How Domain Name Servers Work

1 How Domain Name Servers Work by Marshall Brain and Stephanie Crawford If you've ever used the Internet, it's a good bet that you've used the Domain Name System, or DNS, even without realizing it. DNS is a protocol within the set of standards for how computers exchange data on the Internet and on many private networks, known as the TCP/IP protocol suite. Its basic job is to turn a user-friendly domain name like "" into an Internet Protocol (IP) address like that computers use to identify each other on the network. It's like your computer's GPS for the Internet. Computers and other network devices on the Internet use an IP address to route your request to the site you're trying to reach. This is similar to dialing a phone number to connect to the person you're trying to call. Thanks to DNS, though, you don't have to keep your own address book of IP addresses. Instead, you just connect through a domain name server, also called a DNS server or name server, which manages a massive database that maps domain names to IP addresses. When you enter a URL into your Web browser, your DNS server uses its resources to resolve the name into the IP address for the appropriate Web server. Whether you're accessing a Web site or sending e-mail, your computer uses a DNS server to look up the domain name you're trying to access. The proper term for this process is DNS name resolution, and you would say that the DNS server resolves the domain name to the IP address. For example, when you enter "" in your browser, part of the network connection includes resolving the domain name "" into an IP address, like, for HowStuffWorks' Web servers. You can always bypass a DNS lookup by entering directly in your browser (give it a try).



Transcript of How Domain Name Servers Work


How Domain Name Servers Work

by Marshall Brain and Stephanie Crawford

If you've ever used the Internet, it's a good bet that you've used the Domain Name System, or DNS, even without realizing it. DNS is a protocol within the set of standards for how computers exchange data on the Internet and on many private networks, known as the TCP/IP protocol suite. Its basic job is to turn a user-friendly domain name like "" into an Internet Protocol (IP) address like that computers use to identify each other on the network. It's like your computer's GPS for the Internet.

Computers and other network devices on the Internet use an IP address to route your request to the site you're trying to reach. This is similar to dialing a phone number to connect to the person you're trying to call. Thanks to DNS, though, you don't have to keep your own address book of IP addresses. Instead, you just connect through a domain name server, also called a DNS server or name server, which manages a massive database that maps domain names to IP addresses.

When you enter a URL into your Web browser, your DNS server uses its resources to resolve the name into the IP address for the appropriate Web server.Whether you're accessing a Web site or sending e-mail, your computer uses a DNS server to look up the domain name you're trying to access. The proper term for this process is DNS name resolution, and you would say that the DNS server resolves the domain name to the IP address. For example, when you enter "" in your browser, part of the network connection includes resolving the domain name "" into an IP address, like, for HowStuffWorks' Web servers.

You can always bypass a DNS lookup by entering directly in your browser (give it a try). However, you're probably more likely to remember "" when you want to return later. In addition, a Web site's IP address can change over time, and some sites associate multiple IP addresses with a single domain name.

Without DNS servers, the Internet would shut down very quickly. But how does your computer know what DNS server to use? Typically, when you connect to your home network, Internet service provider (ISP) or WiFi network, the modem or router that assigns your computer's network address also sends some important network configuration information to your computer or mobile device. That configuration includes one or more DNS servers that the device should use when translating DNS names to IP address.

So far, you've read about some important DNS basics. The rest of this article dives deeper into domain name servers and name resolution. It even includes an introduction to managing your own DNS server. Let's start by looking at how IP addresses are structured and how that's important to the name resolution process.DNS Servers and IP Addresses

You just learned that the primary job of a domain name server, or DNS server, is to resolve (translate) a domain name into an IP address. That sounds like a simple task, and it would be, except for the following points:

There are billions of IP addresses currently in use, and most machines have a human-readable name as well.

DNS servers (cumulatively) are processing billions of requests across the Internet at any given time.

Millions of people are adding and changing domain names and IP addresses each day.

With so much to handle, DNS servers rely on network efficiency and Internet protocols. Part of the IP's effectiveness is that each machine on a network has a unique IP address in both the IPV4 and IPV6 standards managed by the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA). Here are some ways to recognize an IP address:

An IP address in the IPV4 standard has four numbers separated by three decimals, as in:

An IP address in the IPV6 standard has eight hexadecimal numbers (base-16) separated by colons, as in 2001:0cb8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:7334. Because IPV6 is still a very new standard, we'll concentrate on the more common IPV4 for this article.

Each number in an IPV4 number is called an "octet" because it's a base-10 equivalent of an 8-digit base-2 (binary) number used in routing network traffic. For example, the octet written as 42 stands for 00101010. Each digit in the binary number is the placeholder for a certain power of two from 20 to 27, reading from right to left. That means that in 00101010, you have one each of 21, 23 and 25. So, to get the base-10 equivalent, just add 21 + 23 + 25 = 2 + 8 + 32 = 42. For more about how IP addresses are constructed, see our article "What is an IP address?"

There are only 256 possibilities for the value of each octect: the numbers 0 through 255.

Certain addresses and ranges are designated by the IANA as reserved IP addresses, which means they have a specific job in IP. For example, the IP address is reserved to identify the computer you're currently using. So, talking to is just talking to yourself!

Where does your computer's IP address come from? If we're talking about your desktop or laptop computer, it probably comes from a Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) server on your network. The job of a DHCP server is to make sure your computer has the IP address and other network configuration it needs whenever you're online. Because this is "dynamic," the IP address for your computer will probably change from time to time, such as when you shut down your computer for a few days. As the user, you'll probably never notice all this taking place. See the sidebar on this page for hints on where to find the IP address assigned to your computer or mobile device.

Web servers and other computers that need a consistent point of contact use static IP addresses. This means that the same IP address is always assigned to that system's network interface when it's online. To make sure that interface always gets the same IP address, IP associates the address with the Media Access Control (MAC) address for that network interface. Every network interface, both wired and wireless, has a unique MAC address embedded in it by the manufacturer.


The following are tips on how to find your computer's IP address. Note that the address will change periodically unless you've chosen to use a static IP (rare for end-users):

Windows -- Though you can click through the user interface to find your network interface settings, one quick way to find your IP address is to open the Command Prompt application from Accessories and enter this command: ipconfig

Mac -- Open your System Preferences, click Network, be sure your current network connection (with the green dot beside it) is selected, click Advanced, and click the TCP/IP tab.

Linux or UNIX -- If don't already have a command prompt, open a terminal application, such as XTERM or iTerm. At the command prompt, enter this command: ifconfig

Smartphones using WiFi -- Look at your phone's network settings. This will vary depending on the phone the version of its operating system.

Note that if you're on a home or small local network, your address will probably be in the form 192.168.x.x, 172.16.x.x or 10.x.x.x (where x is a number between 0 and 255). These are reserved addresses used on each local network, and a router on that network then connects you to the Internet.

For more information on IP addresses, see the IANA, operated by the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN). Now, though, let's look at the other side of the DNS equation: domain names.

Domain Names

If we had to remember the IP addresses of all our favorite Web sites, we'd probably go nuts! Human beings are just not that good at remembering strings of numbers. We are good at remembering words, however, and that is where domain names come in. You probably have hundreds of domain names stored in your head, such as: -- our favorite domain name -- one of the most used domain names in the world -- a popular EDU name -- a three-part domain name using the country code UK

You'll recognize domain names as having strings of characters separated by dots (periods). The last word in a domain name represents a top-level domain. These top-level domains are controlled by the IANA in what's called the Root Zone Database, which we'll examine more closely later. The following are some common top-level domains:

COM -- commercial Web sites, though open to everyone

NET -- network Web sites, though open to everyone

ORG -- non-profit organization Web sites, though open to everyone

EDU -- restricted to schools and educational organizations

MIL -- restricted to the U.S. military

GOV -- restricted to the U.S. government

US, UK, RU and other two-letter country codes -- each is assigned to a domain name authority in the respective country

In a domain name, each word and dot combination you add before a top-level domain indicates a level in the domain structure. Each level refers to a server or a group of servers that manage that domain level. For example, "howstuffworks" in our domain name is a second-level domain off the COM top-level domain. An organization may have a hierarchy of sub-domains further organizing its Internet presence, like "" which is the BBC's domain under CO, an additional level created by the domain name authority responsible for the UK country code.

