How to care for your linen sheer curtains

How to Care For Your Linen Sheer Curtains By Zynna

Transcript of How to care for your linen sheer curtains

Page 1: How to care for your linen sheer curtains

How to Care For Your Linen Sheer Curtains

By Zynna

Page 2: How to care for your linen sheer curtains

Sheer curtains are a popular in the

contemporary style. They look stylish and

ensure that there is enough light in the room.

These curtains are ideal for small rooms

because they allow diffused light to pour in,

giving the room a light airy feeling. They are

also ideal for rooms which do not get

enough sun, since they stop the room from

becoming too gloomy.

Sheer Curtains

By Zynna

Page 3: How to care for your linen sheer curtains

However, sheer curtains can be difficult to care

for. The superfine material can be delicate and

completely unsuitable for rough washing or

handling. In addition, light shades can get dirty

very quickly. Begin by investing in quality

sheers like linen curtains. We offer a systematic

system for curtain care that you can follow

diligently. This process is detailed for daily as

well as annual care steps that you must take


Linen Curtains

By Zynna

Page 4: How to care for your linen sheer curtains

Daily: On a daily basis you need to

make sure that your curtains are not

handled excessively. The more you drag

them across, the more likely you are to

leave dirty marks. Make sure your hands

are clean and grease free when using the

curtains. If you have small children in

the house, it is a good idea to keep your

curtain gathered with tie-backs and away

from inquisitive fingers!

Curtain Designs

By Zynna

Page 5: How to care for your linen sheer curtains

By Zynna

Weekly: The secret to the longevity of

your linen curtains is less wear and tear.

One of the main reasons for this is

frequent washing. Hence, it is always a

good idea to minimise the need for

extensive washing. For this all you need to

do is ensure a thorough dusting once a

week. Pay particular attention to dust

catching areas like rings and rods.

Occasional dusting to the curtains will

automatically reduce the need for frequent


Modern Curtains

Page 6: How to care for your linen sheer curtains

By Zynna

Monthly: While many prefer a

thorough wash once a month, you can

easily avoid this by dusting you curtains

regularly as specified above. However,

you will need to extend a little extra

effort once a month. Run a vacuum

cleaner once a month on your curtains.

A little cleaning will ensure that dust is

removed thoroughly.

Contemporary Curtains

Page 7: How to care for your linen sheer curtains

By Zynna

Quarterly: Now is the time for a wash.

Luckily, linen is a hardy material that can

be washed at home. However, you do

need to take care when machine washing

it. Do not overload the machine and make

sure that you soak them in warm water.

Do not use a very harsh detergent. A

simple ironing later on should be enough

to ensure your sheer curtains will keep

their fall.

Modern Curtains For Hotels

Page 8: How to care for your linen sheer curtains

Annually: Although machine wash and

ironing is usually quite good enough to

ensure your linen curtains remain good,

you do need to occasionally get them

dry cleaned. You can do this after every

five machine wash at home. This will

ensure your curtains get the professional

treatment once in a while.

Window Curtains Ideas

By Zynna

Page 9: How to care for your linen sheer curtains

By Zynna

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