How to buy a home in an easy way

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  • 7/31/2019 How to buy a home in an easy way


    Researched and Compiled to make your first home-buying so Easy

    Step by step procedure in home buying

    Articles and tips from Better Business Bureau, John Scaub, David Bach and more.

    Also include HDMF Citizen Charter for your convenience

    Projects located in Rizal, Laguna, Cavite, and Manila

    How To Buy a Homein an Easy Way?

    D r i v e n M a r k e t i n g G r o u p

    Guidelines on how to buy your firstinvestment Your Own Home

  • 7/31/2019 How to buy a home in an easy way


    For Inquires, call or text: Catherine Dizon0942 463 55 36

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    Having his own home is the first investment that an individual should make.

    This is a quote based on the book ofDavid Bach, Start Late, Finish Rich. Many Filipinos

    have realized this but only a few have the guts to make it and take actions to make their dream

    home a reality. Most keep on renting, and renting until theyve noticed that they have grownold and yet they keep on renting. Many years pass and they just flushing they hard-earned

    money or pass it to the pockets of their landlord or land lady. It is not suggested that Land

    lording is bad, in fact it is one of the best way of investing. And it is a hoped that someday you

    become one.

    The information herewith is from the real estate books and blogs Ive read, and from the re-

    spected brokers here in the Philippines. The following are the topics that might help you in

    making your decision to buy a property. If not today, someday.

    The Advantage of having an agent, and who pays themThe things you must consider in finding your home

    How easy it is to Finance your home

    Debt is good.

    Why you need to have your home as soon as possible

    I hope that this book will educate you in acquiring your first home, and continue to buy every

    year as an investment. If you find this helpful, dont hesitate to pass this.

    Thank you and happy reading.

    Catherine Dizon

    Marketing Executive

    Driven Marketing Group

  • 7/31/2019 How to buy a home in an easy way


    D r i v e n M a r k e t i n g G r o u p

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    Table of Contents

    Title Page.....1


    Table of Contents.3Why Find an Agent.4

    The Location..7

    Choose the type of House8

    Investigate The Developer..11

    Financing your home...12

    Take a tour..17

    Projects in Rizal..19

    Projects in Laguna.23

    Projects in Cavite...25Projects in Manila..27

    HDMF Citizen Charter Housing Loan Availment.30


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    D r i v e n M a r k e t i n g G r o u p

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    Why Find an Agent?

    By defining your dream house, you should look first for an agent

    who can help you out during your home-buying process. He will

    be the one who will guide you in purchasing your dream house.

    The following information is from the book of Bette Business Bu-

    reau- Buying a Home.

    Why do you need an agent?

    Although 85 percent of first time home buyers use an agent, you

    dont have to. But keep in mind, though, that technically, the fee

    for your agent doesnt come out of your pocket- the seller pays. So

    going solo doesnt necessarily save you money. But it will only

    make your home-buying a little bit harder than having your


    How can you find an agent?

    Someone you know

    Its good to work to people you know and trust. When you look for an agent, think of

    someone you know in real estate that may provide you with honest information. Its

    easy to be true to people that you know personally.


    Ask your friends and relatives if they know someone in real estate that can guide you in

    the buying process. Your friend will not recommend someone if he is not credible andreliable enough.

    Through the Internet

    You can find agents thru e-commerce sites like, but beware of these

    agents because you do not know whether or not they are genuine. Look for the ones

    who can provide an after sales service.

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    For Inquires, call or text: Catherine Dizon0942 463 55 36

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    How to look for the best one

    Educates you about the home-buying process. A good agent takes the time to an-

    swer all your questions and to instruct you about the ins and outs of the particular market

    you face.

    Has a compatible personality. Choose an agent you feel comfortable with. Youll be

    providing this person with intimate details about your finances and lifestyle. And depend-

    ing on the type of market of market, how particular you are about the property you pur-

    chase, or the terms of the contract, you may be spending quite a lot of time with your

    agent. Make sure hes someone you like.

