How to commit corporate espionage (10 Card Deck)

12 How to Commit Corporate Espionage at Your Company (And get away with it)


The 10 card deck for Scrum Club is now available to the public!

Transcript of How to commit corporate espionage (10 Card Deck)

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How to Commit Corporate Espionage at Your Company

(And get away with it)

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1. Problem2. Solution3. Business model4. Underlying magic/technology5. Marketing and sales6. Competition7. Team8. Projections and milestones9. Status and timeline10.Summary and call to action

Our 10 Card Deck

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Problem: Corporate Team Activities Suck

It is hands down the suckiest part of project management. Anything cool is really expensive… and time consuming. There’s really no good activity you can do with your team for $10* a person unless the team self-funds it. And asking them to do that sucks even more. Plus half your team is in a country you never heard of before you took the job. Damned if you do, damned if you don’t, and why hasn’t someone made it easier by now?

“Teamwork is the glue that binds losers together” - Felix Dennis

Dennis Publishing has published magazines such as Maxim, Micro Mart, PCW and others including a range of Kung Fu magazines and books on people such as Bruce Lee. Felix has amassed a fortune of over $700,000,000 from his publishing empire and he now spends most of his time writing poetry on the island of Mustique in the Caribbean.

*=Only less than $10 if you buy in bulk or find a pirated version and rip us off

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Product + user group + fundraiser + educational program + contest = prepackaged, affordable way to spread sustainable community building within your team and company, with a theme related to Scrum: a new, expensive process to roll out that has to be focused on continually to yield cost savings/benefits… For less than $10* a person.

Solution: The Scrum Club System

• Free to try • Cheap to buy • Low overhead to sustain• Can be run by an intern with a

hangover• Supports charities & makes world a

better place • Potentially tax deductible

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Business Model

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A really simple card game that you can play with your friends, family, and coworkers without the painful agony of pretending that it’s fun.

And it’s only mildly offensive.

Underlying Magic or Technology

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Marketing Strategy: Use marketing budget to support building community in the context of what is useful to our customers1. Create pre-release buzz by organizing a community contest that offers free professional development, good marketing and

recruiting opportunities to local businesses.2. Create a product donation program. 10+ free decks and a good wholesale rate in small quantity for qualified community

programs. Students and community groups can switch from car washes to tournaments.3. Take advantage of natural inclination towards piracy and publish a free line art version as an easy way to print your own.4. Build a simple free Facebook app to market the decks (volunteer).Sales Strategy: Composite1. Traditional wholesale distribution through Key202. Online through Amazon Advantage3. Wholesale to local community groups4. Create strategic partnerships with event organizers, corporate team building companies, project management


Marketing and Sales

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Product – Monopoly– The Apprentice– Team bonding service companies ($1000s a day)

User group – PMI– PMBLA

Fundraiser– Popcorn, wrapping paper, carwashes– Membership and event fees– Begging your boss for money – Venture capital– Angel funding

Educational program– Dinner and lecture professional events at $40-60 a night– $500 a day training programs



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Principals:•Amanda Abelove – Founder, executive producer•Travis Savo – Game designer•Eric Oakland – Art director•All of BarCamp


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•Present - Test instructions and game mechanics, develop artwork•11/08 – Send high res to printer, •1/08 – Receive first run of cards and ship•2/08 – Show your sweetie you love them with decks of Corporate Espionage and give them a whole month of ooo aaah factor before it’s available to everyone else•3/08 – Street cards to public through Key20 and Amazon•Pray to Flying Spaghetti Monster that we make our money back, release Facebook app, publish free trial•9/09 – Hold contest

Projections and Milestones

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In summary, if you buy this card game on pre-sale, you get to have a whole lot of fun, hack all of Corporate America, save dolphins, look cool in front of your friends, and support a company that supports you.

Please buy an entire case if you can afford it. Your volume purchase on presale saves oil and trees and keeps jobs in the US. We can currently afford recycled materials in China and non-recycled materials in Germany.

Summary and Call to Action

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We wait with baited breath for your order.

Contact Scrum Club

Amanda Abeloveamanda @