The left-most word in the domain name, such as www or mail, is a host name. It specifies the name of a specific machine (with a specific IP address) in a domain, typically dedicated to a specific purpose. A given domain can potentially contain millions of host names as long as they're all unique to that domain.

What's in a name? For your domain, the name could make a difference in whether people remember or want to visit your Web site.Because all of the names in a given domain need to be unique, there has to be some way to control the list and makes sure no duplicates arise. That's where registrars come in. A registrar is an authority that can assign domain names directly under one or more top-level domains and register them with InterNIC, a service of ICANN, which enforces uniqueness of domain names across the Internet. Each domain registration becomes part of a central domain registration database known as the whois database. Network Solutions, Inc. (NSI) was one of the first registrars, and today companies like offer domain registration in addition to many other Web site and domain management services. [source: InterNIC]

Later, when we look at how to create a domain name, we'll see that part of registering a domain requires identifying one or more name servers (DNS servers) that have the authority to resolve the host names and sub-domains in that domain. Typically, you would do this through a hosting service, which has its own DNS servers. Next, we'll look at how these DNS servers manage your domain, and how DNS servers across the Internet work together to ensure traffic is routed properly between IP addresses.The Distributed System

Every domain has a domain name server handling its requests, and there is a person or IT team maintaining the records in that DNS server's database. No other database on the planet gets as many requests as DNS servers, and they handle all those queries while also processing data updates from millions of people every day. That's one of the most amazing parts of DNS -- it is completely distributed throughout the world on millions of machines, managed by millions of people, and yet it behaves like a single, integrated database!

Because managing DNS seems like such a big job, most people tend to leave it to the IT professionals. However, by learning a little bit about how DNS works and how DNS servers are distributed across the Internet, you can manage DNS with confidence. The first thing to know is what the purpose of a DNS server is on the network where it resides. A DNS server will have one of the following as its primary task:

Maintain a small database of domain names and IP addresses most often used on its own network, and delegate name resolution for all other names to other DNS servers on the Internet.

Pair IP addresses with all hosts and sub-domains for which that DNS server has authority.

DNS servers that perform the first task are normally managed by your Internet service provider (ISP). As mentioned earlier, the ISP's DNS server is part of the network configuration you get from DHCP as soon as you go online. These servers reside in your ISP's data centers, and they handle requests as follows:

If it has the domain name and IP address in its database, it resolves the name itself.

If it doesn't have the domain name and IP address in its database, it contacts another DNS server on the Internet. It may have to do this multiple times.

If it has to contact another DNS server, it caches the lookup results for a limited time so it can quickly resolve subsequent requests to the same domain name.

If it has no luck finding the domain name after a reasonable search, it returns an error indicating that the name is invalid or doesn't exist.

The second category of DNS servers mentioned above is typically associated with Web, mail and other Internet domain hosting services. Though some hardcore IT gurus set up and manage their own DNS servers, hosting services have made DNS management much easier for the less technical audience. A DNS server that manages a specific domain is called the start of authority (SOA) for that domain. Over time, the results from looking up hosts at the SOA will propagate to other DNS servers, which in turn propagate to other DNS servers, and so on across the Internet.

This propagation is a result of each DNS server caching the lookup result for a limited time, known as its Time To Live (TTL), ranging from a few minutes to a few days. People managing a DNS server can configure its TTL, so TTL values will vary across the Internet. So, each time you look up "," it's possible that the DNS server for your ISP will find the lookup results "" in its own cache if you or someone else using that server looked for it before within the server's TTL.

Domain name servers connect to each other across the Internet and cache lookup information to make name resolution more efficient.This great web of DNS servers includes the root name servers, which start at the top of the domain hierarchy for a given top-level domain. There are hundreds of root name servers to choose from for each top-level domain. Though DNS lookups don't have to start at a root name server, they can contact a root name server as a last resort to help track down the SOA for a domain.

Now that you know how DNS servers are interconnected to improve the name resolution process, let's look at how you can configure a DNS server to be the authority for your domain.

Creating a New Domain Name

When you want to create a new domain name, you need to do the following:

Use the Whois database to find a unique domain name that isn't yet registered. There are several sites that offer free Whois database searches, such as Network Solutions. If the search comes up empty, you know the domain name is available.

Register the domain name with a registrar. There are a lot of registrars to choose from, and some offer special prices for registering the COM, NET, and ORG versions of a domain at the same time, for registering for two or more years, or for hosting the domain with the same company.

If you're hosting the domain at a different company than your registrar, configure the registrar to point your domain name to the correct host name or IP address for your hosting company (see information below about A records).

Using the DNS servers from your registrar or hosting company means that you have a parked domain. This means that someone else owns the computer hardware for the DNS servers, and your domain is just part of that company's larger DNS configuration. Alternatively, if you're passionate about hosting your own DNS, you can set up your own server, either as a physical or virtual machine. Whichever DNS setup you decide on, that DNS server (or group of servers) becomes the SOA for your domain, as described earlier.Whether your SOA is somewhere else or on your own system, you can extend and modify your DNS settings to add sub-domains, redirect e-mail and control other services. This information is kept in a zone file on the DNS server [source:]. If you're running your own server, you'll probably need to manually edit the zone file in a text editor. Many registrars today have a Web interface you can use to manage DNS for your domain. Each new configuration you add is called a record, and the following are the most common types of records you can configure for your DNS server:

Host (A) -- This is the basic mapping of IP address to host name, the essential component for any domain name.

Canonical Name (CNAME) -- This is an alias for your domain. Anyone accessing that alias will be automatically directed to the server indicated in the A record.

Mail Exchanger (MX) -- This maps e-mail traffic to a specific server. It could indicate another host name or an IP address. For example, people who use Google for the e-mail for their domain will create an MX record that points to

Name Server (NS) -- This contains the name server information for the zone. If you configure this, your server will let other DNS servers know that yours is the ultimate authority (SOA) for your domain when caching lookup information on your domain from other DNS servers around the world.

Start of Authority (SOA) -- This is one larger record at the beginning of every zone file with the primary name server for the zone and some other information. If your registrar or hosting company is running your DNS server, you won't need to manage this. If you're managing your own DNS, Microsoft's support information has a helpful article on the structure of a DNS SOA Record.

The following is an example of what a zone file might look like for those who are editing it directly in a text editor. Note that the center column (second item on each line) includes a record type from those listed above. When you see an "@" in the left column, it means that the record applies in all cases not otherwise specified:

@ NS

@ NS

@ MX 10 mail

mail A

vip1 A

www CNAME vip1

To increase visibility and prevent misdirected customers, many businesses create the same second-level domain name under several top-level domains worldwide.

Typical users will probably get the most use out of MX and CNAME records. The MX records allows you to point your mail services somewhere other than your hosting company if you choose to use something like Google Apps for your domain. The CNAME records let you point host names for your domain to various other locations. This could include setting to redirect to, or setting up a dedicated game server with its own IP address and pointing it to something like HowStuffWorks' parent company, Discovery, does this: is the main Web site, is The Science Channel Web site, and so on.

Typical users will probably get the most use out of MX and CNAME records. The MX records allows you to point your mail services somewhere other than your hosting company if you choose to use something like Google Apps for your domain. The CNAME records let you point host names for your domain to various other locations. This could include setting to redirect to, or setting up a dedicated game server with its own IP address and pointing it to something like HowStuffWorks' parent company, Discovery, does this: is the main Web site, is The Science Channel Web site, and so on.

Throughout this article, you've read about the role of domain name servers, how DNS maps domain names to IP addresses and how to choose your domain name and configure it to work within the distributed system of DNS servers around the world. What is an IP address?

by Stephanie Crawford and ContributorsEvery machine on a network has a unique identifier. Just as you would address a letter to send in the mail, computers use the unique identifier to send data to specific computers on a network. Most networks today, including all computers on the Internet, use the TCP/IP protocol as the standard for how to communicate on the network. In the TCP/IP protocol, the unique identifier for a computer is called its IP address.

