How to Enable Diagnostics on OAF Pages

Tuesday, 29 July 2008 17:34 Prasad CP How to Enable Diagnostics on OAF Pages User Rating: / 4 Poor Best RATE This article shows how to see debug messages generated by OAF Pages and steps to enable them. Following Steps will enable us to show debug messages in OAF Pages written using call to pageContext.writeDiagnostics in Controller Code and lot of other relevant information . 1)Enable Diagnostics by Setting Profile FND:Diagnostics to Yes SEARCH APPS2FUSION SEARCH APPS TO FUSION .......Our Journey from Apps To Fusion Home Technical Articles Training Articles Receive Email for New Articles Contributors Forum My Book Solutions



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Tuesday, 29 July 2008 17:34 Prasad CP

How to Enable Diagnostics on OAF Pages

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This article shows how to see debug messages generated by OAF Pages and steps to enable them. Following Steps will enable us to show

debug messages in OAF Pages written using call to pageContext.writeDiagnostics in Controller Code and lot of other relevant

information .

1)Enable Diagnostics by Setting Profile FND:Diagnostics to Yes



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2)Once the above profile is set to Yes , you will see Diagnostics on the Screen

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3)click on Diagnostics and select "Show Log on Screen" and press Ok

4)Select Statement and press Ok

5)) Once this is done , when you go to any navigation you would be able to see log at the bottom of the page .

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If due to any reason you can't set Diagnostics Profile then below option will still let you see Debug messages .

6)Another way is to , add at the end of the URL below string and press enter


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6)After that you will see debug messages at bottom of the screen .

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How to Enable Diagnostics on OAF Pages

w ritten by Pramod , July 29, 2008

Thank You!!. I think we can set it at user level in case we want to debug in prod env. Setting at user level may not put major load on the




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w ritten by Anil Passi , July 29, 2008

Hi Pramod

"Show Log on screen" is only applicable for the user session, regardless of the level at which FND Diagnostics profile has been set.


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w ritten by Hina , July 31, 2008

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informative and helpful article for beginner level users like me.

i want to know is there any way to see wat database view or table exist behind the page as we can see in form through


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w ritten by Prasad-CP , July 31, 2008

Hina ,

When you click on about this page it will give you details of all the BC4J Components used in the page . If you open VO details by clicking on

the hyperlink it will tell you the query and the tables used .

Hpe this helps.



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w ritten by Hina , July 31, 2008

Thanx for replying... but not alll Vo are hyperlinked... so how can ifind their details?

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w ritten by Prasad-CP , August 01, 2008

Hina ,

If there are any like that they might be dynamic vo created by using AM.createViewObjectFromQueryStmt .. you might have to analyse the

underlying code to understand how they are built .



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iRecruitment screenshots and material

w ritten by rathnam , August 19, 2008

Hi Anill/ any HRMS people i want iRecruitment Screent shots lease send as early as possible

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Re:fnd Diagnostics

w ritten by Naresh123456789 , February 16, 2012

I enabled FND iagnostics to Yes at responsibility level still i cant see that option.

Even my page is also not loading and getting error as "oracle.apps.fnd.framework.OAException: Application: FND, Message Name: Login

failed. Please verify your login information or contact the system administrator.."

Please help me...

thanks in advance.


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w ritten by mohd ibrahim , September 10, 2012


Really it was a greatful note for me asign a log file



Mohd ibrahim

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Last Updated ( Tuesday, 29 July 2008 19:13 )

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