really easy, cost effective and only requires as little as 50g Acacia Confusa Root Bark to start with! Anyway here is the procedure >>>>>>>> DMT 20.M EXTRACTION RECIPE List of Ingredients & Apparatus >>>>> Ingredients..... 1.Sodium Hydroxide i.e. Caustic Soda (aka Lye) (minimum of 5g 4 extracting 20g of acacia confusa root bark) 2.Naphtha (Ronsonol Lighter Fluid / Newport Lighter Fluid 4

Transcript of How to Extract DMT

How to extract DMT (The Easy & low-cost way)

How to extract DMT (The Easy & low-cost way)


Hey everyone,

EDIT: 22/03/11 As we all know Mimosa Hostills (what was used for this original tek has gone and probably will not be making a comeback to the U.K) A new source has quickly emerged called ''Acacia Confusa' which has similar qualitys to Mimosa (SWIM has only just started re-modifying this tek to work with Acacia, SWIM is still in the experiemtning stage and are yet to perfect this technique to get maximum yeild, hopefully over the coming months SWIM will update it with any tips and tricks like SWIM did when this tek was made for mimosa)

Anyone outside the U.K who wishes to use this tek for Mimosa Hostills (very good tek when used with Mimosa, swim mangaed to produce almost 0.3g out of 20g when perfecting the technique) it's preety much exactly the same as this tek only it does not involve the ''defat stage'' anyway here is the link to the original tek >>>>

This method is really easy, cost effective and only requires as little as 50g Acacia Confusa Root Bark to start with!

Anyway here is the procedure >>>>>>>>


List of Ingredients & Apparatus >>>>>


1.Sodium Hydroxide i.e. Caustic Soda (aka Lye)(minimum of 5g 4 extracting 20g of acacia confusa root bark)2.Naphtha (Ronsonol Lighter Fluid / Newport Lighter Fluid 4 Zippos or a similar type)3.Tap water4 Acacia Confusa Root bark (20g minimum extraction)


1.568ml vinegar bottle (can be found @ any Supermarket, Sainsbury's do vinegar bottles like these for only 10-20p)2.12inch Plastic Pipettes (Found on Ebay)3.Dust Mask (Found on Ebay)4.Eye goggles (Found on Ebay)5. 2 Glass McCartney Jars (I use big glass Pill Bottles) (Found @ Any Chemist store)6.Small Glass Baking dish (Found at any Supermarkets or convenience store)7.Glass Millie-litre Measuring Jug (Found@ Any Supermarket)8.Filters (to carefully pour in your ingredients!) (Found @ Any Supermarket or Discount Store)9.2 Razor Blades (razor blade used for stanley knifes are ideal)

1.Take your glass vinegar bottle and make shure it is washed thoroughly throughout.

2.Now Measure 200ml of water in your glass measuring jug and pour this into your vinegar bottle with one of your filters.

3 If you have a strong blender, powder down the Acacia Confusa bark so it has a wider surface area. I use a 600w philips blender which does the job! (dont worry if you don't own a blender you can get away with using just shreeded bark)

4.Filter in approximately 20g of (powdered or shreeded) Acacia Confusa Bark into your bottle, and give a vigourous shake to strip down the bark (it should look like slightly red)

5.Now store this solution in a dark, undisturbed part of your working area at room temperature overnight! (I use my bedroom cabinet and would store for 24hours, shaking every now 4-6hours)

6.Once 24 hours has passed will now need to perform a defat

7.Measure out 50ml of Naphtha with your measuring Jug and then continue to add this to your vinegar bottle using one of your small filters

8.Start shaking your solution for around 4-6 minutes (from what i have learnt the defat removes the unwanted alkaloids, so be sure to give it a ruddy good shake)

9.Start running a hot water bath @ 60c (You may be limited to your resources! So SWIM used a sink with the hot water tap which was filled up to the top with the hottest water it could produce. This came out to around 45c 51c which is satisfactory)

10.Place your solution in the hot water bath (this does help speed up the process of the defat, after around 30 - 60 mins, both layers will have sperated)

11.Using your pipette python out the top layer of naphtha and store in one of your plastic pill bottle (make sure to name it something like ''defat bottle'' and eventually dispose ofit in the right way!)

12.Repeat steps 7 to 11 one more time

13.Now you have finished the defat stage, Measure out 5g of caustic soda and to add to your solution using a filter (remember to use googles, gloves and dusk mask when dealing with caustic soda, if u dont and get it on your hands it hurts, i know you heard it billion times, BUT MAINTAIN SAFETY!!!)