There are two standards for IP addresses: IP Version 4 (IPv4) and IP Version 6 (IPv6). All computers with IP addresses have an IPv4 address, and many are starting to use the new IPv6 address system as well. Here's what these two address types mean:

IPv4 uses 32 binary bits to create a single unique address on the network. An IPv4 address is expressed by four numbers separated by dots. Each number is the decimal (base-10) representation for an eight-digit binary (base-2) number, also called an octet. For example:

IPv6 uses 128 binary bits to create a single unique address on the network. An IPv6 address is expressed by eight groups of hexadecimal (base-16) numbers separated by colons, as in 2001:cdba:0000:0000:0000:0000:3257:9652. Groups of numbers that contain all zeros are often omitted to save space, leaving a colon separator to mark the gap (as in 2001:cdba::3257:9652).

At the dawn of IPv4 addressing, the Internet was not the large commercial sensation it is today, and most networks were private and closed off from other networks around the world. When the Internet exploded, having only 32 bits to identify a unique Internet address caused people to panic that we'd run out of IP addresses. Under IPv4, there are 232 possible combinations, which offers just under 4.3 billion unique addresses. IPv6 raised that to a panic-relieving 2128 possible addresses. Later, we'll take a closer look at how to understand your computer's IPv4 or IPv6 addresses.

How does your computer get its IP address? An IP address can be either dynamic or static. A static address is one that you configure yourself by editing your computer's network settings. This type of address is rare, and it can create network issues if you use it without a good understanding of TCP/IP. Dynamic addresses are the most common. They're assigned by the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP), a service running on the network. DHCP typically runs on network hardware such as routers or dedicated DHCP servers.

In Microsoft Windows, you can enter ipconfig in the command prompt app to view your computer's current IP address configuration.Dynamic IP addresses are issued using a leasing system, meaning that the IP address is only active for a limited time. If the lease expires, the computer will automatically request a new lease. Sometimes, this means the computer will get a new IP address, too, especially if the computer was unplugged from the network between leases. This process is usually transparent to the user unless the computer warns about an IP address conflict on the network (two computers with the same IP address). An address conflict is rare, and today's technology typically fixes the problem automatically.

Next, let's take a closer look at the important parts of an IP address and the special roles of certain addresses.IP Classes

Earlier, you read that IPv4 addresses represent four eight-digit binary numbers. That means that each number could be 00000000 to 11111111 in binary, or 0 to 255 in decimal (base-10). In other words, to However, some numbers in that range are reserved for specific purposes on TCP/IP networks. These reservations are recognized by the authority on TCP/IP addressing, the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA). Four specific reservations include the following: -- This represents the default network, which is the abstract concept of just being connected to a TCP/IP network. -- This address is reserved for network broadcasts, or messages that should go to all computers on the network. -- This is called the loopback address, meaning your computer's way of identifying itself, whether or not it has an assigned IP address. to -- This is the Automatic Private IP Addressing (APIPA) range of addresses assigned automatically when a computer's unsuccessful getting an address from a DHCP server.

The other IP address reservations are for subnet classes. A subnet is a smaller network of computers connected to a larger network through a router. The subnet can have its own address system so computers on the same subnet can communicate quickly without sending data across the larger network. A router on a TCP/IP network, including the Internet, is configured to recognize one or more subnets and route network traffic appropriately. The following are the IP addresses reserved for subnets: to -- This falls within the Class A address range of to, in which the first bit is 0. to -- This falls within the Class B address range of to, in which the first two bits are 10. to -- This falls within the Class C range of through, in which the first three bits are 110.

Multicast (formerly called Class D) -- The first four bits in the address are 1110, with addresses ranging from to

Reserved for future/experimental use (formerly called Class E) -- addresses to

The first three (within Classes A, B and C) are those most used in creating subnets. Later, we'll see how a subnet uses these addresses. The IANA has outlined specific uses for multicast addresses within Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) document RFC 5771. However, it hasn't designated a purpose or future plan for Class E addresses since it reserved the block in its 1989 document RFC 1112. Before IPv6, the Internet was filled with debate about whether the IANA should release Class E for general use.


When you add a computer to a network, that computer uses a four-step process to get an IP address from DHCP:

Discover -- The computer sends out a broadcast message on the network, hoping to discover a DHCP service provider.

Offer -- Each DHCP provider hears the message, recognizes the unique hardware address of the computer, and sends a message back offering its services to that computer.

Request -- The computer selects a DHCP provider from its offerings and then sends a request to that provider asking for an IP address assignment.

Acknowledge -- The targeted DHCP provider acknowledges the request and issues an IP address to the computer that doesn't match any other IP addresses currently active on the network.

Next, let's see how subnets work and find out who has those non-reserved IP addresses out on the Internet.Internet Addresses and Subnets

The following is an example of a subnet IP address you might have on your computer at home if you're using a router (wireless or wired) between your ISP connection and your computer:

IP address:

Subnet mask:

Twenty-four bits (three octets) reserved for network identity

Eight bits (one octet) reserved for nodes

Subnet identity based on subnet mask (first address):

The reserved broadcast address for the subnet (last address):

Example addresses on the same network:,

Example addresses not on the same network:,

Besides reserving IP addresses, the IANA is also responsible for assigning blocks of IP addresses to certain entities, usually commercial or government organizations. Your Internet service provider (ISP) may be one of these entities, or it may be part of a larger block under the control of one of those entities. In order for you to connect to the Internet, your ISP will assign you one of these addresses. You can see a full list of IANA assignments and reservations for IPv4 addresses here.

If you only connect one computer to the Internet, that computer can use the address from your ISP. Many homes today, though, use routers to share a single Internet connection between multiple computers. Wireless routers have become especially popular in recent years, avoiding the need to run network cables between rooms.

If you use a router to share an Internet connection, the router gets the IP address issued directly from the ISP. Then, it creates and manages a subnet for all the computers connected to that router. If your computer's address falls into one of the reserved subnet ranges listed earlier, you're going through a router rather than connecting directly to the Internet.

IP addresses on a subnet have two parts: network and node. The network part identifies the subnet itself. The node, also called the host, is an individual piece of computer equipment connected to the network and requiring a unique address. Each computer knows how to separate the two parts of the IP address by using a subnet mask. A subnet mask looks somewhat like an IP address, but it's actually just a filter used to determine which part of an IP address designates the network and node.

A subnet mask consists of a series of 1 bits followed by a series of 0 bits. The 1 bits indicate those that should mask the network bits in the IP address, revealing only those that identify a unique node on that network. In the IPv4 standard, the most commonly used subnet masks have complete octets of 1s and 0s as follows: = 11111111.00000000.00000000.00000000 = eight bits for networks, 24 bits for nodes = 11111111.11111111.00000000.00000000 = 16 bits for networks, 16 bits for nodes = 11111111. 11111111.11111111.00000000 = 24 bits for networks, eight bits for nodes

People who set up large networks determine what subnet mask works best based on the number of desired subnets or nodes. For more subnets, use more bits for the network; for more nodes per subnet, use more bits for the nodes. This may mean using non-standard mask values. For instance, if you want to use 10 bits for networks and 22 for nodes, your subnet mask value would require using 11000000 in the second octet, resulting in a subnet mask value of

Another important thing to note about IP addresses in a subnet is that the first and last addresses are reserved. The first address identifies the subnet itself, and the last address identifies the broadcast address for systems on that subnet.

See the How DHCP assigns Addresses on the previous page for a look at how all this information comes together to form your IP address.

How Network Address Translation Works

by Jeff TysonNetwork Address Translation helps improve security by reusing IP addresses. The NAT router translates traffic coming into and leaving the private network. See more pictures of computer networking.

