How KYKO Profiler Identify Personality With Mental Disorders

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  • 7/29/2019 How KYKO Profiler Identify Personality With Mental Disorders


    How KYKO Profiler identify personality with mental disorders?

    Personality disorder forms a class of mental disorders that can causeserious problems and impairment of functioning for the individual. It cancause significant distress and serious problems in personal, occupational

    and social situations. Personality disorder is often marked by a persistentand rigid pattern of distorted thoughts and behaviors that deviates from thesocial norms and expectations particularly when relating to others.

    Individual with personality disorder often find difficulties in controlling onesthinking processes, feelings and desires causing interpersonal disruptionsin human relationship.

    KYKO profiler attempts to interpret personality with mental disorders underits five dimensional model of personality profile.

    High Egocentric Dimension

    High Egocentric/Assertive Personality is characterized by people with

    mental disorders who have high need for power, image, status, recognition,

    take charge and to control and shape the environment

    Below is a list of characteristics of Assertive Personality Disorders:

    Depicts a pattern of cruel, demeaning, violent threatening anddisruptive behavior.

    Aggressive, hostile and combative in response to disappointments,

    disgrace and rejections.

    Gets satisfaction from intimidating, coercing, hurting, and humiliating


    Stubborn and opinionated in coercing others to accept ones ideas.

    Overly concern and obsessive in taking charge and having everything

    done one's own way. Arrogant and conceited by flattery and admiration.

    Engages in physical attacks and assaults.

    Depicts an exaggerated sense of self-importance wants entitlement

    and special treatment.

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    Compete to be in the center of attention, self-centered, feels one is

    great, special and unique

    Likes to brag show off on ones achievements, abilities and success.

    Obsessed with chasing after position, power and status

    Dreams and fantasies of achieving success, often chasing rainbows.

    Used physical cruelty or violence for the purpose of establishing

    dominance in a relationship.

    Likes to humiliate, demean and belittle people in public

    Punishes people under ones control cruelly and harshly.

    Low Egocentric Dimension

    Low Egocentric/Submissive Personality Disorder

    Low Egocentric/Submissive Personality characterized by people with

    mental disorders who have low need for power, image, status, recognition,

    take charge and to control and shape the environment

    Below is a list of characteristics of Submissive Personality Disorders:

    Low self-esteem and self-concept.

    Lack of confidence leading to fear of facing challenges.

    Submission to others' demands and threats

    Extremely shy and timid

    Avoid taking more responsibility due to fear of failure

    Keeping a low Profile

    Avoiding disagreements with others at all cost, always submit to

    others demands

    Find difficulty in making everyday decisionsneeds others

    assurance, advice and input Dependent on others to assume responsibility for most major areas

    of ones life

    Has difficulty initiating projects or doing things alone due to lack ofself-confidence

    Cant say no toothers to the point of doing others work

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    Feeling of helplessness when confronted with personal and workrelated problems

    Preoccupied with fears of no one to depend on for ones survival

    Poor self-concept possess a feeling that one is inferior, inadequate

    and worthlessness Anxious and tense when interacting with very important people

    High Socio-centric Dimension

    High Socio-centric/Sociable Personality is characterized by people with

    mental disorders who have high need for love, care, comradeship,

    attachment and social interaction.

    Below is a list of characteristics of High Socio-centric/Sociable PersonalityDisorder.

    Marked by excessive emotionality.

    Possesses an excessive need to be taken care of.

    Have feelings of helplessness when alone.

    Preoccupied with fears of being abandoned.

    Hypersensitivity to the judgment and criticism of others.

    Extreme devastation when close relationships end Assumes other people will make extra efforts to assist them

    Possesses an excessive need to be loved and taken care of

    Dramatize emotional displays or outbursts to seek attention

    Low Socio-centric Dimension

    Low Socio-centric/Asocial Personality is High Socio-centric Dimension

    High Socio-centric/Sociable Personality is characterized by people with

    mental disorders who have high need for love, care, comradeship,attachment and social interaction.

    Below is a list of characteristics of High Socio-centric/Sociable Personality


    Marked by excessive emotionality.

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  • 7/29/2019 How KYKO Profiler Identify Personality With Mental Disorders


    High Security Dimension

    High Security/Pragmatic Personality characterized by people with mentaldisorders who have high need, want or desire for safety, order, stability,

    systems, structure, protection and a life free from stormy seas.

    Below is a list of characteristics of High Security/Pragmatic PersonalityDisorders:

    Takes extremely low risk in engaging something new

    Panic stricken and dislocated with sudden change in the environment

    Tend to worry inappropriately about future events

    Preoccupied with the details for fear of making a wrong decision

    Follow rules, regulations and procedures without questions

    Self-regulate and scheduling ones daily activities to the extent ofbeing inflexible or rigid

    Shows perfectionism that often interferes with completion of a task

    Hoard and keep worthless objects even though they have no morevalue

    Reluctant to delegate responsibility or tasks for fear that others willscrew them up

    Adopt a miserly spending style

    Often nag and fuss over small or trivial matters Often live in fear due to imagined worries

    Low Security Dimension

    Low Security/Adventurous Personality is characterized by people withmental disorders who have low need, want or desire for safety, order,

    stability, systems, structure, protection and a life free from stormy seas.

