How to be a good partner in a relationship

Here is the full article: Do you know 14 rules on how to be a good partner In A Relationship? Wonder how to be a good partner in a relationship? Here are some most useful tips to help you improve your relationship and become an irreplaceable partner It is really easy to concentrate on what your partner is doing wrong, to get frustrated and annoyed by it, yet have you ever stopped by a moment and think that perhaps you are doing everything right either? For most of us, it is rather to see the other people’s flaws but really not easy to see that in ourselves. So, how to become a good partner if you are not acknowledging your flaws? If you want to be a good lover/partner in a relationship, then you should ask yourself if you have followed these following top 14 rules. Check out what rules on how to be a good partner in a relationship from ! How To Be A Good Partner In A Relationship – 14 Basic Rules 1. Everyone Has The Right To Get Angry But Not Get Cruel In order to know how to be a good partner, you should acknowledge this at the beginning of your relationship. Everyone has a right to get angry in a certain situation, and sometimes it could not be helped, yet it is the way that you handle the anger that determines whether or not you are playing fair.

Transcript of How to be a good partner in a relationship

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Here is the full article:

Do you know 14 rules on how to be a good partner In A Relationship?

Wonder how to be a good partner in a relationship? Here are some most useful tips to

help you improve your relationship and become an irreplaceable partner

It is really easy to concentrate on what your partner is doing wrong, to get frustrated

and annoyed by it, yet have you ever stopped by a moment and think that perhaps

you are doing everything right either?

For most of us, it is rather to see the other people’s flaws but really not easy to see

that in ourselves. So, how to become a good partner if you are not

acknowledging your flaws? If you want to be a good lover/partner in a relationship,

then you should ask yourself if you have followed these following top 14 rules. Check

out what rules on how to be a good partner in a relationship from!

How To Be A Good Partner In A Relationship – 14 Basic Rules

1. Everyone Has The Right To Get Angry But Not Get Cruel

In order to know how to be a good partner, you should acknowledge this at the

beginning of your relationship. Everyone has a right to get angry in a certain

situation, and sometimes it could not be helped, yet it is the way that you handle the

anger that determines whether or not you are playing fair.

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You can tell to your partner that you feel upset, but it is not okay for you to insult

him/her for it, and to bring up the past. If so, he/she will not solve the problem that

made you furious, you will only escalate the conversation into an argument.

Normally, your partner will not have meant to upset you, so insulting them or

deliberately hurting them might be out of line, no matter how justified you feel that

time. [Read: how to express anger in a healthy way]

2. Back Down Now And Then Even When You Are Right

How to be a good partner in a relationship? Well, it is easy to jump into an argument,

particularly if you are right. What is not easy is to back down. Occasionally, it does

not matter who is wrong and who is right, the only thing that really matters is to stop

the argument. So, do not let your pride take control of you. It is necessary for you to

know when it is okay to make peace and back down. [Read: how to improve your


3. Accept That People Will Change Over The Time

We all change when times goes. Everything that occurs to a person will change them

in a certain way. Sometimes, it can be unnoticeable while sometimes it smacks you

across the face. You need to accept the fact that everyone will change and going with

it, will stop you from finding yourself with a stranger. If you could not accept the

changes naturally coming from life, then sooner or later, you will need to make such

a big change to get away from it. [Read: tips to read your man's mind - How to read a

man and influence him review ]

4. No One Is Perfect, Including You

It is easy to judge other people and criticize their choices, yet you need to keep in

mind that you also make such bad choices too now and then. No one is perfect and

you are too. You might things wrong like everybody else. It is unfair to expect other

people to be perfect all the time and even more unfair if you make them feel really

bad about it. [Read: how to have a long term relationship]

5. Your Partner’s Friends Were Supporting Them So Long Before You

Really Were

And, when it comes to learning how to become a good partner in a relationship, you

should also get along with the friends of your partner because they are those people

who support your partner in difficult times before you really do it. Yet, it is not

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necessary for you to like them, jut need to get on with them for your sweetheart’s


Do not be the person who continually asks your partner to choose between you and

their best friends or even family because they will not like the final result, either way.