If you are reading this article, you are most likely connected to the Internet and viewing it at the HowStuffWorks Web site. There's a very good chance that you are using Network Address Translation (NAT) right now.

The Internet has grown larger than anyone ever imagined it could be. Although the exact size is unknown, the current estimate is that there are about 100 million hosts and more than 350 million users actively on the Internet. That is more than the entire population of the United States! In fact, the rate of growth has been such that the Internet is effectively doubling in size each year.

So what does the size of the Internet have to do with NAT? Everything! For a computer to communicate with other computers and Web servers on the Internet, it must have an IP address. An IP address (IP stands for Internet Protocol) is a unique 32-bit number that identifies the location of your computer on a network. Basically, it works like your street address -- as a way to find out exactly where you are and deliver information to you.

When IP addressing first came out, everyone thought that there were plenty of addresses to cover any need. Theoretically, you could have 4,294,967,296 unique addresses (232). The actual number of available addresses is smaller (somewhere between 3.2 and 3.3 billion) because of the way that the addresses are separated into classes, and because some addresses are set aside for multicasting, testing or other special uses.

With the explosion of the Internet and the increase in home networks and business networks, the number of available IP addresses is simply not enough. The obvious solution is to redesign the address format to allow for more possible addresses. This is being developed (called IPv6), but will take several years to implement because it requires modification of the entire infrastructure of the Internet.

This is where NAT (RFC 1631) comes to the rescue. Network Address Translation allows a single device, such as a router, to act as an agent between the Internet (or "public network") and a local (or "private") network. This means that only a single, unique IP address is required to represent an entire group of computers.

But the shortage of IP addresses is only one reason to use NAT. In this article, you will learn more about how NAT can benefit you. But first, let's take a closer look at NAT and exactly what it can do...What Does NAT Do?

NAT is like the receptionist in a large office. Let's say you have left instructions with the receptionist not to forward any calls to you unless you request it. Later on, you call a potential client and leave a message for that client to call you back. You tell the receptionist that you are expecting a call from this client and to put her through.

The client calls the main number to your office, which is the only number the client knows. When the client tells the receptionist that she is looking for you, the receptionist checks a lookup table that matches your name with your extension. The receptionist knows that you requested this call, and therefore forwards the caller to your extension.

Developed by Cisco, Network Address Translation is used by a device (firewall, router or computer that sits between an internal network and the rest of the world. NAT has many forms and can work in several ways: Static NAT - Mapping an unregistered IP address to a registered IP address on a one-to-one basis. Particularly useful when a device needs to be accessible from outside the network. Dynamic NAT - Maps an unregistered IP address to a registered IP address from a group of registered IP addresses.

Overloading - A form of dynamic NAT that maps multiple unregistered IP addresses to a single registered IP address by using different ports. This is known also as PAT (Port Address Translation), single address NAT or port-level multiplexed NAT.

Overlapping - When the IP addresses used on your internal network are registered IP addresses in use on another network, the router must maintain a lookup table of these addresses so that it can intercept them and replace them with registered unique IP addresses. It is important to note that the NAT router must translate the "internal" addresses to registered unique addresses as well as translate the "external" registered addresses to addresses that are unique to the private network. This can be done either through static NAT or by using DNS and implementing dynamic NAT.

In static NAT, the computer with the IP address of will always translate to

In dynamic NAT, the computer with the IP address will translate to the first available address in the range from to

In overloading, each computer on the private network is translated to the same IP address (, but with a different port number assignment.

The internal IP range (237.16.32.xx) is also a registered range used by another network. Therefore, the router is translating the addresses to avoid a potential conflict with another network. It will also translate the registered global IP addresses back to the unregistered local IP addresses when information is sent to the internal network.

The internal network is usually a LAN (Local Area Network), commonly referred to as the stub domain. A stub domain is a LAN that uses IP addresses internally. Most of the network traffic in a stub domain is local, so it doesn't travel outside the internal network. A stub domain can include both registered and unregistered IP addresses. Of course, any computers that use unregistered IP addresses must use Network Address Translation to communicate with the rest of the world.

In the next section we'll look at the different ways NAT can be configured.NAT Configuration

NAT can be configured in various ways. In the example below, the NAT router is configured to translate unregistered (inside, local) IP addresses, that reside on the private (inside) network, to registered IP addresses. This happens whenever a device on the inside with an unregistered address needs to communicate with the public (outside) network.

An ISP assigns a range of IP addresses to your company. The assigned block of addresses are registered, unique IP addresses and are called inside global addresses. Unregistered, private IP addresses are split into two groups. One is a small group (outside local addresses) that will be used by the NAT routers. The other, much larger group, known as inside local addresses, will be used on the stub domain. The outside local addresses are used to translate the unique IP addresses, known as outside global addresses, of devices on the public network.

Most computers on the stub domain communicate with each other using the inside local addresses.

Some computers on the stub domain communicate a lot outside the network. These computers have inside global addresses, which means that they do not require translation.

When a computer on the stub domain that has an inside local address wants to communicate outside the network, the packet goes to one of the NAT routers.

The NAT router checks the routing table to see if it has an entry for the destination address. If it does, the NAT router then translates the packet and creates an entry for it in the address translation table. If the destination address is not in the routing table, the packet is dropped.

Using an inside global address, the router sends the packet on to its destination.

A computer on the public network sends a packet to the private network. The source address on the packet is an outside global address. The destination address is an inside global address.

The NAT router looks at the address translation table and determines that the destination address is in there, mapped to a computer on the stub domain.

The NAT router translates the inside global address of the packet to the inside local address, and sends it to the destination computer.

IP addresses have different designations based on whether they are on the private network (stub domain) or on the public network (Internet), and whether the traffic is incoming or outgoing.

NAT overloading utilizes a feature of the TCP/IP protocol stack, multiplexing, that allows a computer to maintain several concurrent connections with a remote computer (or computers) using different TCP or UDP ports. An IP packet has a header that contains the following information:

Source Address - The IP address of the originating computer, such as

Source Port - The TCP or UDP port number assigned by the originating computer for this packet, such as Port 1080

Destination Address - The IP address of the receiving computer, such as

Destination Port - The TCP or UDP port number that the originating computer is asking the receiving computer to open, such as Port 3021

The addresses specify the two machines at each end, while the port numbers ensure that the connection between the two computers has a unique identifier. The combination of these four numbers defines a single TCP/IP connection. Each port number uses 16 bits, which means that there are a possible 65,536 (216) values. Realistically, since different manufacturers map the ports in slightly different ways, you can expect to have about 4,000 ports available.Dynamic NAT and Overloading

Here's how dynamic NAT works:

An internal network (stub domain) has been set up with IP addresses that were not specifically allocated to that company by IANA (Internet Assigned Numbers Authority), the global authority that hands out IP addresses. These addresses should be considered non-routable since they are not unique.

The company sets up a NAT-enabled router. The router has a range of unique IP addresses given to the company by IANA.

A computer on the stub domain attempts to connect to a computer outside the network, such as a Web server.

The router receives the packet from the computer on the stub domain.

The router saves the computer's non-routable IP address to an address translation table. The router replaces the sending computer's non-routable IP address with the first available IP address out of the range of unique IP addresses. The translation table now has a mapping of the computer's non-routable IP address matched with the one of the unique IP addresses.

When a packet comes back from the destination computer, the router checks the destination address on the packet. It then looks in the address translation table to see which computer on the stub domain the packet belongs to. It changes the destination address to the one saved in the address translation table and sends it to that computer. If it doesn't find a match in the table, it drops the packet.

The computer receives the packet from the router. The process repeats as long as the computer is communicating with the external system.

Here's how overloading works:

An internal network (stub domain) has been set up with non-routable IP addresses that were not specifically allocated to that company by IANA.

The company sets up a NAT-enabled router. The router has a unique IP address given to the company by IANA.

A computer on the stub domain attempts to connect to a computer outside the network, such as a Web server.

The router receives the packet from the computer on the stub domain.

