How to be a good mathematic teacher



this is some tips for you who's gonna teaching. not only a teacher. but everybody can teach each other.

Transcript of How to be a good mathematic teacher

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A good math teacher can help students who have traditionally struggled with arithmetic begin to build confidence in their skills

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what we have

to do??

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•Knowledge of Mathematics

•Teaching strategies

•Leadership A skilled math teacher

•Approach In the classroom

•Care and Concern

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Only that?

I think no...

Sometimes, when we now what we want to do. We

don’t know how to do that

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Teaching methodWe talk about

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you get it?

Well now, Ihave some

tips of teaching For you

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Here are some tips of teaching19 10

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1. Critical thinking and honest effort is more important than the right answer. Try not to frown when students give wrong answers or wrong. Frowned often interpreted as a rejection of sign language that may inhibit students to participate in expressing his thoughts.

2. There is no teaching without control. You better take pains in the early days of school to find the best ways to manage class and student discipline, than you have to struggle throughout the semester because you do not manage to find the most effective way in classroom management.

3. Sometimes the best thing to do is stop talking. If there is noise in the classroom, you do not need to be clamoring for the students to stop rowdy. You try standing in front of the class without spending a single word, then gaze at them (especially students who are a source of noise) while without showing an angry expression.

4. Try to do activities that vary from time to time. In the learning process and a structured routine is a good thing, but if this is done too much can cause you and your class plummet into a habit of boring.

5. Encourage students to actively participate. Provide the opportunity for each student to perform in front of the classroom or allow them to work in groups. Wherever possible avoid teacher-centered learning for the whole year.

6. Try to be flexible. For example, during the learning process takes place in the classroom, you have strict rules against students on chewing gum. But you might be able to close your eyes to this when students are facing exams.

7. Try to give a clear description of what topics will be tested. You are not just enough to sayand having students "Next week replay, please Learn Chapter 6". Command and assignment of this kind will be felt confusing, especially for students who lack the skills learned.

8. Ask for their support. It is important to get support from management when you are dealing with difficult issues, related to the learning process that you do. For example, asking for support to hold a conference with the parents of students who have difficulties in learning.

9. Give students the opportunity to take the exam. If a student is always present in every class meeting, but due to some reason he could not be present on the day of the exam, you should be able to give him the opportunity to follow-up exams and do not let more than one or two days.

10. Use the technique of "Front Loading". The students tend to be more motivated to learn at the beginning of school. At the beginning of school, in addition invited to review the material in the previous semester, by and large students are also invited to get to know the topics to be studied for one semester to the next.

11. Teach the students to have the skills to solve problems. As students enter the workforce or go into the community, he would have plenty to deal with various issues that need to he resolved well. Through learning do the students are expected to be familiar and skilled in solving various problems it faces.

12. Give awards for each of the results and their learning efforts. Feedback you will give motivation to the students to do something better

13. Do the best from yourself and behave is fair to all students, then you will gain respect from them. Crisis of confidence to the teacher soften come from the inability to show the best to their students.

14. The best motivator is to connect learning to the real world. Do not remove the students' learning of the real world, they are teaching related matters and touching their lives directly Suppose Mathematics teacher while learn about the metric system, ask the studentsto bring empty cardboard and bottles from their kitchen, to serve as a medium of learning.

15. In certain schools, sometimes students are grouped by ability (class leading). This makes them more prominent than the other participants. On the one hand, this way can make it easy forteachers to provide instructional services are homogeneous, but on the other hand can also causesocial jealousy.

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CreditsSelvia Tri Wulandari(2013620017)RirinMasruroh(2013620018)Darus Salam(2013620036)Zainuddin(2013620039)Tufailah(2013620044)DiflaHizamKuddah(2013620050)FauziRahman(2013620053)Sarifah Citra Prayantika(2013620056)

Thanks to:Mr. Andi and all of our friends