14.Give the bottle a shake, it will turn from dark red to dark black

(The next procedure is exactly like the defat, only we will use our solvent to remove the NN-DMT from the bark)

15.Measure out 50ml of Naphtha with your measuring Jug and then continue to add this to your vinegar bottle using one of your small filters

16.Start running another hot water bath and place the bottle in your hot water bath for 30 minutes

17.After 30minutes have passed, take your solution and give it a shake for 2-4 minutes (being careful not to create any froth on top of your solution, this is called ''emulsions'' which stops the seperation of the solvent on top from the soupy liquid below)

18.Now run another hot water bath and place your solutuion init, waiting for around 1-2 hours (or how ever long until the 2 layers have seperated)

19.After a couple hours, the layers will have seperated, Using your pipette python out the top layer of naphtha and store in your other glass pill bottle (this is the sovlent that contains your dmt)

20.Repeat steps 15 - 19 another 2 times

21.Now get your glass baking dish and pour the dmt into the dish (making sure no soupy dark liquid is in the solvent)

22.Place your glass baking dish in the freezer for 24 hours

23.Remove your glass baking dish and python of the remaining solvent while being careful not to python up any of the white crystals (the remaining solvent can be stored for use again in steps 15-19)

24.Place your dish in a cool dark area i use my bedroom cabinet with a vinyl record case placed on top so no oxygen or light gets to the crystals (you will notice if you crystals have prolonged exposure to light and air they will become orangey / yellow)

25.After the crystals have fully dried, use a razor blade to scrape up the crystals and store within a clean new dodgy bag (i would store this dodgy bag within another 2 dodgy bags within 2 boxes stored in a dark area)

NOTES: SWIM has found from extracting 20g of Acacia Confusa using this tek swim can produce a yeild of 0.1g (100mg) of white-ish pure NN-DMT xtals, swim has noticed and from others experiences that acacia is slightly more stronger than mimosa, this might be down to another present alkaloid in the acacia called ''NMT'' (even thruogh its present in mimosa aswell)

Allthrough NN-DMT extracted from Acacia is slightly more powerful the downside is that you only get 0.1g from 20g bark extraction, as apose to mimosa in which you could produce 0.2g from 20g bark extraction. If anyone out there using this tek and getting better results than swim, please pm swim so can incorparate your method into the tek.

If you have any doughts about this or questions, please read this thread before you create a new one or reply, it might be of a help to you

Finally any questions people have, please feel free to ask! SWIM has tried to make this tek as simple as possible aswell as including lots of detail and step by step instructions, Good luck and Godspeed..........

METODO 2How to make DMT

How To Make DMT

How To Make DMT

DMT stands for N,N-dimethyltryptamine. It is a semisynthetic compound similar to psilocin(the hallucinogenic substance in psilocybin) ins structure. The most common method of ingestion is smoking. Soaked parsley leaves are the usual method of ingestion although persons have dipped marijuana in it and said the experience was fantastic. The following recipe can be performed in the kitchen.

Recipe for DMT:

1. Mix thoroughly and dissolve 25 grams of indole with a pound of dry ethyl ether in a 2000 ml flask(2 quart jar.)

2. Take an ice tray and fill with chipped or shaved ice. Cool solution for about 35 minutes until it reaches 0 degrees C. At the same time cool 50 ml dry oxalychloride to about 5 degrees below 0 C. in the same ice tray.

3. VERY slowly add the oxalychloride solution to the indole solution. These two chemicals are highly reactive. Avoid boiling over, contact with skin, and fumes.

4. Wait until all the bubbling has died down, then add a few handfuls of table salt to the ice tray, to cool the solution further. Label the solution "solution 1" and put it in the freezer.

5. Cool 100 ml. of dry ethyl ether in a 500 ml. flask to 0 degrees C. in a salted ice tray. At the same time cool an unopened bottle of dimethylamine to 0 degrees C. in the same ice bath.

6. Open the seal of the dimethylamine bottle and slowly pour a steady stream into the ether. Label "solution 2."

7. Very slowly and carefully add solution "1" and "2" together.

8. Now take the mixed solutions from the ice tray and bring up to room temperature stirring the solution all the time. You should be left with a solution that is almost clear. If it is still murky, continue stirring until it becomes as clear as possible.

9. Now filter the solution to seperate the precipitate by suction.