    The Duties of Real Estate Agents

    Showing Properties. An agent has relationships with the developer to show properties.

    Without an agent of your own, you would have to contact the sellers agent( also called in-

    house agent) for each piece of unit you wish to look at.

    Providing a comparative market analysis (CMA).A CMA compares, feature for fea-

    ture, amenities to amenities, the prices, the monthly amortization against similar proper-

    ties in the same neighborhood that have recently been sold. Your agent prepares a CMA

    for every home you are interested in so that you can judge its value relative to others on

    the market.

    Giving the list of requirements needed

    Coordinates the closing. If any last-minute complications arise, your agent helps you

    deal with them.

    Real Estate Real People

    Real Service

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    Takes the time to find out your needs and wants. You should be able to tell from

    the very first meeting whether an agent is listening or not. Are they focused on you as you

    explain what you want? When they show you properties (virtually, as in online tour, or in a

    real visit). Do they fall into the range of what you want? If not, move on.

    Finds you the home that best suits your needs. A good agent wont pressure you to

    make an offer on a home you dont like or a property thats outside your budget.

    Can brief you on the ins and outs of particular neighborhoods. A diligent agent

    wont wait until a client asks to see a particular piece of real estate. He will have visited that

    property as soon as it came on the market- either during an agents tour or on their own.

    An agent who will specialize in particular neighborhood can sometimes even alert you to

    the possibility of purchasing a property before you decide to reserve for it.

    Tells you the truth.When you are trying to ask an agent about the neighborhood, he

    will give you an honest information.

    A quick tip:beware of agents who are overly opinionated and who try to push you to buy a particu-

    lar house. Buying your home is still your decision, and any agent who tries to bully you into making a

    choice you are not comfortable with should be dispensed with immediately.

    For Inquires, call or text: Catherine Dizon0942 463 55 36

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    The Location

    Now that youve been able to find your agent, the next

    thing you should consider is the location.

    I have seen some home-buyers that are willing to transfer

    from northern area to southern one just to have their

    home. They dont care whether its in rural or urban areas

    as long as its quite cheaper. They are betting that its value

    will rise more quickly than if they purchased in an estab-

    lished one. A wrong move I guess. In real estate, its not the

    property or the type of house that matters; its the location.

    If the location provides an ideal neighborhood, then that

    would be a wise option.

    Here is the checklist that can guide you in finding an ideal neighborhood:

    Short commute time. The distance between home and work- and the time it takes to

    travel between those places. Consider the length of commute that you and your family can


    Schools. If you have children or planning to start a family, you should consider the acces-

    sibility to schools. Aside from this, quality of the school district is one of the prime drivers

    of real estate value.

    Safety. Consider if the place is near a police station or if there are curfew hours in the lo-

    cation. Also ask if the neighborhood gets affected by floods.

    The presence of Markets, Groceries, Municipality. Accessibility to these establish-

    ments makes your stay more convenient.

    Medical Services. If you need to be close to medical care facilities, make sure the

    neighborhoods you are considering have the facilities that can meet your needs.

    Neighborhood. Consider your neighborhood. Whether residents mostly keep to them-

    selves or regularly hold parties. In the end, location depends on the lifestyle you have,

    whether you can tolerate this or not.

    According to John Schaub, better-located properties appreciates more. Identify the

    neighborhoods that have the most potential for appreciation in your town, and set a

    goal to buy a property there, if not today, maybe someday.

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    For Inquires, call or text: Catherine Dizon0942 463 55 36

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    Choose the type of House

    A home can be many things. It can be a single-family house with a yard and white picket fence inthe midst of suburb. It can be a high-rise condominium in the middle of a major metropolis. Thekind of dwelling you choose depends on the characteristics of the local market, your budget, yourlifestyle, and your desire to be close to or away from neighbors.