If you do so, your partner either resent you for provoking to choose or pick their


6. You Do Not Have To Be Selfless But Do Care

It is not required you to be selfless in your relationship, but you need to take care of

your sweetheart. Nevertheless, you do not have to put them first every time. Just try

to know when you to put them first and when really matters to make the most

difference as it can show that take care of them. [Read: how to prove your love


7. Do Not Expect Anything From Your Partner

A common mistake that many people make in a relationship is to expect things from

their own partner. It can be simply about a mental aspect or material one. For

example, you sometimes expect your partner to solely pay the bills during a date or to

bring a little surprise and romantic into the relationship. Do you find it fair? No. You

are setting your partner up to fail.

A partnership should be between both the two people. Your couples should be

responsibilities in this relationship. This should not be expected, but should be done

without any question. Just as bad as demanding something, expecting something

also means that.

8. Be Supportive, Both In Good And Bad Times

Through good times, it is easy to support your partner, but it is not always easy to

support them in such a bad times. Nevertheless, these are the times that your partner

really needs your support, so give it to them.

If you feel disappointed one times, then your partner might be ten times more. Try to

be supportive and assist them. Do not kick them whilst they feel down as they may

not get back up again. [Read: how to show your love]

9. Start The Day With A Kiss

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Physical intimate, in general, and kisses, in particular are important in relationships,

particularly in long term relationships. Couples who love each other for such a long

time often take the other person for granted and forget the real role of their partner

in their lives. Thus, you need to remind yourself about that. Keeping intimacy will

stop you from feeling bored or wondering if the relationship has run out of its course.

[Read: how to kiss passionately]

10. Bring The Romance To The Table

Do something to bring the feeling of romance to your relationship if you feel you

need to do so. Do so and your partner will also in return. This is one of the most

overlooked tips on how to be a good partner. Remember that you should not just wait

around to receive the romantic gestures from your partner because that just make

you frustrated if your partner do not do so. [Read: how to keep a relationship fresh

and alive]

11. Sometimes, Walk Away

It is almost impossible for you to keep your relationship always romantic without any

argument or cold moments. And, sometimes, in your relationship, the only thing that

should be done is to walk away. However, it does not mean that it has to be

permanent. When neither of you have nothing good to say, then walk away is the

best. Do not solve your problem by screaming at each other.

12. Make Time And Cheer Them Up

Life could sometimes feel like at its worst status, both you and your partner all

experience such moments. Yet, that does not mean you make them even down more

and also does not give you an excuse to put your partner at the last of your list of

priorities. It could easy to take your partner for granted, as mentioned before in this

list of tips on how to be a good partner. Knowing that they will be around and wait

for you does not mean that it is fair to make them continually wait you. put your

partner at the top of your list and in case you could not, you need to think once again

about your relationship. [Read: reasons why relationships fail]

13. Be Loyal And Faithful

Do not cheat your partner. That sounds too obvious and familiar when it comes to

love tips. However, it is not always be followed properly. It does not matter why you

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cheated and why you lied, you can have the best possible excuse for it, yet it does not

make it right. If you are in a serious relationship, be in that.

Be Passionate And Keep It Alive

It does not matter how passionate both of you are in the beginning stage of your

relationship, it will nearly always fade with time if you take it for granted. So, keep

the passion and excitement alive in your current relationship, even when it means

going out of your normal way to please or excite your sweetheart sometimes. Be the

best partner you could be and your partner will appreciate it.

Now, you have all necessary rules on how to be a good partner in a relationship. So,

how good a partner are you? If you do not follow enough these rules, start checking

the list all now!

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cheated and why you lied, you can have the best possible excuse for it, yet it does not

make it right. If you are in a serious relationship, be in that.

Be Passionate And Keep It Alive

It does not matter how passionate both of you are in the beginning stage of your

relationship, it will nearly always fade with time if you take it for granted. So, keep

the passion and excitement alive in your current relationship, even when it means

going out of your normal way to please or excite your sweetheart sometimes. Be the

best partner you could be and your partner will appreciate it.

Now, you have all necessary rules on how to be a good partner in a relationship. So,

how good a partner are you? If you do not follow enough these rules, start checking

the list all now!