How Shreem Works

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Transcript of How Shreem Works

  • 7/29/2019 How Shreem Works


    How-To Guide

    1. How does Shreem work?! 22. How do I join Shreem?! 33. How do I check My Account?! 34. How do I Add Products (or Services)? ! 55. How do I learn about a Product and its Giver?! 86. How do I put a Product into my Wish List? ! 117. How do I Get a Product from the Giver?! 128. How do I Invite Friends to join Shreem? ! 18

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    1. How does Shreem work?

    Give freely. Live richly.

    We all have stuff that we can give to others. We have talents and skills that are ofservice to others. It could be something related to your profession like designing awebsite or giving legal advice...or it could be something as simple as running anerrand for a friend, like picking up their groceries.

    There is so much potential for us to share with one another but there is a lot that goesby the wayside because we often dont want to spend this precious thing calledmoney.

    But money is just a tool - it is a means to an end. It is a way to exchange - that's it!

    So we have created a system that allows for people to unlock their potential to livemore richly by giving, sharing, and receiving with others - all without having to use'real money'. It's called Shreemand it is a freeFacebook app.

    The app is simple and easy to use. When you join Shreem, you get a digitalcurrency called MERITS. You get a 1000 MERITS when you join. Next, you listgoods and services that you are willing to give to others. Go ahead and list as manyas you want, but list at least three. You value your goods and services in MERITS.For sake of ease in the beginning, you can think of a MERITlikea dollar.

    Now search for things you would like to receive. You can use your 1000 MERITS toget things you need. And once you get them, you rate the Giver so that everyone cansee if you are happy with what you received. That helps others build trust for people.

    It is that easy! Now the idea is that you gain more MERITS over time, meaning yougive more than you receive. There is another way to get more MERITS...invite yourfriends to join the app. When a friend joins, you get another 100 MERITS!

    So this is our beta test and we look forward to your feedback. For being a beta user,you will automatically get an additional1000 MERITSwhen the app goes live! Andthere will be another exciting feature coming along. You can pick a favorite charity or

    non-profit that will benefit each time you give. Every time you give something,whether a product or service, 10% of the MERITS will be credited to your favoritecharity. Here is the great news - those MERITS won't be taken from your account.The app creates them automatically and posts them to your charity. So your charitybenefits every time you do something good! And then the charity can use theMERITS to get stuff they need...everyone benefits!

    That's how Shreemworks. It rewards everyone! So go ahead and Shreem-give freely and live richly!

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    2.How do I join Shreem?

    a) You will receive a notification in Facebook that invites you to join Shreem. Click on thenotification which will re-direct you to a page that will tell you that A validation email has beensent to your email address. (This is the email you used to sign-up with Facebook).

    b) Go to your accounts inbox and there will be an email from SHREEM Admin with subjectActivate Account. Click on the hyperlink in the email and this will direct you to the appsTerms & Conditions. Please review them carefully before accepting the Terms & Conditions.Please note there is no cost to joining Shreem. This will re-direct you to the Home Page.

    c) You will also receive an email from SHREEM Admin with subject Credit for joining Shreem.This notifies you that you have been credited with 1000MERITS.


    3.How do I check My Account?

    a) From the Home page, click on the My Account button at the top right.

    b) You will automatically land on the MERITS Details tab where you can view all of your debitsand credits to your Account including the initial 1000MERITS credit for joining Shreem.Your current balance is shown in the most recent entry in the Last MERIT column. It is alsoshown in green under the My Account button such as Your total MERITS is 960.

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    c) You can also update other Account settings here. For instance, to update the email addressthat receives emails from Shreem,then click on the Personal Information tab and scroll

    down to the bottom. The Addresses tab contains one or more shipping addresses that youwill specify the first time you get a product. You can change or delete them here.

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    4.How do I Add Products (or Services)?

    a) Click on the blue + Add Product button directly from the Home page,

    ORfrom the Add/Edit Product menu option.

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    b) Next, add the product (or service) details. Be as descriptive as possible for the ProductName. Select the Category; if your item does not fall into any of the listed categories, selectAnything Else. For the Type, select Get It Now and list how many MERITS are required

    for someone to get your product or service. NOTE: At this time, do not select the typeAuction as this will be introduced in the future. Select whether the Condition of the item isNew or Used. Next, provide a detailed Description with any external links to pictures orsites where more information about the item can be shared. Enter in the Number of Itemsthat you plan to give. The Expiration Date automatically defaults to 1 year from todays datebut you can choose a different date. You can also Upload one photo or picture of the item.While this is optional, it is highly advised as it will draw attention when people are browsingon the Home page. Finally, click on the blue Save Changes button to complete the listing.

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    c) You will automatically return to the Home page and see your new addition! You will also getan email from SHREEM Admin, Product has been added successfully, with a hyper-link.

    d) If you need to edit or delete your product, from the Home page, click on the Add / EditProduct menu option and select either the green Edit or the red Delete.