    There are different types of houses offered in the Philippines, and here are the most common:

    Row House

    One of a series of houses, often ofsimilar or identical design, situated

    side by side and joined by common


    Town House

    1. A comfortable-to-luxurious dwelling in an urbanenvironment.

    2. One of a series of houses constructed in an unbro-

    ken row, separated byparty walls, often with a rela-

    tively flat roof.

    3. An upscale row house.

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    Single-Detached House

    A single family residence offers

    greater privacy, no common walls, less

    intruding noise from neighbors

    Usually includes a yard which may

    include enough space for a lawn,

    swimming pool, RV parking, horse

    stables or other amenities

    May be able to be expanded

    Garages are common in newer single fam-

    ily residences

    Single-attached House

    Is considered to be near full-sized house that is attached on one

    side to other house

    Acondominium, or condo,

    is the form of housing tenure and other real prop-

    erty where a specified part of a piece of real estate

    (usually of an apartment house) is individually owned

    while use of and access to common facilities in the

    piece such as hallways, heating system, elevators,

    exterior areas is executed under legal rights associ-

    ated with the individual ownership and controlled by

    the association of owners that jointly represent own-

    ership of the whole piece.

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    Many people do not want to own a condominium because they think that they are only buying a

    piece of the building which depreciates. Condominium ownership is a perpetual ownership. If you

    acquire a condominium unit, you are a part owner of the swimming pool, the jogging path, the hall-

    way, the elevator or any common areas found in a condominium building including the lot.

    RFO or Pre-selling

    Advantage Disadvantage

    RFO (ready for occu-pancy)

    You can live here anytime,Available units are alreadypresent and you can inspectit immediately

    Easy and no problem inturn-over.

    Prices are higher than pre-selling. Once that the build-ing or a house was near toconstruct, the prices tendsto increase about 5-10%whenever a new block wasbuilt.

    A few units available. Youcannot choose what unityou want because mostunits are already occupiedby the other buyers.

    Shorter term, bigger downpayment is needed.

    Pre-selling Price is lower than RFO.You can choose what unit is

    available since there areonly a few buyers in pre-selling.

    Longer Terms

    You cannot view your unit.All you have to do is imag-

    ine about it since this have-nt yet constructed.

    Monthly amortization andDown payment may over-lap once your loan isgranted.

    Turn-over may get a littlebit delayed

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    Investigate the Developer

    Judge the developer or the builder, not the


    Suspect the true-good-to- be-true offer of the

    developer. There might be a hidden agenda like

    why this developer are offering an irresistible


    Information about the developer can be pro-

    vided by your agent, but you should do your

    homework as well to be safe. Ask a friend about

    this; read your local news papers; search in the

    net, or read blogs. Also, find out if the owner of

    the property is credible enough to entrust your

    hard-earned money to them.


    6.2K / MONTH


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    Financing your Home

    Here lies the important part of the process, how to finance

    your home. This will take a number of pages due to the sensi-

    tivity of the topic. But knowing the following may equip you

    in your financing decision. Ask your real estate agent about

    this and decide whether its suits your budget or not.

    Total Contract Price

    Reservation fee


    Monthly amortization

    Total Contract Price

    This is the amount of the house and the lot or the unit you about to purchase.

    Reservation Fee

    It can range from P 5,000 up to P 80, 000 or even higher depending on the price of the

    property. This money is used to secure the unit under your name. With a most devel-

    opers, the reservation fee is deductible from the down payment you need to pay or

    from the total contract price.

    To be honest, you must not delay this; I recommend bringing this with you once you visit

    the place. According to John Schaub, If you cannot give this, or do not have extra cash

    for this fee, you better stop reading now and write down changes in your life you are

    willing to make so that you can have one or both, Its a simple process: either eliminate

    expenses until you have a surplus, or earn more income. Its a lot easier and less time-

    consuming to spend less rather than taking on a second job. For example, stop spend-

    ing money on the Starbucks-fancy-cappuccino, a so-reliving-spa, or that so-excited-out

    -of-town-tour, or any expense that can be sacrificed for a while

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    After 30 days of giving a reservation fee, the next thing is the down payment, a portion you

    have to pay to the seller in order to get a loan. This is usually 20% of the total contract

    price. This is also your equityto your home. But do not worry about this sudden-big-

    amount down payment. There are developers who are offering a 6-month to pay down

    payment, there are 12, or even 48 months. In RFO units, after paying the down pay-

    ment and other charges and processing the document, you may already occupy the


    Beware of agents who are putting pressure on you to pay half of down pay-

    ment immediately. They are only securing that they can get half of their

    commission when you pay your down in half.

