How the physical aspect of paper will determine your feelings (and brand image)

C o u l d t h e f u t u r e o f p r i n t b e P H Y S I C A L ?

Transcript of How the physical aspect of paper will determine your feelings (and brand image)

Could the future of print be


“We don’t see things as they are, we see

them as we are” Anaïs Nin

<40,000 BC 2015


50 – 60 bits per second

11 million bits per second

Hard work Effortless

Left Right

Selective Always on

Logic Intuition

Largely conscious Largely unconscious

Divided attention

SLOW — logical What you focus on

FAST — intuitive Everything around you

Divided attention

SLOW — logical What you focus on

FAST — intuitive Everything around you

Divided attention d at

SLOW — logical What you focus on

FAST — intuitive Everything around you

Human intelligence

Everything you think about

Everything you don’t think about

174 Newspapers a day

Odds of being struck by lightning

Odds of clicking on a banner ad in 2014

Source: NSSL / Google

0.03% 0.04%

“Thinking is to humans as swimming is to cats”

Daniel Kahneman

BRAIN NO BRAIN Attention and movement

Physicality is hard-wired

Feelings are physical

Fast intuitive is FIRST

t intu


This first

Then this

How this feels

How we feel about this


How it feels how it feels


Typical response rates

Don’t count


Customer feelings

Pissed off


communications PHYSICAL

Signals before messages

Source: Millward Brown

Source: Millward Brown

Matter for Cadbury

12,000 distribution

34% voted

36,000 people played the games

100% word-of-mouth


Left Right Logic Intuition

Isaac Newton

Francis Bacon

John Locke

René Descartes

Revere this

Not this

“With enough data, the numbers speak for themselves”

Chris Anderson, founder Wired Magazine

“The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.”  

Logic Feelings

Books in the modern age

Digital – books you read Physical – books you own

Music in the modern age

Digital – music you listen to Physical – music you own



Thank you @timARTOMATIC

© 2015