How Far Would You Go to Fit In

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  • 7/23/2019 How Far Would You Go to Fit In


    How far would you go to fit in?

    A Muslim woman is, these days, seen in many dresses. The social media and exposure tocultural diversity gives women ideas and access to clothing that is not acceptable to be worn

    and worse yet, flaunted in. The vices of wearing such clothing (in public without an outer

    covering) are many and the most important of which is disobeying Allah's command.

    ome women may argue about the modern times or geographical location or climate or

    occasion or event etc. !ut the general rule of covering everything except the face and hands

    remains. The rules of a proper modest dress are well "nown and crystal clear. #o tightness,

    no transparency and full coverage, plus an outer cover should be worn outside the home.

    These simple clear rules are not understood rather debated on. Tight $eans are becoming

    the norm, hair is being displayed, all dyed and styled, perfume is being worn, and an"les

    are exposed. %ow can a woman's conscience allow that& %er conscience is either

    uneducated or wea" enough to get suppressed under vile shameful desires. All that done in

    public in an environment with no segregation between the genders oe to the west to

    introduce the concept of friendship between opposite genders. plead all Muslim women to

    refrain from such a harmful thing. There are very clear guidelines in slam about

    communication between opposite genders and there is no such thing li"e hanging out

    together #o such thing repeat. ave yourselves from the evils of this world and the

    punishment in the hereafter.

    The dress code for women in slam is simply to honor and protect us. e cover in public

    (outside our homes) to identify ourselves as Muslim women and thereby send a clear signal

    of being modest and upright and righteous. The outside world is supposed to recogni*e that

    woman as someone to be respected and to be distant and courteous with. That was the

    general rule in the times of the revelation of the verse that those covered women are to be

    identified as Muslims and thus not to be bothered in any way. omen might argue that the

    chances of a woman whether covered on not getting into trouble are the same. %owever,

    thin" again.

    These days we are at the mercy of the media. This is the era of addictive serials and the

    adoption of western attitudes to appear cooler and to have the feeling of en$oying life to its

    full. +ittle is the reali*ation of the cost of these temporary pleasures. There is no one to stop

    it& #ot even their parents& urely we are doomed. ts spreading li"e an epidemic. The

    antidotes are there but they have become immune to it. Alas

  • 7/23/2019 How Far Would You Go to Fit In


    There is however, a ray of hope. They can be cured by themselves only. The antidote is

    -A+/AT0#. !ut when will it reach them& hen they get hurt because of the

    conse1uences of their lifestyle or the choices they made& 0r even worse, when its too late

    to even repent or undo the damage&

    This is a wa"eup call to those who are slowly forgetting what it means to be a Muslim

    woman and what it means for a Muslim woman to uphold her dignity. 2or those who still

    cant ma"e any sense out of what has been spo"en plead you to open the 3uran and read

    and explore and contest my opinion.

    %ere is a litmus test for you. f after reading all this way you have not had a guilty feeling in

    your heart or a slight argument in your mind then congratulate you. f however you have

    had arguments against my words then please please open the 3uran and read it from end

    to end. 2or once in your life go through this $ourney and connect with Allah and as" him.

    As" your +ord if you are right. +et %im guide you.

    The answer to the initial 1uestion remains to be answered by you... %ow far would you go to

    fit in& 4o not fall into the trap of slow poisoning. t will devour you. t can change your

    appearance5 it can change your religion. As" yourself who you should be trying to please&

    #ow you might say who am to say all of this to you& ome scholar& #o indeed. This is only

    my two cents worth of effort in order to fulfill Allah's commandment of en$oining good and

    forbidding evil.

    will end in a dua that may Allah save my sisters in distress and may reali*ation reach them

    sooner and may we be among Allah's favorites nshaAllah. Ameen.