The router saves the computer's non-routable IP address and port number to an address translation table. The router replaces the sending computer's non-routable IP address with the router's IP address. The router replaces the sending computer's source port with the port number that matches where the router saved the sending computer's address information in the address translation table. The translation table now has a mapping of the computer's non-routable IP address and port number along with the router's IP address.

When a packet comes back from the destination computer, the router checks the destination port on the packet. It then looks in the address translation table to see which computer on the stub domain the packet belongs to. It changes the destination address and destination port to the ones saved in the address translation table and sends it to that computer.

The computer receives the packet from the router. The process repeats as long as the computer is communicating with the external system.

Since the NAT router now has the computer's source address and source port saved to the address translation table, it will continue to use that same port number for the duration of the connection. A timer is reset each time the router accesses an entry in the table. If the entry is not accessed again before the timer expires, the entry is removed from the table.

In the next section we'll look at the organization of stub domains.Stub Domains

Look below to see how the computers on a stub domain might appear to external networks.

Source Computer A

IP Address:

Computer Port: 400

NAT Router IP Address:

NAT Router Assigned Port Number: 1

Source Computer B

IP Address:

Computer Port: 50

NAT Router IP Address:

NAT Router Assigned Port Number: 2

Source Computer C

IP Address:

Computer Port: 3750

NAT Router IP Address:

NAT Router Assigned Port Number: 3

Source Computer D

IP Address:

Computer Port: 206

NAT Router IP Address:

NAT Router Assigned Port Number: 4

As you can see, the NAT router stores the IP address and port number of each computer. It then replaces the IP address with its own registered IP address and the port number corresponding to the location, in the table, of the entry for that packet's source computer. So any external network sees the NAT router's IP address and the port number assigned by the router as the source-computer information on each packet.

You can still have some computers on the stub domain that use dedicated IP addresses. You can create an access list of IP addresses that tells the router which computers on the network require NAT. All other IP addresses will pass through untranslated.

The number of simultaneous translations that a router will support are determined mainly by the amount of DRAM (Dynamic Random Access Memory) it has. But since a typical entry in the address-translation table only takes about 160 bytes, a router with 4 MB of DRAM could theoretically process 26,214 simultaneous translations, which is more than enough for most applications.

IANA has set aside specific ranges of IP addresses for use as non-routable, internal network addresses. These addresses are considered unregistered (for more information check out RFC 1918: Address Allocation for Private Internets, which defines these address ranges). No company or agency can claim ownership of unregistered addresses or use them on public computers. Routers are designed to discard (instead of forward) unregistered addresses. What this means is that a packet from a computer with an unregistered address could reach a registered destination computer, but the reply would be discarded by the first router it came to.

There is a range for each of the three classes of IP addresses used for networking:

Range 1: Class A - through

Range 2: Class B - through

Range 3: Class C - through

Although each range is in a different class, your are not required to use any particular range for your internal network. It is a good practice, though, because it greatly diminishes the chance of an IP address conflict.Security and Administration

Static NAT (inbound mapping) allows a computer on the stub domain to maintain a specific address when communicating with devices outside the network.

Implementing dynamic NAT automatically creates a firewall between your internal network and outside networks, or between your internal network and the Internet. NAT only allows connections that originate inside the stub domain. Essentially, this means that a computer on an external network cannot connect to your computer unless your computer has initiated the contact. You can browse the Internet and connect to a site, and even download a file; but somebody else cannot latch onto your IP address and use it to connect to a port on your computer.

In specific circumstances, Static NAT, also called inbound mapping, allows external devices to initiate connections to computers on the stub domain. For instance, if you wish to go from an inside global address to a specific inside local address that is assigned to your Web server, Static NAT would enable the connection.

Some NAT routers provide for extensive filtering and traffic logging. Filtering allows your company to control what type of sites employees visit on the Web, preventing them from viewing questionable material. You can use traffic logging to create a log file of what sites are visited and generate various reports from it.

NAT is sometimes confused with proxy servers, but there are definite differences between them. NAT is transparent to the source and to destination computers. Neither one realizes that it is dealing with a third device. But a proxy server is not transparent. The source computer knows that it is making a request to the proxy server and must be configured to do so. The destination computer thinks that the proxy server IS the source computer, and deals with it directly. Also, proxy servers usually work at layer 4 (transport) of the OSI Reference Model or higher, while NAT is a layer 3 (network) protocol. Working at a higher layer makes proxy servers slower than NAT devices in most cases.NAT operates at the Network layer (layer 3) of the OSI Reference Model -- this is the layer that routers work at.A real benefit of NAT is apparent in network administration. For example, you can move your Web server or FTP server to another host computer without having to worry about broken links. Simply change the inbound mapping at the router to reflect the new host. You can also make changes to your internal network easily, because the only external IP address either belongs to the router or comes from a pool of global addresses.

NAT and DHCP (dynamic host configuration protocol ) are a natural fit. You can choose a range of unregistered IP addresses for your stub domain and have the DHCP server dole them out as necessary. It also makes it much easier to scale up your network as your needs grow. You don't have to request more IP addresses from IANA. Instead, you can just increase the range of available IP addresses configured in DHCP to immediately have room for additional computers on your network.


As businesses rely more and more on the Internet, having multiple points of connection to the Internet is fast becoming an integral part of their network strategy. Multiple connections, known as multi-homing, reduces the chance of a potentially catastrophic shutdown if one of the connections should fail.

In addition to maintaining a reliable connection, multi-homing allows a company to perform load-balancing by lowering the number of computers connecting to the Internet through any single connection. Distributing the load through multiple connections optimizes the performance and can significantly decrease wait times.

Multi-homed networks are often connected to several different ISPs (Internet Service Providers). Each ISP assigns an IP address (or range of IP addresses) to the company. Routers use BGP (Border Gateway Protocol), a part of the TCP/IP protocol suite, to route between networks using different protocols. In a multi-homed network, the router utilizes IBGP (Internal Border Gateway Protocol) on the stub domain side, and EBGP (External Border Gateway Protocol) to communicate with other routers.

Multi-homing really makes a difference if one of the connections to an ISP fails. As soon as the router assigned to connect to that ISP determines that the connection is down, it will reroute all data through one of the other routers.

NAT can be used to facilitate scalable routing for multi-homed, multi-provider connectivity.How Internet Infrastructure Worksby Jeff TysonOne of the greatest things about the Internet is that nobody really owns it. It is a global collection of networks, both big and small. These networks connect together in many different ways to form the single entity that we know as the Internet. In fact, the very name comes from this idea of interconnected networks.

Since its beginning in 1969, the Internet has grown from four host computer systems to tens of millions. However, just because nobody owns the Internet, it doesn't mean it is not monitored and maintained in different ways. The Internet Society, a non-profit group established in 1992, oversees the formation of the policies and protocols that define how we use and interact with the Internet.

In this article, you will learn about the basic underlying structure of the Internet. You will learn about domain name servers, network access points and backbones. But first you will learn about how your computer connects to others.

The Internet: Computer Network Hierarchy

When you connect to the Internet, your computer becomes part of a network.Every computer that is connected to the Internet is part of a network, even the one in your home. For example, you may use a modem and dial a local number to connect to an Internet Service Provider (ISP). At work, you may be part of a local area network (LAN), but you most likely still connect to the Internet using an ISP that your company has contracted with. When you connect to your ISP, you become part of their network. The ISP may then connect to a larger network and become part of their network. The Internet is simply a network of networks.

Most large communications companies have their own dedicated backbones connecting various regions. In each region, the company has a Point of Presence (POP). The POP is a place for local users to access the company's network, often through a local phone number or dedicated line. The amazing thing here is that there is no overall controlling network. Instead, there are several high-level networks connecting to each other through Network Access Points or NAPs.

Internet Network Example

Here's an example. Imagine that Company A is a large ISP. In each major city, Company A has a POP. The POP in each city is a rack full of modems that the ISP's customers dial into. Company A leases fiber optic lines from the phone company to connect the POPs together (see, for example, this UUNET Data Center Connectivity Map).

