How to choose Colors when logo design for company?

How to choose Colors when logo design for company? Page 1 LogoJIn a company for web & Logo designing How to choose Colors when logo design for company? Your logo is the first thing that strikes customers on your marketing materials, in your ads, on your website and on your products. It should be prominent, but that can be a liability if you've got a color scheme that turns your customers off. It's not good enough for a logo designer to say "I chose the purple color because I like purple color". Or because the color is cool, trendy, etc. When you want logo design for company, you should have reasons for the colors you choose. If you don't, how are you going to sell your customer on the fact that the color you chose has the appropriate color meaning for his project? People associate colors with things (like green with grass), and with brands (red is Coca-Cola, while Pepsi is blue). Because the colors you choose to design your logo and other corporate materials with are so important, here’s a step-by-step process that LogoJin takes to determine what these ever so important colors should be. Some tips and useful information, how to choose effective colors for your logo Step 1: Determine what colors best represent your brand. Do you want customers to see your brand as strong and aggressive? Go with a red logo. If you want your brand and company to be seen as calming, perfect for a spa or relaxation retreat, go with blue etc. Step 2: Research the logos of competing businesses for your business logo design . You don't want to pick a color scheme that's too similar to any of your competitors. On the other hand, you don't want to use bright colors when other companies in your sector are using subtle tones. Step 3: Pick a particular element in your logo design that can stand out. You may have a catchy name or your graphic artist created a first letter or design element that you want people to associate with your company.


logo design is the first thing that strikes customers on your marketing materials, in your ads, on your website and on your products. Best business logo design helps to promote business.

Transcript of How to choose Colors when logo design for company?

Page 1: How to choose Colors when logo design for company?

How to choose Colors when logo design for company? Page 1

LogoJIn a company for web & Logo designing

How to choose Colors when logo design for company?

Your logo is the first thing that strikes customers on your marketing materials, in your ads, on your website and on your products. It should be prominent, but that can be a liability if you've got a color scheme that turns your customers off.

It's not good enough for a logo designer to say "I chose the purple color because I like purple color". Or because the color is cool, trendy, etc. When you want logo design for company, you should have reasons for the colors you choose. If you don't, how are you going to sell your customer on the fact that the color you chose has the appropriate color meaning for his project? People associate colors with things (like green with grass), and with brands (red is Coca-Cola, while Pepsi is blue). Because the colors you choose to design your logo and other corporate materials with are so important, here’s a step-by-step process that LogoJin takes to determine what these ever so important colors should be.

Some tips and useful information, how to choose effective colors for your logo

Step 1: Determine what colors best represent your brand. Do you want customers to see your brand as strong and aggressive? Go with a red logo. If you want your brand and company to be seen as calming, perfect for a spa or relaxation retreat, go with blue etc.

Step 2: Research the logos of competing businesses for your business logo design. You don't want to pick a color scheme that's too similar to any of your competitors. On the other hand, you don't want to use bright colors when other companies in your sector are using subtle tones.

Step 3: Pick a particular element in your logo design that can stand out. You may have a catchy name or your graphic artist created a first letter or design element that you want people to associate with your company.

Page 2: How to choose Colors when logo design for company?

How to choose Colors when logo design for company? Page 2

Step 4: Choose a bright, warm color for the element you want to stand out on your logo design. Red is an aggressive color and suitable for a company name or other critical design element. Orange is less severe than red but still bright enough to attract attention. Step 5: Use blue to denote authority and stability. It can get boring, though, if you don't offer a contrasting bright color or an interesting design element. Blue goes well with red and orange, though a logo with dark blue and white can also be effective. Step 6:Incorporate green into your logo if you're business is associated with wellness. It has a calming, healing effect. Healthcare-related firms, alternative therapies and even athletic businesses like health clubs can greatly benefit from using green in their logos. Step 7: Go with colors like pink and purple if your customer base is female. It makes women feel the company understands their needs. Cosmetics, skin care products and women-oriented fitness centers commonly use these colors in their business logo designs. Step 8: Equally important is the position of color. For e.g. If you are reproducing the logo in a black and white document, the stem of the letter should be gray, with the rest of the logo in black. Step 9: Avoid the multicolored look. We believe that the logo loses both its distinctiveness and its dignity in a multi-colored format. If a logo type is not printed with some uniformity, it looks more like a monogram than a logo. Step 10: Choose the right color for the web. Colors and color formats are very necessary to discuss for web medium. The LogoJin Team always considers web-safe colors when the logo has to be designed for a web page. We give your logo options in both RGB and CMYK formats. Here at LogoJin we play with colors more carefully and give your logo its real feel so that people can memorize them for a long period. Have a detailed consultancy from LogoJin’s team for your best logo options.

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