How EVs will Transform Indian Discoms?

How EVs will Transform Indian Discoms? By M.L.Sachdeva N.S.Sodha Former Chief Engineer Former Executive Director CEA, India POWERGRID, India CBIP National Conference on “Maladies in Distribution Sector and its Remedies” 29-30 August 2019 New Delhi

Transcript of How EVs will Transform Indian Discoms?

How EVs will Transform Indian Discoms?By

M.L.Sachdeva N.S.Sodha

Former Chief Engineer Former Executive Director


CBIP National Conference on “Maladies in Distribution Sector and its Remedies”29-30 August 2019

New Delhi

Global Development of e-Mobility (Ref1)EVs Worldwide Growth

EVs expected Growth by 2030 125 million

EVs ending 2018 4 million

USA EVs Estimates by 2050 7 out of 10 cars still ICE ( US Energy Admn. )



EVs by 2035 37% (No grid upgrades ,wide spread blackouts as early as 2032)

EVs reaching 50% ( Network reinforcement estimated at 11 billions Euros to prevent service interruption )


EVs by early 2030 2.5 million to 10.5 million

EVs by early 2040 35 million

India One-third of the Fossil fuel vehicles to be converted to EVs by 2030 in nine polluted cities each with a population of over fourmillion, and gradually move to cities with populations of one million-plus

(GOI policy to bring out 2 to 3 million on road within next 2/3 years)

Transition from Fossil-Fuel-based Energy System to RESs - a key to performing cost-effective strategy to mitigate climate change and achieve the 2°C threshold aim of the Paris agreement.

Within this context, RESs represent the most promising technology for the transition and the future system. During the last few years, RESs have achieved economic competitiveness (Rs 2.62/Kwh) against conventional energy source ( Rs 3.03/Kwh). However, Renewable deployment in traditional Power Systems is full of many challenges.

Final energy consumption will tend to be “Electricity” for e-Mobility instead of fossil fuel ICE transport in order to reduce emissions.

Future loads { with massive penetration of EVs } to electrify Transport will impose new demands and challenges to the Power System

Currently, the Electricity Sector is undergoing three Transformations: i) improvement of the current infrastructure; ii) Digitalization of Power Systems --an essence of Communication and Data Generation in Smart Grids; iii) Business process transformation to perform, in addition to the traditional activities, new ones, or providing infrastructure and Data to agents such as Aggregators and Virtual Power Plants (VPPs). These three transformations are mostly focused on specific aspects such as Information and Communication Technology (ICT)

In order to overcome this problem, the Smart Grid concept is an accepted solution as this solution integrates them with the various systems that generate and supply energy from source to end users, while encompassing residential, commercial, and even industrial-power consumers. Smarts Grids are Electricity Networks that intelligently integrate their users’ actions to efficiently deliver economic, secure, and sustainable electricity

Conversion Fossil Fuel Generation to Renewable Energy Sources/ Distributed Energy Resources

Past Trending Future Power System

Conventional Green (DER)

Generalized System Architecture of a PV-Grid DC Fast

Charging System (Fig.-1)

Fig2: Conductive EV Charging Operations

Studies on Impact of E-Mobility on Distribution System

Dampening Constraint on popularity of e-Mobility due to higher unit cost of energy from the Green Resources to a large extent has been overcome :o According to data compiled by global consultant Wood Mackenzie, levelized cost of electricity

generation from fossil fuel at around $ 44.5 per MWh (Rs 3.05 per unit) in India, is the cheapest in the region. It is followed by China at $ 48.5 per MWh (Rs 3.33 per unit) and Australia at $ 50.9 per MWh (Rs 3.49 per unit) among other 12 countries in the region.Levelized cost of Solar Power generation in India according to the study is estimated at around $38.2 MWh (Rs 2.62 per unit).

EVs are now escaping the bounds of the formal motorsports track to take on rallying, with the announcement by Opel in the UK that they will produce a rally competition version of their upcoming Corsa-e passenger car.

