How To Create a Superhuman Brain, by Nora Gedgaudas

CULTIVATING A NATURAL MENTAL EDGE FOR PEAK PERFORMANCE Building A Superhuman Brain: Copyright 2013 - Nora Gedgaudas


How To Create a Superhuman Brain, by Nora Gedgaudas - learn about brain inflammation, eating right for your brain, brain nutrition, brain diet and more! Get full access to videos, audios, important notes and more from this presentation at

Transcript of How To Create a Superhuman Brain, by Nora Gedgaudas

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Building A Superhuman Brain:

Copyright 2013 - Nora Gedgaudas

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Mental performance is the single most important factor toward

becoming Superhuman!

Copyright 2013 - Nora Gedgaudas

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Because past a certain skill set, easily 80% of what makes the difference between being just “good” or “GREAT” in anything or between “winning” and “losing”…in sports, business or even LIFE boils down to:


(i.e., the health and function of your brain)

Copyright 2013 - Nora Gedgaudas

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Copyright 2013 - Nora Gedgaudas

My Neurofeedback Perspective

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Copyright 2013 - Nora Gedgaudas


It’s no fun being a prisoner in your own

nervous system!

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Your Lens

Copyright 2013 - Nora Gedgaudas

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What are the primary components of quality “Mental Performance”?

State management Emotions





Mental processing speed

Spatial ability

Left and Right brain balance/integration


Copyright 2013 - Nora Gedgaudas

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Study: ‘Gene-Diet Interactions in Brain Aging and

Neurodegenerative Disorders’

“…Emerging findings suggest that dietary factors play major roles in determining whether the brain ages successfully or experiences a neurodegenerative disease.”

--Nat. Inst. On Aging, Ann. Of Int. Med., Vol 139, no.5 2003,441-444. Mattson MP

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The Evolutionary, or “Paleo” Perspective

“99.99% of our genes were formed before the development of agriculture.” ~S. Boyd Eaton, Medical Anthropologist

Copyright 2013- Nora Gedgaudas

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Our modern shrinking brain

“Human populations during the last 10,000 years have

undergone rapid decreases in average brain

size as measured by endocranial volume or as

estimated from linear measurements of the cranium.”

Selection for smaller brains in Holocene human evolution

Hum. Biol 60, 395−405 (1988)

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Who needs more cunning and brain power?

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Adding insult to injury…

Human brains (tend to) also get smaller with age!

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We’re Supposed To Be FAT Heads —Not “Grain Brains”!

Copyright 2013 - Nora Gedgaudas

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Cholesterol is CRITICAL to

the high performance brain!!

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We were BORN to rely on fat as our primary source of fuel!

“Once the onset of suckling takes place… ketone bodies become the major fuel for brain

development.” Medina, J. M. and Tabernero, A. (2005) J Neurosci Res, 79, 2-10.

Copyright 2013 - Nora Gedgaudas

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The central importance of fat and ketone bodies (ketosis) in the brain

• Fat in general makes up roughly 80% of the human brain and nervous system

• Roughly 50% of this is saturated fat, 11% arachidonic acid. @25% of fatty acids

making up the brain are DHA, an omega-3 found in animal source foods

• Ketone bodies from dietary fats in ketogenic diets may not only treat, but also prevent Alzheimer’s disease (Veech)

• Ketones are an abundant, stable and steady source of fuel, even in the absence of regular meals (assuming a state of ketogenesis and healthy ketogenic adaptation)

Copyright 2013 - Nora Gedgaudas

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Limiting factors in peak mental performance

Cerebral blood flow Energy availability Nutrient availability Neuroinflammation

Restful Sleep Copyright 2013 - Nora Gedgaudas

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Factors influencing cerebral blood flow

Autonomic Arousal: Sympathetic VS Parasympathetic

Toxic exposure (pesticides, mycotoxins, industrial chemicals, EMF, radiation, etc.)

Heavy metals (i.e., mercury, aluminum, iron, etc)

Antigen exposure (i.e., gluten)

Inflammation (all-cause)

Blood-brain barrier integrity

Breathing patterns/habits

Exercise (mental and physical)

And….(last but certainly NOT least)

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“A ketogenic state results in a substantial (39%) increase in cerebral blood flow, and appears to reduce cognitive dysfunction associated with systemic hypoglycemia in normal humans.”

“Changes in cerebral blood flow and carbohydrate metabolism during acute hyperketonemia,” S.G. Hasselbalch,, Am J Physiol, 1996, Vol. 270, E746-51.

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Energy Availability

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“Recent studies have shown that D-beta-hydroxybutyrate, the principal "ketone", is not just a fuel, but a "superfuel" more efficiently

producing ATP energy than glucose or fatty acid.”

• Cahill GF Jr, Veech RL. “Ketoacids? Good medicine?” Trans Am Clin Climatol Assoc. 2003;114:149-61; discussion 162-3.

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Nutrient Availability

The effect of B12 deficiency (on the left)

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Restful Sleep

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Where the Paleo-Diet Model Falls Short:

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How To Take A Good Thing (the

Paleo-Diet) and Make It Better

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Modern Longevity Science

To The Rescue!!

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Copyright 2013 - Nora Gedgaudas

Caloric Restriction Improves

Memory in Elderly Humans!

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ALSO…the study further stated that:

“In animal models of aging and neurodegenerative diseases, caloric restriction protected hippocampal, striatal, and cortical neurons, and ameliorated functional decline.”

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Dietary Fats Are Actually Exempt from This Equation!

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“Without this metabolic adaptation, H. sapiens could not have evolved such a large brain. “

Cahill GF Jr, Veech RL. “Ketoacids? Good medicine?”

Trans Am Clin Climatol Assoc. 2003;114:149-61; discussion 162-3.

Copyright 2013 - Nora Gedgaudas

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Evidence suggests that the ketogenic diet “has neuroprotective properties in diverse models of neurodegenerative disease”

(Emphasis mine)

Pediatr Neurol. 2007 May;36(5):281-92. The neuropharmacology of the ketogenic diet.

Hartman AL, Gasior M, Vining EP, Rogawski MA.

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One Secret To Getting That Super-Human Mental Edge:

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Formula for Creating Optimal Ketogenic Adaptation

for the high performance brain

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Your brain’s mortal enemies:

GLUTEN Other antigenic exposure Sugars/starches (and especially fructose) Heavy metals/toxic compounds Sedentary lifestyle Vegetarianism/Veganism (long term) Low fat diets Poor/Insufficient sleep Excess stimulant use (i.e., energy drinks, caffeine) STRESS And…(lets not forget)

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Nine Steps to Minimizing

Neurodegeneration Eliminate blood sugar issues

Avoid grains, soy and gluten containing foods

Sufficient healthy natural fats and cholesterol (plus sufficient DHA)

Methylation (B6, B12, folic acid, DMG, TMG SAMe, DMAE


Gastrointestinal health (avoiding/healing leaky gut and supporting

healthy GI flora)

Optimize glutathione levels (sulfur-based amino acids, selenium/E,

sulfur containing foods)

Daily physical exercise!!!

Adopt a fat-based ketogenic diet for Super Human results!

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So…what’s the most basic dietary equation for cultivating a Superhuman brain??

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The Moral of the Story?

FAT is where it’s at when it comes to cultivating the Ultimate Superhuman brain!!

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For More Information:

Copyright 2013 - Nora Gedgaudas