How to Arrange Books

How to Arrange BOOKS


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Transcript of How to Arrange Books

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How to

Arrange BOOKS

Page 2: How to Arrange Books

If you love reading books and you already have lots of different types or genres, you should already need a book shelf. In that way you can take care of your books. It can also be a design into your house. Just because you already finished reading a book, it doesn’t mean that you don’t need to take care of it or you just throw it. If you already finished reading a book, you should keep it; maybe there will be a time that your friends or family members will need to read it. It is very important to arrange or organize your books.

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Here are some Tips on

How to arrange your Books

Page 4: How to Arrange Books

If you have lots of books or your book shelf is already full and you still have lots of books that have no space in the books shelf, you need to do a separation. Remove all the books in the books shelf and separate the books that you like or you want to keep and the books that you want to remove or give away. In that way, you can make sure that the books in your book shelf are interesting.

Remove the books

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When you are arranging the books in the book shelf make sure to clean each book. You need to remove extra papers inside the book like bookmarks. If there are tiny object inside the books like bookmarks or even clips, it will consume space in the book shelf. You can use a piece of cloth to clean or to remove the dust or dirt in the book.

Clean each book

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If you want your book shelf to look good, you should fix the books that are damaged. Separate the books that are needed to be fixed. In that way, you will be able to fix them at once. You won’t also have a problem when you read them especially if the book is very interesting. Instead of buying a new one, you can just fix it in order to save money.

Fix books

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If you have lots of books that are similar to other books that you have and you think it has a value, you can resell it. In that way, you will be able to earn. You can also use the money from reselling books to buy a new one. You can post and sell your books in the internet or to people who might need them like friends or co-workers. It is also a good way to prevent lots of books being stock in your house.


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If you don’t want to sell your books, then donate them. Put all the books that you don’t want in a box or bag and look for some stores that accept donations. You can also give them into a relative or a friend that might need them. Don’t donate smelly books or books that are totally damaged. They will definitely throw them away. Just donate the books that you don’t like that is still readable.


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You definitely don’t do the cleaning for a long time, if you already clean your books, then you should clean the book shelf. Clean the book shelf using a cleaning spray. It won’t look good if the books are clean and the bookshelf is not. If you don’t clean the book shelf, the dirt will only stick on the books.

Clean the book shelf

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You should also decide on how you arrange your books. There are different ways on how to arrange books like arranging them by color, size, and genre or by level of interest. You can also put label on every level of the book shelf. In that way, if you want to know about a certain subject or topic, you can easily get the book and you don’t need to search every title of the book.

How you organize the books