As the EVs owning and operation cost is getting economically viable due to sops given by government as also low cost of Green Energy, it is imperative to determine impact of large penetration of EVs on Distribution System (1st leg of Power System) which has been reported needing reinforcement at substantial investment and some of the investigation / studies performed are listed as under:

1.Preparing UK Electricity Networks for Electric Vehicles Report ( Ref 2)2.Impact of Electric Vehicle Charging Station Load on Distribution Network (Ref.5)

1. The Report (Ref 2) highlights the effects of EV uptake on the Electricity Network and recommend how to avoid network capacity constraints impeding the roll-out of EVs. It is likely that the uptake of EVs will cause local shortfalls in electricity network capacity without investment within the RIIO2’Transmission and Distribution price controls’. However, the current regulatory environment combined with investor pressure can curb Transmission and Distribution network operators’ ability and desire to invest. "If these challenges are not addressed, the uptake of EVs will impact the UK’s Electricity

Networks as they were not designed to cope with these additional and significant demands. A key issue in rolling out new capacity is the lead times taken to construct and commission new infrastructure.2. The Report (Ref 5) summarizes the entire analysis on the IEEE 33 Bus Test System (Fig.4) representing a standard radial distribution network for six different cases of EV charging station placement. It is observed that the system can withstand placement of fast charging stations at the strong buses up to a certain level, but the placement of fast charging stations atthe weak buses of the system hampers the smooth operation of the power system. Further, a strategy for the placement of the EV charging stations on the Distribution Network is proposed based on a novel Voltage stability, Reliability, and Power loss (VRP) index. The results obtained indicate the efficacy of the VRP index. Fig.5

Flow Chart for computing VSF is given in Fig 6 and Flowchart for computation of VSI in Fig 7 where as VRP Index is given in Fig.5: Flowchart for charging station placement based on VRP index

From the figure, it is clear that as the loading of the system increases the deviation of the bus voltage from base values becomes more and more prominent.

It is observed that most of the Distribution Networks could withstand the penetration of EVs up to a certain level. However, networksdesigned a decade ago are not equipped to withstand any large-scale integration of EVs.

Effect of non-linear EV Charging loads on Power Quality of the Distribution System indicates reduction in lifecycle of Distribution Network assets by the harmonic distortion produced by the EV loads. Further, EV battery charging loads caused Harmonic distortion of even 50% in the most extreme cases. Simulation of Harmonics caused by Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle (PHEV) chargers by a probabilistic Monte Carlo approach considering the uncertainties was performed.It was concluded that residential Level 1 chargers (1.8 kW) had a severe impact on the Power Quality

Fig 4.IEEE Bus Test Network

Fig.5 Flowchart for charging station placement based on VRP index

Fig.6: Flow Chart for computing VSF Fig.7. Flowchart for computation of VSI

Fig.6 Fig. 7 Fig. 5

Fig.6 Fig.7 Fig.5

The Paper also list out the findings made by other contributors on Distribution Network such as :

I. Effect of the PHEV loads on the metropolitan distribution network of Australia, concluding that with uncoordinated charging and 100% PEV penetration 43% peak load shifting was required to enable smooth operation of the Distribution Network.

II. Effect of the uncontrolled EV charging on the daily load profile. The improvement in load profile by incorporating coordinated charging was also illustrated.

III. Disorderly charging would increase the peak load demand and recommended tariff based charging.

IV.Analysis of the impact of EV charging on daily load demand in the parking lots and devised an optimal strategy for controlling the charging activities in the parking lots.

V. The impact of fast EV chargers on a retail building’s load demand and concluded that 38% of the PHEV load demand could be absorbed by demand management and photovoltaics. Proposal for a two stage demand response model to control the increase in peak load due to the charging of EVs.

VI. The different detrimental impacts of EV charging station loads have been mentioned as voltage instability, harmonic distortion, and power losses on distribution network. However, there

is a dearth of literature focusing on the impact of the EV charging station load on all the aforementioned parameters considered together


One feeder (Fig. 8) considering 4 scenarios in Distribution System (Fig.9) was chosen as a case study. The first scenario depicts the actual state of the grid without EV penetration, whilst the other remaining three scenarios are developed considering theload forecasting for coming years, based on historical data and EV penetration of 10% and 30% in the years 2018 and 2025, respectively

Table 1. Power Transformer-main substation A (Ref6)

Fig.8: North of Quito geographical zone of analysis (Ref 6)

Fig.9 S/S A & Primary Feeder Configuration (Ref 6)

EV Integration into Distribution Systems is a big challenge for future years attributed to factors viz. lack of charging infrastructure, longer charging times, insufficient battery capacity, environmental policies, transport patterns and customer reliance on ICE vehicles, which are affecting the total expansion of this sector. Some countries have started to promote e-Mobility through economic incentives and policies. The project contemplates the EV penetration in the coming decades in Ecuador, where Renewable Energy and EV transportation will permit to reduction of pollution / air degradation and also increase the overall Energy Efficiency of the Grid.