    Below is a list of characteristics of Low Security/Adventurous PersonalityDisorders:

    Failure to conform to social norms and traditions

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    Low respect for rules, regulations and lawful behaviors

    Resent being regulated, monitored or controlled

    Live from day to day and do things spontaneously as they come

    Hardly schedule ones activities or plan ahead ones future

    Reckless and tend to try new experiences even though they are self-damaging

    Take high risk

    Engage in sensational, thrilling and hazardous activities

    Unconcern over the safety of self and others

    Careless and forgetful

    Tend to procrastinate, delay or postpone

    Want freedom to do things as they like

    High Manipulative Dimension

    High Manipulative/Dynamic Personality is characterized by people with

    mental disorders who have high need for information, adapt, change,

    influence and use others for survival, growth and to satisfy dominant needs

    Below is a list of characteristics of Dynamic Personality Disorders:

    Possess a natural talent to influence, use and abuse others to achieve

    ones personal goals or ends

    Chameleon-like skilful in the art of deceptions

    Skilful in sabotaging others plans and actions

    Manipulate others by pretending to be pathetic and sick

    Put up a mask to project ones false image

    Exploiting and manipulate other people for personal gain and pleasure

    Blames others for ones mistakes and shortcomings

    Good at talking ones way out of anything

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    Read between the lines for hidden motives when interacting with


    Cunning and sly

    Using lies and deception to get their way

    Good actor and pretender with a bag of tricks

    Pretend to commit suicide to gain sympathy from others

    Able to deposit the good feelings into the emotional bank of important

    people to make decision in ones favor

    Able to size people up and take advantage of them

    Good at soliciting support to create chaos

    Low Manipulative Dimension

    Low Manipulative/Static Personality is characterized by people with mental

    disorders who have low need for information, adapt, change, influence and

    use others for survival, growth and to satisfy dominant needs

    Below is a list of Static Personality Disorder

    Express feelings of anger openly without thinking of the adverse


    Inflexible and rigid

    Find difficulty in adapting to a new environment

    Easily influenced by sweet talks

    Easily used and abused by others

    Gullible tend to trust others inappropriately

    See the world as black and white Likely to be use by others as a representative to fight against the


    Easily fall victim to substance abuse

    High Self-Actualizing Dimension

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    High Self-Actualizing/Relatively Normal Personality is characterized by

    people with mental disorders who have high need for achievement, growth,

    and fulfillment and to find meanings in life.

    Below is a list of characteristics of Relatively Normal Personality Disorders:

    Workaholic excessive devotion to work

    Over-conscientiousness obsess with working long, hard hours to

    the extent ofdamaging ones health

    Unable to relax and take a break when stressed

    Experience and suffer from anxiety disorders and stress-related

    medical illnesses.

    Preoccupied with work without producing tangible results

    Low Self-Actualizing Dimension

    Low Self-Actualizing/Neurotic Personality is characterized by people with

    mental disorders who have low need for achievement, growth, and

    fulfillment and to find meanings in life.

    Disregard and violate the rights of others

    Show no remorse or repentance for destructive behavior

    Irresponsible and unreliable. Does not feel guilty, shameful or regret for hurting, ill-treating and

    stealing from others.

    Feelings of hopelessness and helplessness

    Possess a negative, distorted and pessimistic outlook

    Feeling frustrated, depressed and chronically unhappy

    Preoccupied with imaginary fears

    Disruptive patterns of thought, behavior, and functioning.

    Escape from the reality of life by abusing substance. Untrustworthy and unreliablenever walk ones talk

    Tend to harm or inflict pain on others

    Prone to experience depression and psychotic disorders

    Avoid taking responsibilities and commitment

    Revengeful and hostile

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    Tend not to feel regretful and apologetic for their wrong acts

    See the world with crooked lenses

    Does not feel guilty and remorse whether their behavior is ethical

    Possess a negative attitude towards life

    Sigmund Freud posits that human beings lie in the continuum of relativelyhealthy (normal) and unhealthy (neurotic) in their psychological and mentaldisposition. Human beings are not made to be perfect. Everyone hasmental disorders to a certain degree. Being imperfect we must be able toaccept our mental disorders and take actions to overcome them. Knowingour mental disorder characteristics of our personality helps us to seek helpand treatment. Being aware of others mental disorders characteristicsenables us to understand others better and assist us to cope better withsocial situations and relationships with other people.

    Bernard A.T.Tan