Imagine that Company B is a corporate ISP. Company B builds large buildings in major cities and corporations locate their Internet server machines in these buildings. Company B is such a large company that it runs its own fiber optic lines between its buildings so that they are all interconnected.

In this arrangement, all of Company A's customers can talk to each other, and all of Company B's customers can talk to each other, but there is no way for Company A's customers and Company B's customers to intercommunicate. Therefore, Company A and Company B both agree to connect to NAPs in various cities, and traffic between the two companies flows between the networks at the NAPs.

In the real Internet, dozens of large Internet providers interconnect at NAPs in various cities, and trillions of bytes of data flow between the individual networks at these points. The Internet is a collection of huge corporate networks that agree to all intercommunicate with each other at the NAPs. In this way, every computer on the Internet connects to every other.The Function of an Internet Router

All of these networks rely on NAPs, backbones and routers to talk to each other. What is incredible about this process is that a message can leave one computer and travel halfway across the world through several different networks and arrive at another computer in a fraction of a second!

The routers determine where to send information from one computer to another. Routers are specialized computers that send your messages and those of every other Internet user speeding to their destinations along thousands of pathways. A router has two separate, but related, jobs:

It ensures that information doesn't go where it's not needed. This is crucial for keeping large volumes of data from clogging the connections of "innocent bystanders."

It makes sure that information does make it to the intended destination.

In performing these two jobs, a router is extremely useful in dealing with two separate computer networks. It joins the two networks, passing information from one to the other. It also protects the networks from one another, preventing the traffic on one from unnecessarily spilling over to the other. Regardless of how many networks are attached, the basic operation and function of the router remains the same. Since the Internet is one huge network made up of tens of thousands of smaller networks, its use of routers is an absolute necessity. For more information, read How Routers Work.Internet Backbone

The National Science Foundation (NSF) created the first high-speed backbone in 1987. Called NSFNET, it was a T1 line that connected 170 smaller networks together and operated at 1.544 Mbps (million bits per second). IBM, MCI and Merit worked with NSF to create the backbone and developed a T3 (45 Mbps) backbone the following year.

Backbones are typically fiber optic trunk lines. The trunk line has multiple fiber optic cables combined together to increase the capacity. Fiber optic cables are designated OC for optical carrier, such as OC-3, OC-12 or OC-48. An OC-3 line is capable of transmitting 155 Mbps while an OC-48 can transmit 2,488 Mbps (2.488 Gbps). Compare that to a typical 56K modem transmitting 56,000 bps and you see just how fast a modern backbone is.

Today there are many companies that operate their own high-capacity backbones, and all of them interconnect at various NAPs around the world. In this way, everyone on the Internet, no matter where they are and what company they use, is able to talk to everyone else on the planet. The entire Internet is a gigantic, sprawling agreement between companies to intercommunicate freely.Internet Protocol: IP Addresses

Every machine on the Internet has a unique identifying number, called an IP Address. The IP stands for Internet Protocol, which is the language that computers use to communicate over the Internet. A protocol is the pre-defined way that someone who wants to use a service talks with that service. The "someone" could be a person, but more often it is a computer program like a Web browser.

A typical IP address looks like this:

To make it easier for us humans to remember, IP addresses are normally expressed in decimal format as a dotted decimal number like the one above. But computers communicate in binary form. Look at the same IP address in binary: 11011000.00011011.00111101.10001001.

The four numbers in an IP address are called octets, because they each have eight positions when viewed in binary form. If you add all the positions together, you get 32, which is why IP addresses are considered 32-bit numbers. Since each of the eight positions can have two different states (1 or zero), the total number of possible combinations per octet is 28 or 256. So each octet can contain any value between zero and 255. Combine the four octets and you get 232 or a possible 4,294,967,296 unique values!

Out of the almost 4.3 billion possible combinations, certain values are restricted from use as typical IP addresses. For example, the IP address is reserved for the default network and the address is used for broadcasts.

The octets serve a purpose other than simply separating the numbers. They are used to create classes of IP addresses that can be assigned to a particular business, government or other entity based on size and need. The octets are split into two sections: Net and Host. The Net section always contains the first octet. It is used to identify the network that a computer belongs to. Host (sometimes referred to as Node) identifies the actual computer on the network. The Host section always contains the last octet. There are five IP classes plus certain special addresses. You can learn more about IP classes at What is an IP address?.

Internet Protocol: Domain Name System

When the Internet was in its infancy, it consisted of a small number of computers hooked together with modems and telephone lines. You could only make connections by providing the IP address of the computer you wanted to establish a link with. For example, a typical IP address might be This was fine when there were only a few hosts out there, but it became unwieldy as more and more systems came online.

The first solution to the problem was a simple text file maintained by the Network Information Center that mapped names to IP addresses. Soon this text file became so large it was too cumbersome to manage. In 1983, the University of Wisconsin created the Domain Name System (DNS), which maps text names to IP addresses automatically. This way you only need to remember, for example, instead of's IP address.URL: Uniform Resource Locator

When you use the Web or send an e-mail message, you use a domain name to do it. For example, the Uniform Resource Locator (URL) "" contains the domain name So does this e-mail address: [email protected]. Every time you use a domain name, you use the Internet's DNS servers to translate the human-readable domain name into the machine-readable IP address. Check out How Domain Name Servers Work for more in-depth information on DNS.

Top-level domain names, also called first-level domain names, include .COM, .ORG, .NET, .EDU and .GOV. Within every top-level domain there is a huge list of second-level domains. For example, in the .COM first-level domain there is:




Every name in the .COM top-level domain must be unique. The left-most word, like www, is the host name. It specifies the name of a specific machine (with a specific IP address) in a domain. A given domain can, potentially, contain millions of host names as long as they are all unique within that domain.

DNS servers accept requests from programs and other name servers to convert domain names into IP addresses. When a request comes in, the DNS server can do one of four things with it:

1. It can answer the request with an IP address because it already knows the IP address for the requested domain.

2. It can contact another DNS server and try to find the IP address for the name requested. It may have to do this multiple times.

3. It can say, "I don't know the IP address for the domain you requested, but here's the IP address for a DNS server that knows more than I do."

4. It can return an error message because the requested domain name is invalid or does not exist.A DNS Example

Let's say that you type the URL into your browser. The browser contacts a DNS server to get the IP address. A DNS server would start its search for an IP address by contacting one of the root DNS servers. The root servers know the IP addresses for all of the DNS servers that handle the top-level domains (.COM, .NET, .ORG, etc.). Your DNS server would ask the root for, and the root would say, "I don't know the IP address for, but here's the IP address for the .COM DNS server."

Your name server then sends a query to the .COM DNS server asking it if it knows the IP address for The DNS server for the COM domain knows the IP addresses for the name servers handling the domain, so it returns those.

Your name server then contacts the DNS server for and asks if it knows the IP address for It actually does, so it returns the IP address to your DNS server, which returns it to the browser, which can then contact the server for to get a Web page.

One of the keys to making this work is redundancy. There are multiple DNS servers at every level, so that if one fails, there are others to handle the requests. The other key is caching. Once a DNS server resolves a request, it caches the IP address it receives. Once it has made a request to a root DNS server for any .COM domain, it knows the IP address for a DNS server handling the .COM domain, so it doesn't have to bug the root DNS servers again for that information. DNS servers can do this for every request, and this caching helps to keep things from bogging down.

Even though it is totally invisible, DNS servers handle billions of requests every day and they are essential to the Internet's smooth functioning. The fact that this distributed database works so well and so invisibly day in and day out is a testimony to the design. Be sure to read How Domain Name Servers Work for more information on DNS.Internet Servers and Clients

Internet servers make the Internet possible. All of the machines on the Internet are either servers or clients. The machines that provide services to other machines are servers. And the machines that are used to connect to those services are clients. There are Web servers, e-mail servers, FTP servers and so on serving the needs of Internet users all over the world.