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    5.How do I learn about a Product and its Giver?

    a) Search for products & services you are interested in. You can do this in three ways. (1) Justbrowse all listings; (2) From the Search criteria at the top, you can Enter Category, EnterProduct, or other geographical criteria (Note: assumes that a user has entered locationinformation in their Facebook profile or updated it throughMy Account settings); (3) Selectone of the Categories from the right hand column. In the example below, Books wasselected from the Search criteria.

    b) Lets say you are interested in the above book, A New Earth. The Facebook profile pictureand name of the Giver of the product is listed along with the Category. In addition, theaverage rating for the Giver is shown out of 5 stars. In the above example, Sophia Shreem is

    the Facebook user and she has an average rating of 3.5 out of 5 stars. Now, click on theproduct and you will get more details about the product including all of the information thatSophia Shreem entered when she added the product as shown below:

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    c) If Sophia Shreem is your friend, you may need no further information and are ready to get thebook. Lets assume you dont know Sophia and you need more information about her beforeyou decide to Get this book. Simply click on the Giver, in this case, Sophia Shreem. Fromthis next view, you have a summary view of Sophia Shreem. You can see how many totalproducts she has added, how many she has sold, and the reviews on those sold products.You can also click on her Facebook profile picture at the left and this will open anotherwindow that lands you on her Facebook page.

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    d) You can can get even more detailed information about Sophia. By clicking on the blueAvailable Products link, you can see all of the products/services Sophia is offering to give. Orby clicking on the Giving History link, you can see each and everyitem that Sophia has evergiven along with the amount of MERITS, the date it was given, and the rating for that item bythe Receiver. This helps you determine whether to trustSophia.

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    6.How do I put a Product into my Wish List?

    a) Search for the product (or service) you are interested in - review Topic #5 if you need help.Click on the product to open up its detailed listing information. At the top left, click on thegreen Im Interested button. It will be automatically added to your Wish List. This allows youto easily track and find the product again in the future, especially if you are not ready to Get itNow.

    b) From the Home page, click on the Wish List menu option to see all items on your list. In theexample below, you can click on the product name A New Earth to see the details. You canalso delete the item from your list by clicking on Delete.

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    7.How do I Get a Product from the Giver?

    a) Search for the product (or service) you are interested in. Click on the product to open up itsdetailed listing information. Lets assume you either know the Giver or have checked someinformation about the Giver (see Topic #5) and are willing to trust the Giver. First, check tosee that you have sufficient MERITS in your account to Get this product. In the examplebelow, we see that Your total MERITS is 960 - so there are plenty of MERITS to Get thebook, A New Earth, which is 10 MERITS. Now, click on the blue Get Now button at thebottom of the listing.

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    b) Next, you will either select a shipping address that you have previously entered or add a newshipping address where the product should be sent to. NOTE: if this is a service, you will stillneed to enter an address associated with you. Then click on the blue Get Now button.

    c) Once the order has been successfully submitted, you will see the following thank youmessage along with an Order #. At this point, NO MERITS have been deducted from your

    account. You and the Giver will both receive an email letting you know that the order hasbeen submitted.

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    d) The next action is taken by the Giver. From the Home page, the Giver selects the OrderProcess menu option at the top. Next, the Giver selects the Given tab and reviews theorder, including who the Receiver is and where the Receiver desires shipping. The Giver can

    now decide whether to accept or reject the order, solely based on his/her discretion. TheGiver will now Update an order by selecting either Accept Order - Pending Shipment orReject Order and then clicking the blue Save Changes button.

    e) If the order is rejected, the Receiver is notified via email and the product remains available onthe Home page for other users to search and Get. If the order is accepted, then the Receiveris notified via email that the order is accepted and the MERITS are deducted from theReceivers account and held by the system. In our example below, Ganesh Shreempreviously had 960 MERITS. After placing Order #133 for the book, A New Earth, 10

    MERITS have been debited from his account and he is left with 950 MERITS. NOTE: the 10MERITS will not be credited into the Givers account until the product has been shipped,received, and acknowledged by the Receiver.

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    f) Returning back to the Giver, the Giver receives a reminder email to ship the product (andconfirmation that the MERITS have been deducted from the Receiver). The next step is forthe Giver to ship the product (or to complete the service). Again, the Giver goes to the Giventab from the Order Process menu option (on the Home page). Now she can Update anorder and select the Shipped status and clicks on the blue Save Changes button.

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    g) The Receiver gets an email notification that the product has been shipped (or the servicehas been delivered). Once the product has been received (or the service has beencompleted), the Receiver can Update an order and selects the Goods Received status

    followed by clicking on the blue Save Changes button.

    h) Next, the Receiver can rate the Giver as well as enter in comments. The selection ofexcellent equals 5 stars, while very poor equals 1 star. The ratings will be incorporatedinto the Givers overall average rating. The comments should be as meaningful as possibleto help others in assessing and establishing trust with the Giver.

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    i) The Giver is notified via email that his/her product has been received and rated by theReceiver. Furthermore, the 10 MERITS have been credited to the Givers account and an beviewed by clicking on the blue My Account button and checking the MERITS Details tab.

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    8.How do I Invite Friends to join Shreem?

    a) From the Home page, you can see friends that have already joined. Their Facebook profilepictures are shown under Friends on SHREEM. If there are more than fit on the screen,then there will be a blue more... link as shown below, which will pull up the entire list.

    a) You can click on any of your friends profile pictures to view their history.

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    c) To invite friends that have not joined, simply click on the Invite friends menu option from theHome page. A screen will pop-up that allows you to simply check which friends you would liketo invite. Finally, click the blue Send Request button at the bottom and notifications will

    automatically go their Facebook account.

    d) When a friend successfully joins , your friend will receive 1000 MERITS for joining and youwill receive 100 MERITS as a referral bonus (in the MERITS Details tab under My Account).

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