The solution in part is deployment of emergent technology related to low (long time) and fast charging stations(higher current). For the present project not only charging stations are modelled, but also real Distribution Transformers, underground cables and PV Systems are used to develop load and Harmonic analysis.

Future scenarios (2018 and 2025) considering large penetration of EV in a Distribution Network, EV penetration leads as a problem for existing networks such as upgrades and refurbishments to adapt the system to EV load requirements on account of problems associated with cable loading and voltage drops in the furthest busbars under certain operating conditions, Power Electronics of EVs & charging stations problems in Power Quality, Harmonics produce malfunctioning in customer’s electric equipment and overheating of conductors and transformers in the system and EVs act as prosumers.

The document stresses as a perquisite for ‘coordinated strategy’ for excellent results in the grid since valley filling EV load is shifted from peak hours to off-peak hours eliminating addl. E&M stress in network assets and power losses and voltage drops can be reduced.

Inside this approach of Smart Charging and Smart Tansportation , application of coordinated strategy, Vehicle to Grid (V2G) and Distributed Generation, total integration between customers and utility is needed to enhance the reliability and security of a Power Distribution Network.

Conclusion1. EVs Global Growth by 2030 is expected to be 125 million as against UK EVs growth of 2.5million to 10.5 million by 2030 and 35 million by early 2040, Germany EVs 37% by 2035 (No Grid upgrades ,wide spread blackouts as early as 2032) & 50% (Network reinforcement estimated 11billions Euros to prevent service interruption ), America EVs 7 out of 10 by 2050(US Energy Admn.) and India one-third of the Fossil fuel vehicles to be converted to EVs by 2030 in nine polluted cities each with a population of over four million, and gradually move to cities with populations of one million-plus

2.Studies listed out below reveal adverse effect of speedy penetration of e-Mobility on the Distribution System and suggest reinforcement of the Distribution System implementing all the perquisites of Smart Grid ( implementation of AI, IT. Levelized cost evaluation, etc.)

i) Impact of Electric Vehicle Charging Station Load on Distribution Network

ii) Impacts of Electric Vehicles on Distribution Network: Case Study Ecuador

iii) CATAPULT Energy Supplier : Preparing UK Electricity Networks for Electric Vehicles Report, 2018 (Ref 2)

iv)Transforming EVs: From Challenge to Utility Infrastructure Asset e Smart, (Ref 3)

3.Due to investment constraint in reinforcement of Grid/ Distribution System, means proposed to be implemented temporarily to mitigate peak load are:

i. Enforce car park EV Charging and enroute rapid charging

ii. More ride-hailing mean fewer cars charging

iii. Power Utility to incentivizing EV owners to charge their cars at off-peak hours and coordinating charging on a staggered basis with other local owners,

iv. EV charging points, and their associated electricity meters to be capable of sophisticated two-way communication, so they can be controlled and managed remotely by Grid operators (Smart Meters below 50% in India).

Points to Ponder--- In India one-third of the Fossil fuel vehicles to be converted to EVs by

2030------so EVs are coming –Are Discoms Ready to face this Challenge? Investments for Strengthening Distribution Grid—Who will fund ? Are we going to witness long Queues for EV charging ?—like CNG Lots of Digitization with Smart Grid investments needed Incentivizing Off Peak hour EV Charging Delayed response / inaction by Public Discoms may financially stresses them in near

future. Most important for Discoms and e-Mobility to exchange information on EVs sale and

update load profile for updating & reinforcement of the Distribution Network.

Allotment of EV Charging Stations -Like Patrol Pumps—entry of many Private players



2.CATAPULT Energy Supplier : Preparing UKElectricity Networksfor Electric VehiclesReport, 2018


4 Madan Sachdeva & Narendra Singh Sodha, “Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure for India”, India Smart Utility Week (ISUW) 12 -16 March ,2019 at New Delhi

5. Sanchari Deb et al: Impact of Electric Vehicle Charging Station Load on Distribution Network’ Institute of Technology, Guwahati 781039, Assam, India, MDPI Published: 15 January 2018

6.ALEX VALENZUELA:’ Impacts of Electric Vehicles on Distribution Network: Case Study Ecuador; School of Elect & Electronic Engg. Newcastle University.