How to-buy-property-at-auction-david-humphreys

Buying Property at Auction Many of my clients who are interested in investing in property ask me ‘How do I buy property at auction?’ Firstly, you need to identify what type of property you wish to buy. Are you looking to buy an investment property that you can rent out as a family home, or perhaps you wish to buy an apartment to rent out to a professional, or even a House in Multiple Occupation (HMO) for students. You may also be interested in buying a derelict property that you can renovate with a team of people to maximise your profit. Finally, you might be looking for a ‘turn key’ investment that needs no work doing to it and you may wish to use this as your own home or to rent out without the hassle of having to do it up. Once you are clear on what you want to buy, and what you want to achieve from it, you should decide where to buy. Do you want to buy locally in an area you know inside and out, or do you want to find a key area that will help to maximise cash flow and your long term profit? Either way you need to be very clear and do some effective due diligence. David Humphreys

Transcript of How to-buy-property-at-auction-david-humphreys

Page 1: How to-buy-property-at-auction-david-humphreys

Buying Property at Auction

Many of my clients who are interested in

investing in property ask me ‘How do I buy property at auction?’

Firstly, you need to identify what type of property you wish to buy. Are you looking to buy an investment property that you can rent out as a family home, or perhaps you wish to buy an apartment to rent out to a professional, or even a House in Multiple Occupation (HMO) for students. You may also be interested in buying a derelict property that you can renovate with a team of people to maximise your profit. Finally, you might be looking for a ‘turn key’ investment that needs no work doing to it and you may wish to use this as your own home or to rent out without the hassle of having to do it up. Once you are clear on what you want to buy, and what you want to achieve from it, you should decide where to buy. Do you want to buy locally in an area you know inside and out, or do you want to find a key area that will help to maximise cash flow

and your long term profit? Either way you need to be very clear and do some effective due diligence.

David Humphreys

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Buying Property at Auction

David Humphreys

Either way, it’s imperative that you identify your investment strategy BEFORE you visit the auction.

Don’t buy on a whim or because it simply looks like a good investment. You must define your strategy – whether you do this alone or with a professional, so that you don’t get caught up in the hype once you are at the property auction. Once you have found an auctioneer that is selling property in your chosen area, go along to the auction and see how it works, without buying or intending to buy! And whatever you do, don’t be tempted by what looks like a good deal!

See how it works, how people bid and what prices property are selling for. Have an idea of how much you would spend were you buying and see what you would be able to buy on the day in theory. The trick is to stick it out for the whole day and see what’s left at the end. This is where deals are had – as many people have spent

their budget and left. Go to a few auctions and stay until the end to get a real feel for what sells at each stage of the auction. Usually, it’s the traders that are left at the end when the novice landlords have left.

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Buying Property at Auction

David Humphreys

This is where any properties that don’t sell are still up for sale, and at the end of an auction where a property hasn’t sold you can still negotiate.

You could even pick up a bargain for less than the reserve price.. so it’s really a waiting game.

As an extra bonus to these downloads I often put links in to additional materials that I think you may find useful. In the first page of this document I included a link to the first part of an audio interview I did on the subject of buying property at auctions. Below is a link to the second part so I hope you enjoy that.

IMPORTANT... I have also created an educational program which, if you are determined to build a business sourcing low cost properties then you must take a look at. The program is called the “Property Auction Expert” Masterclass and runs over the course of a month with classroom and on site days.

I can almost guarantee that you would never have come across an educational training program that delivers so much. My goal is to take on students who are dedicated and determined to succeed. Details are on the next page...

Click To Listen To The Audio

David Humphreys

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David Humphreys

If you are looking to buy property at auction, it suggests to me that you may

want to do it as professionally as you possibly can. The opportunities are astounding for those who know the game and play it well.

There are many tricks of the trade and inside information that will enable you

to get the best bargains and make tremendous profit consistently.

Now I am in a position to share all my skills and knowledge with a small band of dedicated students on the most comprehensive educational program I have

ever put together.

Property Auction Expert Masterclass

I have worked hard to create this mastermind program to offer the

very best content, delivered in real world situations.

Not only do you get a 1 FULL Day

workshop, but you also get out in the field with me and my

experienced team. You will attend Auction Viewing Days, going to the

properties themselves where I will show you how to do your due

diligence is situ..

You will also go to the property

auction and experience the atmosphere.

If you are interested then watch the

video and further information at

CALL : 0800 865 4311