    Monthly Amortization

    This is the loan that you will pay monthly upon settling the down payment. You can recal-

    culate this with your agent: just give him what financing scheme you prefer, and how

    long the term is and he can recalculate your estimated monthly amortization for you.

    This consists of the following

    Principal Amount- the loanable amount (LA) that you will owe either to Gov-

    ernment (PAGIBIG), Bank, In-house (Developer). Example:

    Total Contract Price: P 800,000.00

    Down payment 20%: 160,000.00

    Principal Amount (LA): 640,000.00

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    For Inquires, call or text: Catherine Dizon0942 463 55 36

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    Term of the Loan. This is how will long or short you will pay your loan. When

    rates are low, always borrow for the longest term that you can negotiate.

    Lower Payments make the loan safer. PAGIBIG offers the lowest possible in-

    terest rate compared with banks and in-house financing, so PAGIBIG mem-

    bers should take this opportunity to pay with lowest interest in a longer term.

    Ask your agent or see the PAGIBIG section of this ebook for the require-

    ments on how to avail this offer.

    Interest Rates This is the price you pay for the use of the money you are bor-

    rowing. Obviously a lower interest rate is better. Often you have to choose

    between a lower rate and a longer term. Typically a longer term loan will

    have a slightly higher interest rate than a short-term loan.

    You can recalculate this with your agent; just give him what financing scheme you prefer, and

    how long the term is and he can recalculate your estimated monthly amortization for you.

    Other Charges

    These are the fees for the transfer of title, documentary stamp tax, RD Registrationfees, MRI/credit insurance and fire insurance. Always ask your agent if the

    charges are excluded or already included in the total contract price.

    Some buyers ask me if its okay not to pay these charges, and the answer is no.

    These charges are necessary for you to have the loan you wish. The title will serve as

    collateral for the money you owe.

    Antipolo city, 45 min drive to crossing

    Mangungupahan ka pa ba? Kumg pwede

    naman sarili mo na?

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    This is an incentive given to the buyer for purchasing the property. One might avail of the

    promo if he is:

    Able to reserve or give the down payment for a particular period;

    An early bird buyer;

    Able to buy in deferred payments;

    Able to pay the property in cash.

    These are the incentives that the buyer might enjoy: Discount in Total Contract Price;

    Exemption from other charges fee;

    Free finishing and furnishing;

    Free items like security equipment, furniture and fixtures and more.

    Promotions are usually given to pre-selling buyers. So if you are not in the

    hurry, it is better to invest in pre-selling units. The longer you wait- espe-

    cially if you delay until the houses are finished and filling up- the moreyoull pay.

    Totoo, 60 PESOS A DAY!

    Uupa ka pa ba?

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    D r i v e n M a r k e t i n g G r o u p

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    Loan Available in the Philippines

    There are many organizations that offer a housing loan program, but heres the most common loan

    that the developer was offers:

    Interest Term Description

    PAGIBIG 4.5% to12%

    Maximum of 30 years They are very strict in requirements. But theyare offering the lowest interest in longestpossible term.

    Many requirements need to comply.

    Down payment should be 20% of Total Con-tract Price

    BANKS 8% to 12% Maximum of 20 years Fewer requirements than PAGIBIG.

    IN-HOUSE 12% to 25% Maximum of 15 years The easiest way to process. This is highlyrecommended by real estate brokers for theindividual who has a complicated status.

