How i represented a social group


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Transcript of How i represented a social group

Page 1: How i represented a social group

How have I represented a particular Social group in my magazine?

Page 2: How i represented a social group

My music magazine is aimed at people who fall under the social class of indie-Rock music. This is mainly around the age range from 13-25. I have represented my social group in the way language I have used. For example it is not formal as if I was writing to an older audience but it is not slang as if I was speaking to a different social group. It is Informal however proper English is used; I did this so the audience feels as if they are reading a magazine that is directed to them. In my questionnaire it showed that more males than females will read the magazine, I represented this in my magazine by using males as the cover starts however the articles are not aimed at any sex in particular.

Page 3: How i represented a social group

I have portrayed the social group in the magazine by what the cover star is this is because it will represent them as they will wear clothes like these and may even get inspired by the clothes. Also the cover stars are around the same age as the audience this will make the audience relate more to the magazine as they may get inspiration for the cover stars. The props I have used such as the guitar on the front cover show directly that it is a music magazine and the cover star holding it has attitude, this relates to the indie rock audience as they are likely to have attitude as the stand out from society in the clothes they wear and the attitude they have. Throughout the magazines there are only Caucasian males, however the magazine is aimed at all ethnicities.