How hospitality industry can thrive by contact center outsourcing?

How hospitality industry can thrive by contact center outsourcing? The dwindling economic situation in the US has affected the hospitality industry quite drastically. The number of bookings in most hotels is at their record low. But there are signs that the tale would be different in 2015. But many hotels have already winded up their business because the Revenue Per Available Room was not enough to support the infrastructure costs. There have been a large number of acquisitions and mergers in the last year or so. This does not however mean that all is lost for the hospitality industry. There is a bright light at the end of the tunnel.

Transcript of How hospitality industry can thrive by contact center outsourcing?

Page 1: How hospitality industry can thrive by contact center outsourcing?

How hospitality industry

can thrive by contact

center outsourcing?

The dwindling economic situation in the US

has affected the hospitality industry quite

drastically. The number of bookings in most

hotels is at their record low. But there are

signs that the tale would be different in

2015. But many hotels have already winded

up their business because the Revenue Per

Available Room was not enough to support

the infrastructure costs.

There have been a large number of

acquisitions and mergers in the last year or

so. This does not however mean that all is

lost for the hospitality industry. There is a

bright light at the end of the tunnel.

Page 2: How hospitality industry can thrive by contact center outsourcing?

Experts predict that the hospitality industry

will regain a lot of its lost momentum in

2015 and the number of guests will

definitely improve. If you are into the

hospitality industry then it is time to get

back to the board and have a chalk in hand.

It is time to start afresh and chalk new

strategies which would auger well among

the guests. If you want to create a

distinctive difference between your hotel

and the rest of the lot, then the services of a

contact center outsourcing company are

absolutely necessary.

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Why Contact Center Outsourcing is a

Better Option?

There are many hospitality companies that

have their hotels in multiple locations

(whether in the same country or in others).

To manage the booking there are

fragmented reservation centers. This is not

the ideal way to deal with the reservation.

Fragmentation leads to a lot of confusion

and inconvenience for guests. There should

be a single place to book rooms across all

the locations. Such a task can be handled

capably by the experts from contact center.

Page 4: How hospitality industry can thrive by contact center outsourcing?

Some people feel that using the local

contact centers is a better idea than using

the contact center outsourcing services. Of

course the local companies would be able

to support the native language customers,

but so would the outsourcing services.

The outsourcing services from India have a

good set up in place which enables them to

train employees in language skills. There

are many parts of the US which are resided

by Spanish speaking people, the multi

lingual support feature of certain contact

centers will help you leverage the contacts

from such areas.

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Another vital aspect that works against

hiring the local companies is the cost factor.

As mentioned before the hospitality industry

is still recovering from the effects of recent

economic slump, so shelling out exorbitant

amounts to hire a local contact center is not

the wisest decision.

The outsourcing services can perform the

same job at fraction of the cost. Handling a

hospitality process is not as simple as it

may look. Unless you select a really

experienced contact center, you are up for

a lot of harassment.

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One of the complexities of handling a

hospitality process is that there are various

types of ownership such as franchises,

Real Estate Investment Trusts, owned

properties and management companies.

The offerings for each of these properties

are different and so are their goals. So, the

outsourcing company needs to understand

the exact goals and then align themselves

to attain it. There are some other factors

which make contact center outsourcing a

good choice for the hospitality industry.

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Other Factors

Decrease in Redundancy: The

outsourcing services are not reliant

upon location so they can help

centralize the functions of a multi-

location company. In the fragmented

model there are many departments who

are working at the same function, for

example payroll.

The contact centers with the accounting

processes and organizing capabilities

can create a single payroll system

across the company.

Increase in Staff Efficiency: The

contact centers can bring in operational

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efficiency by including all the employees

onto a single email or chat platform.

Trainings can be organized at a

centralized location rather than having

them at each branch office. Reporting

systems can be improved and can be

done virtually.

New Technology Implementation: The

contact centers enable hospitality

companies to implement and test new

technologies or processes. They can

take views from different departments

and customers to understand the exact

technology that would aid in smoothing

the internal process.

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Leverage Special Offer: Best way to

attract crowds to your hotel is to offer a

hard to overlook offer. But the offer

should be promoted in the right

channels to attract the crowd. This can

be done by the contact centers and then

when the phone starts ringing they can

convert most enquiries into bookings.

Converting the prospects into sales

needs a special set of skills which the

executives possess.

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Reach Major or Minor Markets: The

multi-lingual support, multi-channel

support and 24X7 support of the

outsourced contact centers would help

you reach out to all the major and minor

markets. The guests can contact your

brand through voice calls, emails, web

chat or social media.

They can speak in a language of their

preference. They can even get in touch

with the brand at times that best suit

their schedule. So, the chance of losing

customers is at the least.

Enviable Brand Image: When all the

communications are professional and

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targeted towards a common goal the

person on the other side will find your

brand likeable. The problems of the

guests will be solved within no time at all

and they will have no complaints against

the customer support. This will help you

get repeat bookings and referred sales.

The best times are ahead for the hospitality

industry. To leverage the benefits, some

smart decisions need to be made. One

such decision is choosing the services of

contact center outsourcing company. For

more detail visit:

You can call at: +1-(202)-558-2065

Page 12: How hospitality industry can thrive by contact center outsourcing?

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Needham MA 02494