How i created my dvd cover using photoshop

How I Created My DVD Cover Using Photoshop By Amy Haley



Transcript of How i created my dvd cover using photoshop

Page 1: How i created my dvd cover using photoshop

How I Created My DVD Cover Using Photoshop

By Amy Haley

Page 2: How i created my dvd cover using photoshop

Step One.

I first started by opening Photoshop and then opening a new layer with the double page DVD cover layout on it, I thought that using a layout would be the best way to make sure everything stayed in proportion and was laid out in the right places to attract my target audience, it was also a easier way of dividing up the page into front about back adding in the spine of the DVD box.

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Step Two.

I then went about creating a subtle background for my DVD box, I used the colours pink and white as the were more appealing to my target audience, I then used the Gradient Tool to create a darker to lighter colour on the box, I decided to do this as I thought it was lighter and less harsh then a block colour all over the DVD box.

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Step Three.

I then went about planning my photo-shoot for my front, after I had shot a few pictures I choice my favourite one and started to cut it out using the Rectangular Lasso Tool, this tool gave the image I better edge as if you zoom into a high pixel, the edges become blurred leaving a better outcome when cut out and later zoomed back out.

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Step Four.

I then dragged over my character and positioned her on the front in the centre which I thought was more eye catching and draws the buyer in first, I then went about finding a wand on Google I cut it out using the Magic Wand Tool and then placed it in the characters hand moving the layer behind her hand to make it look as if she’s holding it.

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Step Five.

I then went about creating the top and spine strips to add something different to my DVD box, I duplicated the layers so that the tops were equal and so was the spine, I got the image off Google and cut out sectors of it, I thought it would link well with my character being a witch.

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Step Six.

For step six a started to add text to the top of the front and back and also to the spine, I used a font called ‘Vladimir Script’ I thought this font sat well with the theme and target audience it looks elegant and girly, I stuck with the basic colours of white and a touch of pink to stick with the running theme through my work.

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Step Seven.

As when looking at other DVD covers I noticed that every DVD had a guideline of information on the pack displayed in a table/box, I couldn’t find one on the internet good enough to use so I decided to create my own using an existing DVD cover for help on what information to include. For this I just used lines and ‘Tahoma’ font, I also included some logos like the PG logo and Nickelodeon logo.

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Step Eight

After creating the information box on the back I decided that the back needed something different to it to stand out so I created a comic strip of images from the series and my opening animation to pull the buyer/viewer in.

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Step Nine.

For my ninth step I completed the back of the DVD cover, I added the blurb where I wrote about the series, characters and exciting upcoming episodes to draw the viewer in, I also added another photo of ‘Sabrina’ in the top left hand corner I added to a heart so it looks like she's blowing a kiss this was taken from my animation and links the two tasks together.

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Step Ten.

For this final step I added the title, I decided to back the ‘S’ with a star to represent magic, I added a new text type which I found on I decided to use a different text to make it stand out more and show the viewer that this is the logo for this show, I also added a star above the ‘I’ which I duplicated the layer for, I decided to do this to keep the running theme along the title, I also completed the front image by adding stars to the wand, this tells the viewer this program is about magic and the character is a witch.

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Completed DVD Cover