    See the HDMF Citizen Charter at the back on how to avail Housing Loan

    I know many will raise their eyebrows about the idea of borrowing money to have their dream home.But let me share with you an article written byRobert Allen, popular speaker, multimillionaire and

    author of the all-bestselling real estate bookNothing Down and Creating Wealth.

    He said, if you do not have money to buy a house, others have. This what is called leveraging. You

    need a fulcrum and a lever to carry something you cant carry by your self. And in this case, the lever

    is the PAGIBIG, the Banks, and the Developer himself. Here is what he says:

    Debt is Bad. Avoid it Like a Plague.

    Have you heard this before? There is truth to the statement, but it depends on

    the kind of debt we are talking about. If we are talking about consumer debt, yes.

    Avoid it like a plague. Avoid borrowing money to buy appearance of wealth which

    loses value and are often worthless before the debt is repaid.

    But investment debt is another story. In fact, self-made wealth never comes

    without going to debt. I repeat: You can never become wealthy without going into

    some form of investment debt. And probably a lot of it.

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    For Inquires, call or text: Catherine Dizon0942 463 55 36

    Page 17

    Take a Tour

    There are available pictures in the net that you can show

    you glance of the property. But there is no substitute for the

    to-see-is-to-believe saying. Photoshop and other editing

    softwares are already available in the market add to this the

    picture taking technique, the lightings, the contrast and

    more, so better to see this in real. If you are working or liv-

    ing in abroad or far from the location, better to ask a rela-tive who can view the property for you.

    The first time you visit a property, even though it looks perfect, examine whether it suits your needs.

    Does a pocket garden or a lawn matter to you? Do you really need a servants room? Do you prefer a

    Camera or Video recorder

    A picture is still worth a thousand words. Take your camera and photograph everything: the inte-

    riors of the rooms, the exterior of the property (all four walls, whether its a house or a condo;the roof; the foundation), the yard if there is one. A visual record will also help you refresh your

    memory in deciding what property you will buy.

    Measuring Tape

    Use this on anything that can be measured. Record the dimension of all rooms. If any of the doors

    is smaller than the standard size, measure those as well. You dont want your cherished antique

    aparador or refrigerator to get stuck in the front door, do you?

    Reservation Fee, Your Identification Card and your Proof of Income

    I remember when I was new to the real estate industry, part of my training was to go with a

    real agent. That agent had a client who really wanted to reserve that time but the problem washe did not have the reservation fee with him. That morning the remaining units available were

    still seven. We just ate our lunch for a while then he looked for an ATM machine to withdraw.

    When we came back at around 3 pm, there were only two units left.

    So to be sure, bring the reservation payment with you .Reserve if you consider the house is for you.

    Do otherwise if you dont.

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    This is the end, now you able to understand the must and the basics in acquiring your

    own home, you are now ready to have your very first property. The next thing you

    should do is contact your agent NOW.

    If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Ill appreciate if you give


    Catherine DizonDriven Marketing GroupSUN: 0942 463 5536Globe: 0916.885.6914Smart: 0909.349.0663Email: [email protected]

    [email protected]

    "Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if wedo not give up"- Galatians 6:9

    Mangungupahan ka na lang ba?

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    Projects located in Rizal Area


    Entrance gate with Guard House Club House Basketball Court 2 Swimming Pools Parks and playgrounds Concrete Roads (10m- and 8m-wide roads) Underground Drainage System Centralized water distributionsystem (Mla Water) Centralized power distributionsystem (Meralco) 24 Hour Security and CCTV Perimeter fence


    End unit

    Inner Unit

    Corner Unit



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    D r i v e n M a r k e t i n g G r o u p

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    MODEL UNIT Alyssa Elysse Alyssa