When you connect to to read a page, you are a user sitting at a client's machine. You are accessing the HowStuffWorks Web server. The server machine finds the page you requested and sends it to you. Clients that come to a server machine do so with a specific intent, so clients direct their requests to a specific software server running on the server machine. For example, if you are running a Web browser on your machine, it will want to talk to the Web server on the server machine, not the e-mail server.

A server has a static IP address that does not change very often. A home machine that is dialing up through a modem, on the other hand, typically has an IP address assigned by the ISP every time you dial in. That IP address is unique for your session -- it may be different the next time you dial in. This way, an ISP only needs one IP address for each modem it supports, rather than one for each customer.Ports and HTTP

Any server machine makes its services available using numbered ports -- one for each service that is available on the server. For example, if a server machine is running a Web server and a file transfer protocol (FTP) server, the Web server would typically be available on port 80, and the FTP server would be available on port 21. Clients connect to a service at a specific IP address and on a specific port number.

Once a client has connected to a service on a particular port, it accesses the service using a specific protocol. Protocols are often text and simply describe how the client and server will have their conversation. Every Web server on the Internet conforms to the hypertext transfer protocol (HTTP). You can learn more about Internet servers, ports and protocols by reading How Web Servers Work.

Networks, routers, NAPs, ISPs, DNS and powerful servers all make the Internet possible. It is truly amazing when you realize that all this information is sent around the world in a matter of milliseconds! The components are extremely important in modern life -- without them, there would be no Internet. And without the Internet, life would be very different indeed for many of us.How Routers Workby Curt Franklin

The Internet is one of the 20th century's greatest communications developments. It allows people around the world to send e-mail to one another in a matter of seconds, and it lets you read, among other things, the articles on

We're all used to seeing the various parts of the Internet that come into our homes and offices -- the Web pages, e-mail messages and downloaded files that make the Internet a dynamic and valuable medium. But none of these parts would ever make it to your computer without a piece of the Internet that you've probably never seen. In fact, most people have never stood "face to machine" with the technology most responsible for allowing the Internet to exist at all: the router.Keeping the Messages Moving

When you send e-mail to a friend on the other side of the country, how does the message know to end up on your friend's computer, rather than on one of the millions of other computers in the world? Much of the work to get a message from one computer to another is done by routers, because they're the crucial devices that let messages flow between networks, rather than within networks.

Let's look at what a very simple router might do. Imagine a small company that makes animated 3-D graphics for local television stations. There are 10 employees of the company, each with a computer. Four of the employees are animators, while the rest are in sales, accounting and management. The animators will need to send lots of very large files back and forth to one another as they work on projects. To do this, they'll use a network.

When one animator sends a file to another, the very large file will use up most of the network's capacity, making the network run very slowly for other users. One of the reasons that a single intensive user can affect the entire network stems from the way that Ethernet works. Each information packet sent from a computer is seen by all the other computers on the local network. Each computer then examines the packet and decides whether it was meant for its address. This keeps the basic plan of the network simple, but has performance consequences as the size of the network or level of network activity increases. To keep the animators' work from interfering with that of the folks in the front office, the company sets up two separate networks, one for the animators and one for the rest of the company. A router links the two networks and connects both networks to the Internet.Directing Traffic

The router is the only device that sees every message sent by any computer on either of the company's networks. When the animator in our example sends a huge file to another animator, the router looks at the recipient's address and keeps the traffic on the animator's network. When an animator, on the other hand, sends a message to the bookkeeper asking about an expense-account check, then the router sees the recipient's address and forwards the message between the two networks.

One of the tools a router uses to decide where a packet should go is a configuration table. A configuration table is a collection of information, including:

Information on which connections lead to particular groups of addresses

Priorities for connections to be used

Rules for handling both routine and special cases of traffic

A configuration table can be as simple as a half-dozen lines in the smallest routers, but can grow to massive size and complexity in the very large routers that handle the bulk of Internet messages.

A router, then, has two separate but related jobs:

The router ensures that information doesn't go where it's not needed. This is crucial for keeping large volumes of data from clogging the connections of "innocent bystanders."

The router makes sure that information does make it to the intended destination.

In performing these two jobs, a router is extremely useful in dealing with two separate computer networks. It joins the two networks, passing information from one to the other and, in some cases, performing translations of various protocols between the two networks. It also protects the networks from one another, preventing the traffic on one from unnecessarily spilling over to the other. As the number of networks attached to one another grows, the configuration table for handling traffic among them grows, and the processing power of the router is increased. Regardless of how many networks are attached, though, the basic operation and function of the router remains the same. Since the Internet is one huge network made up of tens of thousands of smaller networks, its use of routers is an absolute necessity.Transmitting PacketsWhen you make a telephone call to someone on the other side of the country, the telephone system establishes a stable circuit between your telephone and the telephone you're calling. The circuit might involve a half dozen or more steps through copper cables, switches, fiber optics, microwaves and satellites, but those steps are established and remain constant for the duration of the call. This circuit approach means that the quality of the line between you and the person you're calling is consistent throughout the call, but a problem with any portion of the circuit -- maybe a tree falls across one of the lines used, or there's a power problem with a switch -- brings your call to an early and abrupt end. When you send an e-mail message with an attachment to the other side of the country, a very different process is used.Internet data, whether in the form of a Web page, a downloaded file or an e-mail message, travels over a system known as a packet-switching network. In this system, the data in a message or file is broken up into packages about 1,500 bytes long. Each of these packages gets a wrapper that includes information on the sender's address, the receiver's address, the package's place in the entire message, and how the receiving computer can be sure that the package arrived intact. Each data package, called a packet, is then sent off to its destination via the best available route -- a route that might be taken by all the other packets in the message or by none of the other packets in the message. This might seem very complicated compared to the circuit approach used by the telephone system, but in a network designed for data there are two huge advantages to the packet-switching plan. The network can balance the load across various pieces of equipment on a millisecond-by-millisecond basis.

If there is a problem with one piece of equipment in the network while a message is being transferred, packets can be routed around the problem, ensuring the delivery of the entire message.The Path of a Packet

The routers that make up the main part of the Internet can reconfigure the paths that packets take because they look at the information surrounding the data packet, and they tell each other about line conditions, such as delays in receiving and sending data and traffic on various pieces of the network. Not all routers do so many jobs, however. Routers come in different sizes. For example: If you have enabled Internet connection sharing between two Windows 98-based computers, you're using one of the computers (the computer with the Internet connection) as a simple router. In this instance, the router does so little -- simply looking at data to see whether it's intended for one computer or the other -- that it can operate in the background of the system without significantly affecting the other programs you might be running. Slightly larger routers, the sort used to connect a small office network to the Internet, will do a bit more. These routers frequently enforce rules concerning security for the office network (trying to secure the network from certain attacks). They handle enough traffic that they're generally stand-alone devices rather than software running on a server. The largest routers, those used to handle data at the major traffic points on the Internet, handle millions of data packets every second and work to configure the network most efficiently. These routers are large stand-alone systems that have far more in common with supercomputers than with your office server.Routing Packets: An Example

