How to Automate Logmein Free

Automate Logmein Free Install Helping family techs remote support their loved ones All images found on web, I own no rights to any images, Disclaimer : this tutorial is for purposes only.


Step-By-Step Guide on how to Automate logmein free to send to your family and friends to provide remote support including how to enable safemode start up for logmein

Transcript of How to Automate Logmein Free

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Automate Logmein Free InstallHelping family techs remote support their loved ones

All images found on web, I own no rights to any images,

Disclaimer : this tutorial is for

purposes only.

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Overview• The Logmein MSI could be installed in a

network using the followinglogmein.msi /q USERPASSWORD=pcpassword USERVERIFYPWD=pcpassword USEREMAIL=lmiwebsiteemail USERWEBPASSWORD=lmiwebsitepass LicenseType=0

• However many of us have remote users “family, friends” that we support

• We all know to add a computer to logmein free we need to be on their computer, this is not always possible

• And that is why you are reading this Guide

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Change LogDATE LOGMEIN VER NOTES12.19.2012 4.1.2634 Variable ACCOUNTEMAIL - removed12.19.2012 4.1.2634 Created PowerPoint Guide and Published

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What you needDownload Logmein Free MSI File

– Download Latest Clean File: 4.1.2634 as of 12-19-2012•

Download MSI Editor “InstED , SuperOrca or Orca MSI”– InstED – preferred

• • Loved by:

– SuperOrca “Orca Replacement”•

– Orca MSI Editor•

Download Setup Compiler “Inno Setup or Advance Installer”– Inno Setup - preferred


– Advance Installer •

Icons, graphics all found on web,

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Files to download for this guideDownload Logmein Free MSI File

– Download Latest Clean File: •

Download MSI Editor “InstED , SuperOrca or Orca MSI”– InstED – preferred


Download Setup Compiler “Inno Setup or Advance Installer”

– Inno Setup - preferred •

Icons, graphics all found on web,

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Application Screenshots• Screenshots of applications for your reference

including my comments

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SCREENSHOT - InstED• Allows Drag and drop of application• More Features/Details

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SCREENSHOT - SuperOrca• Allows Drag and drop of application

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SCREENSHOT - Orca• Does not Allows Drag and drop of application• BASIC MSI Editor• Still good


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SCREENSHOT -Inno Setup • Simple to the point!!!• Used in this guide

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SCREENSHOT – Advance Installer• Lots of Features• Way more then we need

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Lets get started

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Step 01 – Run MSI Editor• Run your MSI Editor “InstED”• Open Logmein.msi file or Drag and drop into


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InstallExecuteSequence table:add following 2 actions:

• action: GetLMIRegistrationCookie • condition: NOT Installed • sequence: 3710

• action: LMIGetLicense • condition: NOT Installed • sequence: 3730

Page 15: How to Automate Logmein Free

InstallExecuteSequence table:1. find CreateUser action and change condition


into: VersionNT AND REMOVE<>"ALL"

2. find CreateUserSetProperty action and change condition from: CANCREATEUSER AND PASSWORDSOK="true" AND VersionNT AND REMOVE<>"ALL"

into: VersionNT AND REMOVE<>"ALL"

Page 16: How to Automate Logmein Free

Property table:1. find LICENSETYPE and change condition

from: 5 into: 0

**next step not needed if you used direct msi download link”

2. Right click on DEPLOYID and select "Drop Row"

Important note, since installers can be reversed make a LogMeIn account which only has the ability to add computers, then move them out of that user’s name. Once they are installed. Use this account for the following steps. To make an account login to your LogMeIn account and click users on the left hand side. Then add a new Administrator, and give that account the ability to Deploy Computers. When a new computer is added you will want to edit that user and remove rights to that computer if you choose to do it this way.