    Regular Unit Regular Unit Corner Unit

    Lot Area 54 sqm. 54 sqm 129 sqm

    Floor Area 63.65 sqm 63.65 sqm 88.97 sqm

    Total Contract Price 2,068,000.00 2,198,000.00 3,988,000.00

    20% Down Payment 413,600.00 439,600.00 797,600.00

    Reservation Fee 30,000.00 30,000.00 50,000.00

    Net Down Payment 383,600.00 409,000.05 747,600.00

    Payable in 12 mos. 31,966.67 34,083.45 62,300.00

    80% Bal. Thru Bank Financing

    5 yrs 34,543.70 36,715.21 66,615.23

    10 yrs 22,323.65 23,726.97 43,049.66

    15 yrs 19,064.39 20,262.83 36,764.4

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    Projects located in Rizal Area

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    LOT AREA : 43 SQM


    Total Contract Price - P867,236.80

    Reservation Fee - P10,000.00 Down Payment - P117,236.80

    Payable in 15 months - P6,815.24/month

    Pagibig Loanable Amount - P755,000.00

    Pagibig Monthly Amortization

    20 years - P6,552/month

    25 years - P6,079/month

    30 years - P5,805/month

    Net Disposable Income: P15,000.00

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    Total Contract Price - P664,227.50

    Reservation Fee - P5,000.00

    Equity - P67,227.50Payable in 15 months - P4,151/month

    Pagibig Loanable Amount - P597,000.00

    Pagibig Monthly Amortization20 years - P4,628/month25 years - P4,219/month


    Total Contract Price - P822,137.50

    Reservation Fee - P5,000.00

    Equity - P84,137.50Payable in 15 months - P5,275/month

    Pagibig Loanable Amount - P738,000.00

    Pagibig Monthly Amortization20 years - P5,271/month


    Total Contract Price - P890,192.50

    Reservation Fee - P5,000.00

    Equity - P101,192.50Payable in 15 months - P6,412/month

    Pagibig Loanable Amount - P789,000.00

    Pagibig Monthly Amortization20 years - P6,847/month25 years - P6,353/month

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    You can pay your down payment for as long as 30 months OR AS LOW AS P 7,666.66/MONTH!!

    1 BED& 1 t&B STUDIO TYPE

    TOTAL CONTRACT PRICE 2,000,000.00* 1,200,000.00*

    RESERVATION FEE 10,000.00 10,000.00



    12 months 32,500.00 19,166.66

    24 months 16,250.00 9583.33

    30 months 13,000.00 7666.66

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    WE are giving REFERAL FEE for every successful referral.

    Terms and Conditions Applied.

    Email or Text for Details.

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    For Inquires, call or text: Catherine Dizon0942 463 55 36

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    D r i v e n M a r k e t i n g G r o u p

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    For Inquires, call or text: Catherine Dizon0942 463 55 36

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    D r i v e n M a r k e t i n g G r o u p

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    For Inquires, call or text: Catherine Dizon0942 463 55 36

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    D r i v e n M a r k e t i n g G r o u p

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    For Inquires, call or text: Catherine Dizon0942 463 55 36

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    D r i v e n M a r k e t i n g G r o u p

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    For Inquires, call or text: Catherine Dizon0942 463 55 36

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    D r i v e n M a r k e t i n g G r o u p

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    For Inquires, call or text: Catherine Dizon0942 463 55 36

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    D r i v e n M a r k e t i n g G r o u p

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  • 7/31/2019 How to buy a home in an easy way


    For Inquires, call or text: Catherine Dizon0942 463 55 36

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    D r i v e n M a r k e t i n g G r o u p

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    For Inquires, call or text: Catherine Dizon0942 463 55 36

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    D r i v e n M a r k e t i n g G r o u p

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    For Inquires, call or text: Catherine Dizon0942 463 55 36

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    Phone: 0942 463 5536/ 0909 349 0663

    E-mail: [email protected]

    [email protected]


    Suite 3C, NCC Building, 586 Sierra MadreSt., Barangay Malamig, Mandaluyong City1550


    Start Late Finish Rich, David Bach

    Creating Wealth, Robert Allen

    Building Real Estate Wealth in a Changing Market, John Schaub

    Insiders Guide to Success Buying a Home, Better Business Bureau

    American Heritage Dictionary

    Webster Dictionary