Let's take a look at a medium-sized router -- the router we use in the HowStuffWorks office. In our case, the router only has two networks to worry about: The office network, with about 50 computers and devices, and the Internet. The office network connects to the router through an Ethernet connection, specifically a 100 base-T connection (100 base-T means that the connection is 100 megabits per second, and uses a twisted-pair cable like an 8-wire version of the cable that connects your telephone to the wall jack). There are two connections between the router and our ISP (Internet service provider). One is a T-1 connection that supports 1.5 megabits per second. The other is an ISDN line that supports 128 kilobits per second. The configuration table in the router tells it that all out-bound packets are to use the T-1 line, unless it's unavailable for some reason (perhaps a backhoe digs up the cable). If it can't be used, then outbound traffic goes on the ISDN line. This way, the ISDN line is held as "insurance" against a problem with the faster T-1 connection, and no action by a staff member is required to make the switch in case of trouble. The router's configuration table knows what to do.In addition to routing packets from one point to another, the HowStuffWorks router has rules limiting how computers from outside the network can connect to computers inside the network, how the HowStuffWorks network appears to the outside world, and other security functions. While most companies also have a special piece of hardware or software called a firewall to enforce security, the rules in a router's configuration table are important to keeping a company's (or family's) network secure.One of the crucial tasks for any router is knowing when a packet of information stays on its local network. For this, it uses a mechanism called a subnet mask. The subnet mask looks like an IP address and usually reads "" This tells the router that all messages with the sender and receiver having an address sharing the first three groups of numbers are on the same network, and shouldn't be sent out to another network. Here's an example: The computer at address sends a request to the computer at The router, which sees all the packets, matches the first three groups in the address of both sender and receiver (15.57.31), and keeps the packet on the local network. (You'll learn more about how the addresses work in the next section.)Between the time these words left the server and the time they showed up on your monitor, they passed through several routers (it's impossible to know ahead of time exactly how many "several" might be) that helped them along the way. It's very similar to the process that gets a postal letter from your mailbox to the mailbox of a friend, with routers taking the place of the mail sorters and handlers along the way.Knowing Where to Send Data

Routers are one of several types of devices that make up the "plumbing" of a computer network. Hubs, switches and routers all take signals from computers or networks and pass them along to other computers and networks, but a router is the only one of these devices that examines each bundle of data as it passes and makes a decision about exactly where it should go. To make these decisions, routers must first know about two kinds of information: addresses and network structure.When a friend mails a birthday card to be delivered to you at your house, he probably uses an address that looks something like this:Joe Smith 123 Maple Street Smalltown, FL 45678

The address has several pieces, each of which helps the people in the postal service move the letter along to your house. The ZIP code can speed the process up; but even without the ZIP code, the card will get to your house as long as your friend includes your state, city and street address. You can think of this address as a logical address because it describes a way someone can get a message to you. This logical address is connected to a physical address that you generally only see when you're buying or selling a piece of property. The survey plot of the land and house, with latitude, longitude or section bearings, gives the legal description, or address, of the property.Logical Addresses

Every piece of equipment that connects to a network, whether an office network or the Internet, has a physical address. This is an address that's unique to the piece of equipment that's actually attached to the network cable. For example, if your desktop computer has a network interface card (NIC) in it, the NIC has a physical address permanently stored in a special memory location. This physical address, which is also called the MAC address (for Media Access Control) has two parts, each 3 bytes long. The first 3 bytes identify the company that made the NIC. The second 3 bytes are the serial number of the NIC itself.The interesting thing is that your computer can have several logical addresses at the same time. Of course, you're used to having several "logical addresses" bring messages to one physical address. Your mailing address, telephone number (or numbers) and home e-mail address all work to bring messages to you when you're in your house. They are simply used for different types of messages -- different networks, so to speak.Logical addresses for computer networks work in exactly the same way. You may be using the addressing schemes, or protocols, from several different types of networks simultaneously. If you're connected to the Internet (and if you're reading this, you probably are), then you have an address that's part of the TCP/IP network protocol. If you also have a small network set up to exchange files between several family computers, then you may also be using the Microsoft NetBEUI protocol. If you connect to your company's network from home, then your computer may have an address that follows Novell's IPX/SPX protocol. All of these can coexist on your computer. Since the driver software that allows your computer to communicate with each network uses resources like memory and CPU time, you don't want to load protocols you won't need, but there's no problem with having all the protocols your work requires running at the same time.On the next page, youll learn how to find your computers MAC address.MAC Addresses

The chances are very good that you'll never see the MAC address for any of your equipment because the software that helps your computer communicate with a network takes care of matching the MAC address to a logical address. The logical address is what the network uses to pass information along to your computer.If you'd like to see the MAC address and logical address used by the Internet Protocol (IP) for your Windows computer, you can run a small program that Microsoft provides. Go to the "Start" menu, click on "Run," and in the window that appears, type WINIPCFG (IPCONFIG/ALL for Windows 2000/XP). When the gray window appears, click on "More Info" and you'll get this sort of information:Windows 98 IP Configuration:


DNS Servers:


Node Type: Broadcast

NetBIOS Scope ID:

IP Routing Enabled: Yes

WINS Proxy Enabled: No

NetBIOS Resolution Uses DNS: No

Ethernet adapter:

Description: PPP Adapter

Physical Address: 44-45-53-54-12-34

DHCP Enabled: Yes

IP Address:

Subnet Mask:

Default Gateway:

DHCP Server:

Primary WINS Server:

Secondary WINS Server: Lease Obtained: 01 01 80 12:00:00 AM

Lease Expires: 01 01 80 12:00:00 AM

There's a lot of information here that will vary depending on exactly how your connection to the Internet is established, but the physical address is the MAC address of the adapter queried by the program. The IP address is the logical address assigned to your connection by your ISP or network administrator. You'll see the addresses of other servers, including the DNS servers that keep track of all the names of Internet sites (so you can type "" rather than "") and the gateway server that you connect to in order to reach the Internet. When you've finished looking at the information, click OK. (Note: For security reasons, some of the information about this connection to the Internet has been changed. You should be very careful about giving your computer's information to other people -- with your address and the right tools, an unscrupulous person could, in some circumstances, gain access to your personal information and control your system through a "Trojan Horse" program.Understanding the Protocols

The first and most basic job of the router is to know where to send information addressed to your computer. Just as the mail handler on the other side of the country knows enough to keep a birthday card coming toward you without knowing where your house is, most of the routers that forward an e-mail message to you don't know your computer's MAC address, but they know enough to keep the message flowing.Routers are programmed to understand the most common network protocols. That means they know the format of the addresses, how many bytes are in the basic package of data sent out over the network, and how to make sure all the packages reach their destination and get reassembled. For the routers that are part of the Internet's main "backbone," this means looking at, and moving on, millions of information packages every second. And simply moving the package along to its destination isn't all that a router will do. It's just as important, in today's computerized world, that they keep the message flowing by the best possible route.In a modern network, every e-mail message is broken up into small pieces. The pieces are sent individually and reassembled when they're received at their final destination. Because the individual pieces of information are called packets and each packet can be sent along a different path, like a train going through a set of switches, this kind of network is called a packet-switched network. It means that you don't have to build a dedicated network between you and your friend on the other side of the country. Your e-mail flows over any one of thousands of different routes to get from one computer to the other.Depending on the time of day and day of the week, some parts of the huge public packet-switched network may be busier than others. When this happens, the routers that make up this system will communicate with one another so that traffic not bound for the crowded area can be sent by less congested network routes. This lets the network function at full capacity without excessively burdening already-busy areas. You can see, though, how Denial of Service attacks (described in the next section), in which people send millions and millions of messages to a particular server, will affect that server and the routers forwarding message to it. As the messages pile up and pieces of the network become congested, more and more routers send out the message that they're busy, and the entire network with all its users can be affected.Tracing a Message

If you're using a Microsoft Windows-based system, you can see just how many routers are involved in your Internet traffic by using a program you have on your computer. The program is called Traceroute, and that describes what it does -- it traces the route that a packet of information takes to get from your computer to another computer connected to the Internet. To run this program, click on the "MS-DOS Prompt" icon on the "Start" menu. Then, at the "C:\WINDOWS>" prompt, type "tracert". When I did this from my office in Florida, the results looked like this:The first number shows how many routers are between your computer and the router shown. In this instance, there were a total of 14 routers involved in the process (number 15 is the Web server). The next three numbers show how long it takes a packet of information to move from your computer to the router shown and back again. Next, in this example, starting with step six, comes the "name" of the router or server. This is something that helps people looking at the list but is of no importance to the routers and computers as they move traffic along the Internet. Finally, you see the Internet Protocol (IP) address of each computer or router. The final picture of this trace route shows that there were 14 routers between the Web server and me and that it took, on average, a little more than 2.5 seconds for information to get from my computer to the server and back again.You can use Traceroute to see how many routers are between you and any other computer you can name or know the IP address for. It can be interesting to see how many steps are required to get to computers outside your n