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Save in New Folder “files”• Click File, Save As• Make a New Folder– “FILES” new name

• Save your logmein.msi inside that folder

• For this example I called the folder “FILES”– This is where you will save your customized

logmein msi and other files

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EXTRA – SafeMode Logmein Start• Run Notepad or any other text application • Copy and paste command belowecho y | reg add "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\SafeBoot\Network\LogMeIn" /VE /T REG_SZ /D "Service“

• Save as LOGMEINSAFE.bat in the same folder your saved your custom logmein.msi

• Or save anywhere to setup manually

Found script on: visit website to read comments

NOTE-1 | if logmein is the cause of normal boot up issues it will also stale Safe Mode with Networking!NOTE-2 | It May require updating with new releases, not likely, but maybe

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What it looks like• Why does it have echo y | ?– In the event you install it again on a computer

with the reg edit made from before

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Building the exe Package

Bob the Builder Image from:

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Run Inno Setup Compiler• Select Create a new empty script file

• Copy and paste the script on the next slide into Inno setup compiler

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Magical Script

#define _AppName "Customized LogMeIn"#define _AppVer "4.1.2633"#define _AppPublisher "LogMeIn"#define _AppUrl ""#define _AppSetup "LogMeIn"

#define LmiUsrMail "[email protected]"#define LmiUsrPass "logmein password"#define LmiPCCode "computer password"

[Setup]AppName = {#_AppName}AppVerName = {#_AppName} {#_AppVer}AppPublisher = {#_AppPublisher}AppPublisherURL = {#_AppUrl}AppSupportURL = {#_AppUrl}AppUpdatesURL = {#_AppUrl}OutputDir = .OutputBaseFilename= {#_AppSetup}Compression = lzmaSolidCompression = yes

AppVersion = {#_AppVer}VersionInfoCompany = {#_AppPublisher}VersionInfoCopyright = {#_AppPublisher}VersionInfoTextVersion = {#_AppVer}VersionInfoVersion = {#_AppVer} CreateAppDir = noCreateUninstallRegKey = noUpdateUninstallLogAppName = noUninstallable = yesDisableDirPage = yesDisableReadyMemo = yesDisableProgramGroupPage = yesDisableReadyPage = yes

[Languages]Name: "english"; MessagesFile: "compiler:Default.isl"

[Files]Source: "files\logmein.msi"; DestDir: "{tmp}"; Flags: deleteafterinstallSource: "files\LOGMEINSAFE.BAT"; DestDir: "{tmp}"; Flags: deleteafterinstall [Run]Filename: "{tmp}\LOGMEINSAFE.BAT"Filename: "{tmp}\logmein.msi"; Parameters: "USERPASSWORD={#LmiPCCode} USERVERIFYPWD={#LmiPCCode} USEREMAIL={#LmiUsrMail} USERWEBPASSWORD={#LmiUsrPass} LicenseType=free /q"; StatusMsg: "Installing and configuring LogMeIn! Please wait ..."; Flags: waituntilterminated shellexec

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Copy and PastingShould look something like this

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What you can change• Go ahead and edit any of the #define fields#define _AppName "Customized LogMeIn"#define _AppVer "4.1.2633"#define _AppPublisher "LogMeIn"#define _AppUrl ""#define _AppSetup "LogMeIn"

#define LmiUsrMail "[email protected]"#define LmiUsrPass "logmein password"#define LmiPCCode "computer password"

[Files]Source: "files\logmein.msi"; DestDir: "{tmp}"; Flags: deleteafterinstallSource: "files\LOGMEINSAFE.BAT"; DestDir: "{tmp}"; Flags: deleteafterinstall

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Save your Inno Setup File• Save your .iss in the folder before “FILES” as

shown below• I saved mine as LOGMEIN YY.MM.DD.iss

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Lets CompileClick the compile icon or select build, then Compile

Watch it compile your files below

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Test it out

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Working as shown below

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Other GuidesSo I went ahead a searched for everyone that had a guide to verify steps and compile this master guide. below is a list of them.•





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