How to Be a Perfectly Normal President or Governor

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Transcript of How to Be a Perfectly Normal President or Governor

  • 8/9/2019 How to Be a Perfectly Normal President or Governor


    How to be a perfectly normal president or governorBy Sam Smith

    Copyright 1997 The Progressive Review


    A list of behavior the media apparently considers par for the courseYou and your partners set up a resort land scam in which the unwitting buy third-rate property in an isolated area. The contract is rigged so that about half the purchasers lose their property.While a public official, you receive a fifty percent equity in this property while contributing only a minimal amount of the cash.You use your public position to obtain sex.You use state troopers to help you obtain sex when your public position isn't sufficient.The head of your security detail gives evidence against a citizen of your state.The judge accuses him of a "reckless disregard for the truth" and says that "nojury could find by reasonable doubt that the defendant was guilty." You name this police officer to a $90,000 a year federal job.A close associate defrauds the SBA and later claims that in one instance he did i

    t for you.Despite being warned, you allow huge quantifies of drugs to move through your state without taking any steps to stop it.You create a state economic development authority that turns into, at best, a piggy bank for campaign contributors and, at worst, a conduit for drug money laundering.State troopers assigned to you are offered federal jobs in return for their silence.You appoint a soon-to-be convicted criminal to the number three post in the Justice Department.Despite having no prior experience, your wife makes a huge and odds-defying profit in cattle futures trading .Your wife's former law firm shreds documents essential to an ongoing criminal inv

    estigation.Your chief health care adviser improperly holds secret meetings of your health care task force, gives misleading court testimony and refuses to release relevantpublic documents.Documents of critical importance to the court case are shredded.Your Little Rock campaign security chief gets gunned down in a mob-style slayingand files he was keeping on you are stolenDocuments are removed from the office of a key aide immediately following his unexplained death in a Virginia park. His computer hard disc is also damaged beyond repair. Evidence at the death scene is apparently tampered with. Crime photos and x-rays inexplicably turn up missing or underexposed. Your staff dissembles concerning the time it learned of the death.Your representatives, and possibly your wife, obstruct the investigation by polic

    e officers into the aide's death.At least one witness in the death discovers his FBI testimony changed without his permission and finds himself subjected to overt harassment of a sort used against witnesses by police and intelligence agencies.Essential documents related to criminal and congressional investigations are hidden in a White House office despite these documents being under subpoena.Members of your staff deliberately mislead FBI agents investigating the use of White House travel funds.Your wife and a number of your staff offer testimony to Congress and are struck with mass amnesia. In a 42-page statement, your wife says she doesn't recall (or

  • 8/9/2019 How to Be a Perfectly Normal President or Governor


    its equivalent) 50 timesYour secretary of agriculture resigns and is under investigation by a special prosecutor.Your commerce secretary, under criminal investigation, dies with others (including corporate campaign contributors) in a plane crash, whose cause has yet to be adequately explained. Key evidence concerning the crash disappears.Your Justice Department conducts a brutal assault on a religious cult in Texas that turns into a massacre of American citizens including children.Your aides illegally obtain at least 900 personal FBI files of political enemies. You establish, at taxpayer expense, a huge White House computer database used primarily for personal political purposes.You and your staff allow access to the White House to campaign contributors who turn out to include drug dealers, Chinese arms merchants and spies, along with others seeking special and specific favors.You treat the White House and other public facilities as premiums to be presented generous donors.Ten key witnesses in investigations concerning your administration take the Fifth Amendment and three leave the country to avoid prosecutors.Nine of your friends and associates plead guilty and 12 others are convicted of over 50 felonies.